Search results for "at"

hring'lv'hring /xriŋ⁵⁵lə³¹xriŋ⁵⁵/ adv with a jingling sound (of metal) 金属叮叮当当的声音 | (一乡)vngser guisheu, mvlong gi be "hring'le'hring" geuq. She's wearing metal jewelry, when she walks it makes a jingling sound. 她身带金属饰品,走路时叮叮当当地响. | Onomatapoetic. 象声词. | (First Township) hreung'le'hreung /xrɯŋ⁵⁵lɛ³¹xrɯŋ⁵⁵/
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hrol /xrɔl⁵⁵/ v hide (something, e.g. stolen goods) 藏(东西) | gya gyuq lok pvhrool. Hide this down below (on the side of a path). 把这个藏在下面(路边). | Negative connotation. 贬义. | (Fourth Township) hol /xɔl⁵⁵/
hrolsheu vi 不及物动 hide oneself 躲藏
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hrong /xrɔŋ⁵⁵/ v shout; cry out | tvng le nvhrong? What are you shouting? 你喊什么? | na vtvng le nvhrong e? What are you shouting about? 你喊什么?
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hrop /xrɔp⁵⁵/ 1v slurp; drink (porridge) 喝(粥) | tupa hrop 2nclf 名量 gulp; mouthful (of liquid) (一)口(水) | nga mi ngang ti hrop ngvk. I drank a mouthful of water. 我喝了一口水. | ti hrop pv'ngaq. Drink it down in one gulp. 干杯. | (Fourth Township) hop /xɔp⁵⁵/
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hru /xru⁵⁵/ v roast in the flames (e.g. meat, peeled potato, taro, or corn) (把去皮的熟食)烤(在火炭上) | gyaq gui chuq pvhru rvt. Roast this taro for a while. 这芋头烤一下. | (Fourth Township) tvhu /tə³¹xu⁵⁵/
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hrvmchi /xrəp⁵⁵tɕi⁵³/ n small drying area just above the hearth, made of bamboo and suspended from the hrvmmei, used to dry wood and meat 火塘上方的架子,用来晒干东西
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hrvmmei /xrəm³¹məi⁵³/ n large storage area under the roof, covering the space above the hearth and serving for cereal storage, notably those for alcohol 火塘上方的存放东西的大架子 | Symbolically represents the second level of the sky (hrvm). 象征天空中的第二级.
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huai /xʷɑi⁵⁵/ v split (by chopping) 划(破) | bvngtuq huai incomplete tattoo 不完整的纹身
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huam'lv'huam /xʷɑm⁵⁵lə³¹xʷɑm⁵⁵/ adv 1be weak and dispirited 有气无力 | (一乡)ko vcvng huam'le'huam neq kvlang geu e. That person seems listless, maybe he's drunk. 那个人有气无力的,可是酒醉了. 2loosely (e.g. of shoes) 松松地(穿鞋子)
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huit /xʷit⁵⁵/ 1n whistling sound 哨声 2v make a whistling sound with the fingers (用手)吹口哨 | Onomatopoetic. 象声词.
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hul /xul⁵⁵/ vi 不及物动 have bad breath 口臭 | na svni nvhul. You have bad breath. 你口臭.
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hvbiq /xə³¹biʔ⁵⁵/ n potato 土豆;洋芋 | Lisu loanword. 傈僳语借词.
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hyi /xʲi⁵⁵/ n neigh (嘴)吹的声 | tvng geuq ra da e, hyi? What's making that neighing sound? 什么叫声,“嘿”?
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hying /xʲiŋ⁵⁵/ v have a strong smell 有(气味) | tvng hying e? What is that strong smell? 是什么气味? | (Fourth Township) hing; shing /xiŋ⁵⁵; ɕiŋ⁵⁵/
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hyit /xʲit⁵⁵/ v push; slide over (something that remains on the ground) (底部不离地面地)挪动;移动 | panteu koko nvhyit. Push the chair over there. 推椅子吧. | (Fourth Township) shit /ɕit⁵⁵/
hyitsheu vi 不及物动 slide oneself over 移动
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hyung /xʲuŋ⁵⁵/ v leak out (air from a room or a mattress) (房屋、被窝)漏(风) | gya lap lok hyung ra. Air is leaking out here. 这边漏风了. | (Fourth Township) shung /ɕuŋ⁵⁵/
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ip /ip³¹/ prt 助词 while sleeping 睡觉发生 | kaq vmaang ip. During the night we lost the chicken. (昨夜)鸡丢失了(我睡之前还在的). | Action must have taken place at night, presumably when speaker was asleep, and was not directly witnessed. 动作是在夜间发生的,兼表非亲见意义.与 ri 相比,强调是在说话人入睡后完成的.
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jat /ʑɑt⁵⁵/ v give birth 生孩子 | nagoq jat
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jatni /ʑɑt⁵⁵ni⁵³/ n birthday 生日 | (Fourth Township) jatjvn /ʑɑt⁵⁵ʑən⁵³/
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jeum /ʑɯm⁵⁵/ 1vi 不及物动 be enough 2v quench (one's thirst) 解渴 | saq bal jeum quench one's thirst 解口渴 3v relieve (an itch) (痒)消除 | pvsaq jeum ding. I'm not itchy (since you scratched it). (你抓一抓后现在)我不痒了.
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jeup /ʑɯp⁵⁵/ v roof; put up (a roof); thatch (用茅草等)盖(屋顶) | vngning kyeum jeup ra. The two of them are putting a roof on the house. 他们在盖房子.
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jeupchvl /ʑɯp⁵⁵tɕəl⁵³/ n small cicada 小蝉 | (一乡)jeupchvl kyegeu reup. Catch a small cicada. 抓着一只小蝉.
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jeupnvm /ʑɯp⁵⁵nəm⁵³/ n monsoon season (heavy rains) 蝉鸣叫时下雨的季节 | Literally "cicada days", approximately from April to June, divided into jeupchvl and jeupmei. 直译“蝉天”,大概在四、五、六月份左右,分 jeupchvl jeupmei.
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jeur /ʑɯr⁵⁵/ v indirect causative (force; cause; allow; make someone do something) 役使(让;使;叫) | nga na le vngza kei svjeur. I am making you eat the food. 我让你吃饭. | pu rong jeur. There was an owl in there (revealed by someone poking around a tree). 原来有猫头鹰在那里. | Preceding main verb must be volitional, or else morphological causative is used. In control and purposeful, the causer makes one object act on another. 前一个动词只能是自主动词. 主题役使第一个客体致使第二个客体.
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jin /ʑin³¹/ prt 助词 durative (while) 现行体 | laika wa jin rong make a living 做工作生活 | (四乡)kei chaq rong sitting and eating 坐着吃 | Links two simultaneous actions. 连同助词. | (Fourth Township) chaq /tɕaʔ⁵⁵/
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