为 "Gya" 的搜索结果

roq /rɔʔ⁵⁵/ v dig (trough, ditch) 挖(槽、沟) | gya do chuq pvrooq. Dig a little here. 这儿挖一点. | kongroq roq dig a trench 挖(沟)
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rvlei /rə³¹ləi⁵⁵/ v 1switch; change | gyaq tvrung meun ra laqrvlai. This pillar has rotted through, switch it. 这个柱子腐烂了,换掉. | gyoq rvlei change clothes 换衣服 2correct; fix (a mistake) 改正(错误)
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rvm /rəm⁵⁵/ 1vi 不及物动 be enough, sufficient or complete (数目)齐全 | kaq mvrvm. There are not enough chickens. 鸡不全了(数目不够). | vngza rvm vngji harvest time 收获的时间 2v make sufficient by adding (to the original number) (在原有的数目上)加 | ngei gya rvm ning. I'm adding this one. 我加上这个.
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rvna /rə³¹nɑ⁵³/ 1v rest 休息 | gya do chuq rvnashin. Let's rest a bit here (the two of us). 我俩在这儿休息一会儿. 2v pause | marvna nvm za rain nonstop 不断的下雨 3vclf 动量 a little while 一会儿
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rvnaq /rə³¹nɑʔ⁵⁵/ vi 不及物动 be deep (volume) | gyaq ngang rvnaq ra. The water is deep here. 这水很深.
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rvteu /rə³¹tɯ⁵⁵/ v count; calculate 计算;数 | gya dvngbeum e, parvteeu. Count up how many this is. 你数一下这是多少.
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sa /sɑ⁵⁵/ v 1give (a gift); present with 送(礼物) | gya pvsa beu. You go present this. 你去送这个. 2accompany; take (someone somewhere) 送(人) | nga na le sang ning. I'll take you. 我去送你.
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saq dvmat /sɑʔ⁵⁵ də³¹mɑt⁵⁵/ 1v cough 咳嗽 | vng ti gyaq saq dvmat ra. He coughed all night. 他咳了一夜. 2vi 不及物动 be hoarse; lose one's voice
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seu /sɯ⁵⁵/ vt 及物动 plug (hole); block up 堵(洞) | gya mi pvseeu. Use this to plug it. 用这个堵.
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seuq /sɯʔ⁵⁵/ v wipe; erase (something foul) 擦;抹(污秽物) | gyaq kani pvseuq sheu. Wipe away these bird droppings. 把这鸡屎擦掉. | nvrol seuqsheu wipe oneself 擦屁股
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shabla /ɕə³¹blɑ⁵⁵/ n ritual figurine made of flour, representing a wild animal or bird, kneaded out of buckwheat flour and used in sacrifices for the hunting spirit 野禽塑像(用荞麦面捏制的用于祭祀猎神的野兽) | Cf. gyai, gyonggu, plongbla, torma.
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sham /ɕɑm⁵³/ vt 及物动 reach down (从上往下)伸;递 | gya oong pvshaam zaq. Reach down from here. 从这儿伸下来. | pvlai sham stick out tongue 伸舌头
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shol /ɕɔl⁵³/ vt 及物动 stretch; stick out (one's leg while lying down) (躺着)伸(腿) | na hrei gya le mvnshol neu. Don't stick out your leg. 别把你的脚伸过来.

sholsheu vi 不及物动 slide oneself down 移动
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sholsheu /ɕɔl⁵⁵ɕɯ³¹/ vi 不及物动 slide oneself (along the ground, e.g. when descending a mountain) (臀部不离地地)移动 | gya le pvsholsheu. You slide down over here. 你移过来. > shol
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shu /ɕu⁵⁵/ n 1habit 习惯 2custom 习俗 | Gya shu Han people's customs 汉族的习俗
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shuq /ɕuʔ⁵⁵/ vt 及物动 wind; coil (of a vine on a pole) (把藤状物)绕(竿上) | vnoq gya mi pvshuuq. Wind the bean vine around here. 豆子(藤)绕在这儿.
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shvn /ɕən⁵⁵/ vi 不及物动 be straight (of trees, bamboo) (竹子、木料)直 | gya pe koq mvshvn. This stem is not straight. 这根不直.
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shvtsheu /ɕət⁵⁵ɕɯ³¹/ vi 不及物动 slide (oneself) over; scoot 挪动;移动 | na gyagya taq pvshvtsheu ra. Slide over here a bit. 你挪过来一点. > shvt
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su /su⁵³/ vi 不及物动 be fat (pig) | gyaq waq tvtei su. This pig is really fat. 这猪很肥. | susha fatty meat 肥肉
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suq /suʔ⁵⁵/ vt 及物动 wring out (clothing) 拧(衣服) | gyaq gyoq suq pasvnvng. Help me wring out this clothing. 帮我拧这衣服.
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svkvl /sə³¹kəl⁵⁵/ 1vt 及物动 burden 使驮 2n portion (e.g. of a slaughtered animal, to which one is entitled) (应得的)分额 | gya nga svkvl e. This is my portion. 这是我的那分. | vkeu svkvl the father-in-law's (family) portion 岳父(家)的份额 > kvl
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svlvp /sə³¹ləp⁵⁵/ vt 及物动 teach | gya wa pasvlvp. You teach me how to do that. 你教我做这个. | salvp teach each other 互相学习 > lvp
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tar /tɑr⁵⁵/ v go past; go across (where an obstacle is) 过得了(障碍) | vngning gya do mvtar sa e. They probably cannot pass here (e.g. because the river carried off a bridge). 他们在这里可能过不去(因为河水把桥冲走了).
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tarcha /tɑr³¹tɕɑ⁵⁵/ n 1Trung loom 织布机(独龙族的) | gya neu vmei tarcha e. This is mother's loom. 这是妈妈的织布机. 2loom warp beam (a bamboo spindle on which the warp is mounted) 经轴;织轴(织布机) | Typically a portable backstrap loom with several wooden rods, tied between the weaver and any secure point. 用背垫条可携带的一个小织布机.
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tei /təi⁵⁵/ adv 1how 怎么 | gyaq svra tei wa ten? How do you use this thing? 你怎么用这个东西? | tei wa ebe sheu, pvdi ra. Come whatever happens. 无论如何你要来吧. | vtei sheu mvwa sheu not know what's right 不知如何是好 2in this way; thus 这样 | shingwvt tei dvgrang beautiful as a flower 如花似玉 | (First Township) kvrwa /kər⁵⁵wɑ⁵⁵/ | (Fourth Township) vtei /ə³¹tɛi⁵⁵/
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