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utançn1embarrassment, shyness2shameUtanç bolar gyz halyna kakaň ýanynda ýaplanyp ýatsaň.It would be shameful sleep with a girl in your dad's presence.Türkmeniň öz däbini bilmeseň saňa utanç dälmi?Not knowing your own Turkmen traditions would bring shame on you.3conscienceŞu güne çenli Şirinde utanç haýasy barmyka diýdim, ol ejesini ýuzgara etdi.Until now I thought that Shirin had a conscience preventing her from acting shamefully, but she brought shame on her mother.
utançsyzadjshameless, barefacedUtançsyz bihepbe arakhorlar arak içip masgara bolup ýörler.Shameless alcoholic slobs were drinking alcohol and walking about disgracefully.Gül ýaly ene-atadan şeýle utançsyz melgunam dörär eken.It turns out that really nice parents have produced a really evil child.
utandyrmakv caus1to shameDaýym maňa çagakam telewizor görip ýatman ejeme kömek etmeli diýip meni utandyrýardy.In childhood, my uncle used to shame me by saying I mustn't lie watching TV, but must go and help my mother.Ussat şägirdini, sazy gowy çalmaýandygyny aýdyp köpçüligiň içinde utandyrdy.The expert musician shamed his student in front of an audience, saying that he didn't play the music well.2to embarrassMerdan Maýsany, gözleriň owadan diýip utandyrdy.Merdan embarrassed Maysa by telling her that her eyes were beautiful.
utanjaňadjshy, embarrassedGülşat utanjaň bolansoň surata düşürjek bolsalar ýüzüni eli bilen ýapýardy.Since Gulshat was shy she covered her face with her hands when someone tried to take her photo."Aşgabat gözeli" bäsleşigine Şirin, utanjaň bolany sebäpli, gatnaşyp bilmedi.Because of her shyness, Shirin couldn't participate in the 'Miss Ashgabat' competition.
utanmakv1to be shyMähri klasdaşlarynyň arasynda pianino çalmaga utansa-da, olaryň haýyşlaryny ýerine ýetirdi.Even though Mahri was too shy to play the piano, she played to her classmates' request.2to be modestSelbi ýygra bolanlygy sebäpli kelte ýeňsiz köýnek geýmäge utanýar.As Selbi is modest, she is feels too shy to wear a short, sleeveless dress.3to be ashamedMaral tansda ters eden hereketinden utandy.Maral felt ashamed for her wrong movement during the dance.Bihepbäni utandyrjak bolup aýdan sözleriňe, utanjagam bolanok.Whatever you say to put a slob to shame, he will never be ashamed.Baýramyň kakasy arakhordygy sebäpli, ol dostlaryndan utanýardy.Because of his father's alcohol addiction, Bayram felt ashamed among his friends.
utgaşdyrmakv causto combineMekdebiň üç topar birinji synplaryny utgaşdyryp bir ertekini sahnalaşdyrdylar.Combining three groups of first-year school children, they acted out a fairy tale.
utgaşmakv1to be joinedBiziň obamyz ulalyp şäher bilen utgaşdy.Our village grew larger and ended up merging into the town.2to match; to be in agreementTäze tikinen köýnegimde sary reňk bilen ýaşyl reňk utgaşdy.My newly sewn dress has yellow and green because they match.Ejem ikimiziň, otagymyzy remont etmekde pikirimiz utgaşdy.My opinion agreed with my mother's regarding to renovate our room.
utmakvto winMekdebimiz sport ýaryşynda utanda uly baýramçylyk geçirdi.When our school won the competition it held a big party.Doganym bilen futbol çempionaty hakynda jedelleşemde men utdym.When my brother and I argued about football, I won the argument.
utulmakvto lose (at)Ýaryşda utulmak meniň üçin utanç bolar diýip gije-gündiz taýýarlandym.Since losing in the competition would be shameful to me, I prepared day and night.Oýunçy utulanyny bilse ýagşy.say.It is better that a player knows about his shortcomings.Ol özüniň gowşakdygyny bildi. Oýunçy utulanyny bilse ýagşy.He understood his weak areas. It is better that a player know about his shortcomings.
