为 "pende" 的搜索结果

hrvmchi /xrəp⁵⁵tɕi⁵³/ n small drying area just above the hearth, made of bamboo and suspended from the hrvmmei, used to dry wood and meat 火塘上方的架子,用来晒干东西
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ngeu /ŋɯ⁵⁵/ n small, double-sided drum made of skin | Used by shamans during rituals, suspended from a chain, to communicate with auxiliary spirits. 仪式当中,挂在链,巫师用来与神灵沟通.
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pende /pɛn³¹dɛ⁵⁵/ n Tibetan monk, below the level of lama 藏传佛教僧侣
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vkui /ə³¹kʷi⁵³/ vi 不及物动 1be hooked 钩住;钩着 | tvng do vkui? What is it hooked on? 被什么钩住了? 2be hung; be suspended
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