为 "at" 的搜索结果

gyai /ɟɑi⁵⁵/ n ritual figure made of buckwheat flour 野禽塑像 | Generic term cf. gyonggu, plongbla, shabla, torma. 总称.
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Gyangmu Kvwakarpu /ɟɑŋ³¹mu⁵⁵ kə³¹wɑ⁵³kɑr³¹pu⁵⁵/ top 地名 Great Kawagebo mountain (in the Gaoligong mountains near Gongshan) 卡瓦格博(贡山境内高黎贡山最高峰) Holy mountain where a brother and sister took refuge from an ancient flood, and from which mankind then spread out and the nations of the world emerged. 圣山,传说远古时洪水淹没大地以后,只有两兄妹在山顶幸免于难,后来婚配繁衍人类,形成世界上的各个民族. > Kvwakarpu
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gyenaq /ɟɛ³¹nɑʔ⁵⁵/ vi 不及物动 be fortunate 幸福 | gyenaq kya | gyenaq gyesom thriving 繁华
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gyeumbrai /ɟɯm³¹brɑi⁵³/ n sweet buckwheat 甜荞
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gyeumbrai pi /ɟɯm³¹brɑi⁵⁵ pi⁵³/ n sweet buckwheat flour 甜荞面 | gyeumbrai pi mi pvleq pvnai. Knead the sweet buckwheat flour into fried bread. 用甜荞面来捻粑粑.
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gyomeira /ɟɔ³¹məi⁵⁵/ n elder; old person 老年人 | gyomeipei older man 年纪大的男人 | gyomei ti gyoq one old man 一位老头儿 | Usually over 45 years old, but also relative to the speaker's age. 经常四十五岁以上,而且相对于说话者的年龄. | (Fourth Township) yomei /jɔ³¹mɛi⁵⁵/
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gyong /ɟɔŋ⁵⁵/ v 1produce 生长 | gya do tvng gyong e? What's growing here? 这里长的是什么? 2grow (hair, moss) 长出(头发、青苔)
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gyonggu /ɟɔŋ³¹gu⁵⁵/ n ritual figurine made of buckwheat flour paste 野禽塑像 | Cf. gyai, plongbla, shabla, torma.
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gyoqnam /ɟɔ³¹nɑm⁵⁵/ n belt 领带;束腰带 | (一乡)gyoqnam te pa'vhrvk. Fasten up that belt. 束腰带来系好.
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gyu /ɟu⁵⁵/ adv down (in the downstream direction) 下面(下游方) | gyuu further down 最下面 | vng gyu le di di. He's walking down that way (downstream). 他往下面去了. | (Fourth Township) yu /ju⁵⁵/
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gyu /ɟu⁵⁵/ vi 不及物动 1be correct 正确 2be appropriate 合适 | mvgyu kop hide what is inappropriate 不合适隐藏 3be permitted 允许
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gyuq /ɟuʔ⁵⁵/ det 限定 below; down there 下面(定语) | gyuq shing that tree down there 下面的树
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gyvng /ɟəŋ⁵³/ vt 及物动 watch; look; see | tvng nvgyvng? What are you looking at? 你看什么? | pvgyvng take a look (for example) 你看(比如) | (Fourth Township) yvng /ŋ⁵³/

svgyvng vt 及物动 cause to look 使看
vgyvngsheu vi 不及物动 be visible 看得见
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hai /xɑi⁵³/ vi 不及物动 be acrid (flavor of sprouting potatoes, certain liquids, corn or taro going bad) 涩;(绿洋芋)麻嘴
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hra /xrɑ⁵⁵/ 1n basket, made of woven bamboo strips 篮子 | hratvng small basket 小篮子 2nclf 名量 load or basketful (一)蓝
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hrai /xrɑi⁵³/ vt 及物动 smear; daub | gya do tvng hraai e? What's smeared here? 这里涂的是什么?
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hrap /xrɑp⁵⁵/ v 1arrive from downriver (从下游方)到达 2arrive at the top 到(上面)
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hreitot /xrəi³¹tɔt⁵⁵/ n 1leg amputation 断腿;断腿的人 2leg amputee 断腿的人
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hrem /xrɛm⁵⁵/ n roast (on a fire) (火上)烤 | gya sha chuq pvhrem. Roast this meat a little bit. 这肉在火上烤一下. |
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hreq /xrɛʔ⁵⁵/ prt 助词 until (terminative) 才(表示终结) "vpei vmei" geuq so hreq oo chiwa. [The baby] did this until it could say "mommy, daddy". (婴儿)这样做,直到它可以说“妈妈,爸爸”. ko hreq pvgyi. Go over there (and no further). 走到哪儿(为止). First Township. 一乡话. > taq
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hret /xrɛt⁵⁵/ 1v saw off | dvnggu chuq pvhret rvt. Saw this plank a bit. 这个木板锯一下. 2vi 不及物动 be sharp (knife) (刀)快 3vi 不及物动 be stingy; miserly 吝啬 | vya vcvng tei hret. That person is very stingy. 这个人很吝啬.
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hreu /xrɯ⁵⁵/ v cut into one's body (uncomfortably) | tvng hreu raq e? What is this thing cutting into my body? 是什么东西硌我? | (Fourth Township) heu /xɯ⁵³/
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hreujen /xrɯ³¹ʑɛn⁵³/ n strap for basket carried on the back (usually made of woven rattan strips) 背篓绳(藤篾编的) | (Fourth Township) svjen /sə³¹ʑɛn⁵³/
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hri /xri⁵³/ vi 不及物动 be appropriate; compatible (of something long term) 适合 | hri mvhri ma'vsa don't know if they're compatible or not (of a couple) 不知道他们是不是合适
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hrin /xrin⁵⁵/ v touch bottom (in deep water) (深水中脚)触到水底 | gya deum tei rvnaq hreq te mvhrin. This water is very deep, feet can't touch the bottom. 这水很深,脚无法触地. |
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