uwlamakv1to howlGije çölde möjekler uwlaýarlar.Wolves howl at night.Gije ýel uwlap soňam erbet ýagyş başlandy.At night the wind howled and then it started to rain heavily.2to moanMeniň dişim agyranda gijesi bilen uwlap çykdym.When I had toothache I moaned the whole night.
uýan1unmarried sisterUýajygym, sag-aman otyrsyňmy?My little sister, how are you doing?Gözi ullakan gyz seniň uýaňmy?Is that girl with huge eyes your sister?2sistersÜç uýaň üçüsem lukman boldular. all three sisters became doctorsOlar hak uýa dälde dogan okaşan.They are not real sisters, but they have vowed to be sisters forever.dial3young womanUýam, kyn görmede maňa kömek edäýdä?Sister, you wouldn't mind helping me would you?As a respectful term of address for a female younger than yourself. 4junior nurseŞepagat uýasy bäşinji otagdaky hassalara dermanlaryny paýlady.The junior nurse gave the patients their medicine.Irden sagat ýedide kiçi şepagat uýasy otagymyzy süpürdi.At 7 o'clock in morning the junior nurse cleaned our room.medical
uýannbridleAtyň uýanyny tutup duran Berdidi.The boy who was holding horse's bridle was Berdi.
uýatn1disgrace, dishonourMahym uýat iş edipdir öýünden giden bolsa.If she left home, Mahym did a dishonourable thing.Uýat bolar esger bolup öz dostlaryňy uruş meýdanynda taşlap gaçmak.As a soldier it would be a disgrace to abandon your friends in the battlefield and run away.Sportsmene uýat bolar olimpiadada birinji ýeri almak üçin narkotik jisimlerini edip ýer almak.It would be a disgrace to take a first place in Olympic games having taken drugs before the game.2indecencyTürkmen halyňa uýat bolar arkany açyk köýnek geýmek.It would be indecent for Turkmen girls to wear open-backed dresses.Şolar ýaly köýnek geýmek hökmanmy, ýapyşdyr uýat ýerlerini.It is vital when wearing open dresses like that to cover your indecent places.
uýgulamanapp, applicationÝaman gowy uýgulama tapdym!I found a really good app!
uýgunlaşmakvto adapt to, to adjust to, to get accustomed to, acclimatise toBaşka şähere göçseň uýgunlaşmak üçin köp wagt gerek.If you move to a different city it will take a long time to get acclimatised to it.Ak aýylary yssy kontinentlere geçirseň olar uýgunlaşmaýarlar.If you put polar bears in hot climes, they will not adapt.Obada önüp ösenim soň uly şähere uýgunlaşmak kyn boldy.Since I grew up in a village, it was hard for me to adapt to city life.
uýluknhiphaçanda oturanymda men uýlugymy agyrtdymWhen I sat down I hurt my hip.uýluk süňkicomp.femurUýluk süňki döwülse, agyryly bolýar.When you break your femur, it is so painful.
uýmakvto believe inbir dine uýmakto believe in one religion
uzu:z1adjbeautifulGaýan gaýmaň az bolsun, ýöne uz bolsun.Let your patterns be few but beautiful.Dokalan halyň uz hem nepis bolupdyr.Your hand-made carpet was beautiful and elegant.2advelegantlyGyzyl körteli gelin uz basyp suwdan ýüzüp gelýän ýaly gelýär.A bride with a red koerte is walking elegantly as if she is swimming across the water.
