为 "ap" 的搜索结果

cit /tsit⁵⁵/ 1v grip; clutch (hair) 揪(头发) | unei cit clutch hair 揪头发 2n trap string | cit kvlaq string holder (for hunting)
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cong /tsɔŋ⁵³/ 1vt 及物动 pile up; stack; heap | shing gya lok lacoong. Pile up the firewood here. 把柴堆这儿. | congkyeum concrete (block) houses 水泥房 2nclf 名量 pile
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cur /tsur⁵⁵/ adv sizzling sound of deep frying 油炸的声音,象声词 | cur wa geuq. It's making that sizzling sound. “嗻”地响. | Onomatapoetic. 象声词.
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cut /tsut⁵⁵/ vt 及物动 1suck 吮吸 2smoke 吸;抽 | Onomatapoetic. 象声词.

svcut vt 及物动 make suck 使吮吸
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cvp /tsəp⁵⁵/ vt 及物动 1bake; heat by fire | gya pvcap rvt. Bake this a little bit. 把这个烘一下. 2roast
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deun /dɯn⁵⁵/ vt 及物动 1use to pen (animals) 以...围起来 2spring (a trap or tool for catching animals) 下(捕捉猎物的工具)
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deung /dɯŋ⁵³/ n thump; thud 咚咚 | Onomatapoetic. 象声词.
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di /di³¹/ prt 助词 1go (andative deictic marker from any point of reference, often the speaker) 去(动作向外,可能是说话人正处的位置,兼表亲见意义) | vng shing ri le dii di. (I saw that) he went to carry firewood. (我看见)他去背柴了. | nga sheng le ding di wa geuq kleup e. Someone said I went to the county capital, but he was lying. (某人说)我去县城了,是谎话. 2immediate past perfective (visual evidential) 完成体(刚刚完成,兼表亲见意义) | ngang vsu di. The water is boiled. 水(烧)开了. | In both senses, typically not used with a first-person agent, unless reporting someone else's statement about the speaker. Speaker is directly reporting a witnessed event. 一般不用于第一人称做施事,除非表示说话人转述他人的话. 动作的发生是说话人亲眼目睹的. | (First Township) gyi /ɟi³¹/
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dol /dɔl⁵⁵/ 1v tie on; wrap (legging, puttee) 扎(绑腿) | hreidol pvdolsheu. You two tie on the puttees. 你俩把绑腿扎上. 2nclf 名量 roll (一)团 | gyoq ti dol a roll of cloth 一团布
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dop /dɔp⁵⁵/ vt 及物动 wrap (e.g. with thread) 包扎(布条) | gya mi pvdopsheu. Use this to wrap it. 你用这个包扎. | Fourth Township. Also used in personal names to indicate a tangled umbilical cord at birth, e.g. Pung Dop. 四乡话. 也用于人命指出生时脐带纠结,如:Pung Dop.
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dv- /də³¹/ v causative 使动态 | vpraq dvboq blow up the cliff (to repair the road) 炸悬崖(修路) | Apparently not a productive affix, but goes before certain monosyllabic roots with voiced initial consonants. Related to Rawang dv-. 显然不是一个派生词缀,可以加在浊辅音声母的单音节动词前,跟日旺语 dv- 有关系.
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dvbreq /də³¹brɛʔ⁵⁵/ v 1set off firecrackers 放鞭炮 2shoot weapons in a series 一连串的打枪声
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dvgu /də³¹gu⁵⁵/ n single-plank bridge (over river rapids or across a cliff) 独木桥(悬崖峭壁上、激流上) | (Fourth Township) mvgu /mə³¹gu⁵⁵/
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dvgung /də³¹guŋ⁵⁵/ v draw (a bow) 弯;弓起 | vngdvgung bow-shaped object 弓形(的东西)
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dvm /dəm⁵⁵/ prt 助词 inchoative (be about to) 将要 | (四乡)Mvningwang Bvngpot le di dvm e ra, na vtei wa dvm? When you go to Bapo next year, what will you do? 明年去巴坡你要怎么办? | (四乡)lambroq me neu ngaq dvm svlon. His friends are encouraging him to drink. 他的朋友劝他喝. | Fourth Township. 四乡话.
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dvp /dəp⁵⁵/ v 1nail; hammer in | gyaq lok pvdap. Hammer here. 钉在这儿. | 2stick 3go with; fit well; match (in appearance or status) 配得上
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dvt /dət⁵⁵/ vi 不及物动 snap off; break (e.g. of rope, thread etc.) | tvlvt dvt di. The bow-string is snapped. 弩弦断了. | soq dvt die 丢命

svdvt vt 及物动 snap 使断
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dvwat /də³¹wɑt⁵⁵/ n type of hunting trap, usually made of bamboo and activated when an animal steps on a string 一种扣子(地弩)
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ekek /ɛk⁵⁵ɛk⁵⁵/ adv sound of cracking 碎裂声 | ekek wa geuq tvng geuq da e? What is making that cracking sound? “哎哎”地叫,什么东西在叫? | Onomatapoetic. 象声词.
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eq /ɛʔ⁵⁵/ v crack open (with one's teeth) 嗑开(瓜子壳) | gya eq jin pvkai. Crack this open and eat it. 把这个磕开了吃. | Onomatapoetic. 象声词.
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gap /gɑp⁵⁵/ v jam 卡住;窄 | vng hrei gap di. His foot is jammed. 他的脚卡住了.

vgap vi 不及物动
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geui /gɯi⁵³/ v shoot; fire
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geurhuap /gɯr³¹xʷɑp⁵⁵/ n fan 扇子 | Literally "sweat fan". 直译“汗扇”.
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gleup /glɯp⁵⁵/ vi 不及物动 1get stuck in 陷进 2disappear gradually 渐渐消失 | vng ruq do gleup di. He disappeared into the gully. 他消失在山沟里了.

svgleup vt 及物动 implant 嵌进
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gol /gɔl⁵⁵/ v 1need 需要 | nga kyeum le loq sa gol. (Something serious has happened) I have to go home. 我得回家(出事了). | mvgol mit mvntvsha neu. Don't be nervous, don't grieve. 不要紧,别伤心. | mvgol you're welcome (don't bother) 不客气;没事 2let (hortative) 激励 | kei gol let's eat 吃吧 | vtvng svna sei gol what are you doing getting angry 干吗生气呢?
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