为 "shi" 的搜索结果

ba'kling /bɑ³¹kliŋ⁵³/ n cicada 土蝉 | (First Township) ba'kleung /bɑ³¹klɯŋ⁵³/
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baicheur /bɑi³¹tɕɯr⁵³/ n oak tree epiphyte (produces a liquid that animals drink, presenting an opportunity for hunters) 栎树附生植物(野生动物来喝里面产生的液体,猎人等在附近) | (First Township) maicheur /mɑi³¹tɕɯr⁵³/
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baishing /bɑi³¹ɕiŋ⁵⁵/ n oak tree 栎树 | Used for making crossbows. 可作为弩身. | (First Township) baisheung /bɑi³¹ɕɯŋ⁵⁵/
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bal /bɑl⁵³/ vt 及物动 push aside (e.g. plants) 扒开(草) | shin bal
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bali /bɑ³¹li⁵⁵/ adv 1again; another 又;再 | vng bali di rvt. He's come again. 他又来了. | na bali pvdi beu. You should go again. 你再去一次. 2continually 不断地 | vpei bali vmra wa di. Father keeps on doing farm work. 父亲继续干活了. | (First Township) oloq /ɔ³¹lɔʔ⁵⁵/
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banggu /bɑŋ³¹gu⁵⁵/ n 1shadow 影子 2soul 灵魂 | (First Township) manggu /mɑŋ³¹gu⁵⁵/
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bei /bəi⁵⁵/ v be finished up; used up 用完;尽 | nga neut bei di. My cigarette is done. 我的烟(吸)完了. | vngning le suli bei taq bing. I gave them all of the pears. 梨子全都给他们了. | (Fourth Township) vbai /ə³¹bɑi⁵⁵/
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ben /bɛn⁵³/ vi 不及物动 be infected; catch (a disease) 传染(疾病) | vng keuq moq mi ben ri. He has also caught a cold. 他也被传染感冒了. | (First Township) ku /ku⁵³/

svben vt 及物动 infect 使被传染
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beu pvshing /bɯ⁵³ pə³¹ɕiŋ⁵⁵/ n type of very small, poisonous snake 毒蛇(小) | Literally "green snake". 直译“绿蛇”. | (First Township) beu pvsheung /bɯ⁵³ pə³¹ɕɯŋ⁵⁵/
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beujing /bɯ³¹ʑiŋ⁵³/ n type of large, non-poisonous black snake 一种无毒的大黑蛇 | (First Township) beujeung /bɯ³¹ʑɯŋ⁵³/
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beumbeum /bɯm⁵⁵bɯm⁵⁵/ quant 数量 very many 许多 | (四乡)shinggeung do pvchiq beumbeum rong. There are lots of birds on this tree here. 树上有许多鸟. | (First Township) beubeu /bɯ⁵⁵bɯ⁵⁵/
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beun /bɯn⁵⁵/ vi 不及物动 1be soft; pliable 泡软 2be make soft and pliable 使泡软 | tashiq ngang mi chuq pvbeeun. Soften the crispy rice crackers in water for a little while. 锅巴在水里泡软了.

svbeun vt 及物动 make spongy soft 使泡软
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bi /bi⁵³/ v 1give | gya pvbing rang. Give me that. 把这个给我吧. | gya neu vpei mi nvbing svra e. This is the gift my father gave me. 这是爸爸送给我的礼物. | (一乡)na le zeung ning. I am giving it to you. 我给你. 2offer 提供 3marry (a man) 嫁(女) | (First Township) zi /zi⁵⁵/
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Bingdvm /biŋ³¹dəm⁵⁵/ 1top 地名 Bingdam (Third Township village) 丙当(三乡村名) 2nprop 专有名 Bingdam clan 丙当家族
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binma /bin³¹mɑ⁵⁵/ n wound 伤口 | binma rvseq scab | (Fourth Township) bilma /bil³¹mɑ⁵⁵/
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bit'lv'bit /bit⁵⁵lə³¹bit⁵⁵/ adv 1weakly 软弱无力;有气无力 2trembling; shivering 发抖地
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blong /blɔŋ⁵³/ vi 不及物动 1crawl; slither (of worms, insects) (虫)爬 | na vnggeu do bvling blong. There's an insect crawling on you. 你的身上有虫(爬). 2slide down (something long and thin) (长条形的)滑下 | shing gyu le blong di. Slide down the log. 木头往下滑了.

svblong vt 及物动 cause to crawl; make slide down 使爬;使滑下
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bongjili /bɔŋ⁵⁵ʑi⁵³li⁵³/ n measles 麻疹 | (First Township) brongjili /brɔŋ⁵⁵ʑi⁵³li⁵³/
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boq /bɔʔ⁵⁵/ v 1explode; blast to pieces 爆炸;爆裂 | tvng boq di e? What's that explosion? 是什么爆炸了? | lung dvboq blast rock to pieces 炸石头 2go pop; make the sound of popping | kam vboq popping sound of bamboo 竹啪 3sprout; bud 出芽;发芽 | vmra do shin beumbeum boq. On the ground there are lots of plants sprouting. 地里长出了许多草. | vnoq boq beans are sprouting 豆子发芽 | Onomatapoetic. 象声词.

dvboq v explode
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boq /bɔʔ⁵⁵/ adv near at hand 附近;旁边(挨近身体处) | kyeum boq do seum beumbeum kat. There are lot of peach trees planted near the house. 房子旁边种了很多桃树. | boq kei | Fourth Township. 四乡话.
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Bowar /bɔ³¹wɑr⁵⁵/ top 地名 Bowar (First Township village) 部旺(一乡村名)
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brakyi /brɑ³¹ci⁵⁵/ n chili pepper 辣椒 | (Fourth Township) ba'kri /bɑ⁵³kri⁵⁵/
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braq /brɑʔ⁵⁵/ 1v take (in arms or hands); carry (抱着)拿 | shing chuq pvbraaq rvt. Take some firewood. 拿点柴来. 2nclf 名量 armful (一)抱

braqsheu v take up 端起
svbraq vt 及物动 hold 使拿
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brem /brɛm⁵³/ v toast (in the flames) (在火焰上)烤 | mvdeum chuq pvbreem. Let the torch burn (in the flames) a bit. 把火把烤一下. | (Fourth Township) prem /prɛm⁵³/
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breng /brɛŋ⁵⁵/ vi 不及物动 1tear; be torn (of clothing, thread) (衣服、布条)破裂 | gyoq breng di. The clothing is torn. 衣服破了. 2break (of bottles etc.) 打破 | (Fourth Township) breq /brɛʔ⁵⁵/

svbreng vt 及物动 tear 弄破
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