uzak1adjfar, longÖýümizden Murgap derýasyna çenli ýol uzak, bizem maşynda gidýäris.From home to the Murgap river is a long way, and we are going by car.Telefon arkaly biz uzak aralykdaky adamlar bilen habarlaşyp bilýäris.Using telephones we can communicate with people who are far away.2adjlonguzak wagtlong timeMaňa Beýik Britaniýa gitmek üçin wiza uzak wagtlyk berdiler.I was given a long duration visa for travelling to Great BritainMen göçýänligim sebäpli indi siziň kärhanaňyzda uzak isläp biljek däl.Since I am moving to another place, I can't work in your company very long.Çagalar kän uzak wagt suwa düşmeselerem suwdan çykanlarynda tenleri güne ýanypdyr.Even though the children didn't swim for long, they got sunburned.3adjall, entire, wholeMen uzak gije kitap okap daňyň atanyny bilmändirin.I was reading the whole night and I didn't notice when the sun rose.Gyzlar uzak gün pagta meýdanynda bolup, agşam ara derýa suwa düşmäge gitdiler.The girls were working the whole day in the cotton field and went to swim in river in the evening.Aşgabatdan Mara golýançam uzak ýoly uklap geldim.I slept all the way from Ashgabat to Mary.4adjremoteUzakdaky amazon taýpasyna barmak üçin üç gün gaýykda ýüzmeli.To visit the Amazon tribes who live in a remote place, you have to travel by ship for three days.5advprolonged, extended, lasting a long time; chronicKärhanaň lisenziýa barada meseleleri uzaga çekildi.The company's problems about the licence were extended.Şirin dümegden uzaga çekmän gutuldy we işe basym çykdy.Shirin recovered from her cough quickly and went back to work.Mamamyň uzaga geçen üznüksiz üsgülewük keseli bar ysgynyny aldy.My mother's chronic cough took all her energy.Ömrüň uzak bolsun!comp.May you live long!
uzaklykn1distanceUzaklykdan kerwen görünsede ýene iki sagatsyz oba gelmezler.Even if a camel train is seen from distance, it won't arrive yet for two hours.Balkanabat Aşgabatdan 380 kilometr uzaklykda bolsada biz maşynda gitdik.Even though it is 380 km from Ashgabat to Balkanabat, we went by car.2lengthSapaklarymyzyň uzaklygy 45 minut bolsada birinji sapagymyz derrew gutardy.Even though the length of a lesson is 45 minutes, the first lesson ended quickly.Çeper filmiň uzaklygy üç sagada çekdi.The film lasted three hours.3longtitudeGeografik uzaklygy iki meridianyň arasynda bir sagat hem 15 gradus tapawut berýär.The geographic distance between two meridian lines is a difference of one hour, or 15 degrees.geogr
uzalmakv1to extend, become longer, to be extendedTomus aýlarynda gündizler uzaýar.In the summer the days get longer.Ýolumyzy uzaltmajak bolsaň bir waka aýdyp bersene!If you don't want to lengthen our journey tell us some stories!2to grow, become tallerBegenç basketbola gatnap başlany bäri boýy uzalypdyr.After Begench started taking part in basketball he got taller.3to be extendedBiziň wizamyz ýenede üç aýlyk uzaldyldy.Our visas were extended again for 3 months.4to lengthen, be prolongedKazyýetiň işleri anyk bilinmedigi sebäpli gaty uzaldy.The work of the judge was extended very much, as he didn't know what he was doing.
uzaltmakv caus1to prolong, extend; to lengthen, to extendKelte bolýan tutyň gasynyny söküp uzaltdym.I lengthened some short curtains by taking out the hem.Tans edýän gyzlar saçlaryny uzaltmak üçin ýasama saç goşýarlar.In order to lengthen their hair, dancing girls add extensions.Myhman gelýär diýip biz stolumyzy uzaltdyk.Since guests were coming we extended the table.Uzun boýly maýyp oglana lukman pişegini uzaltdy.The doctor lengthened crutches for the tall invalid boy.Ýollaryny uzaltmak üçin iki ýaş juwan kelte ýoldan ýöremän aýlawly ýol bilen geldiler.In order to prolong their journey young couples went the long way round not the short one.2to extend, to prolongMen gutaryp barýan wizamy uzaltdym.I prolonged my visa, which was coming to an end.Ýarawsyzlyk kagyzymy, doly gutulmanlygym sebäpli ýene uzaltdym.I prolonged my sick note, because of I hadn't wholly recovered.Gök önüm iýmek ömrüňi uzaldýar.Eating vegetables prolongs your life.Alkyş almak we ýüregiňde kine saklamazlyk ömrüňi uzaldýar.Being grateful and not keeping any offence in your heart prolongs your life.
uzamakv1to lengthen, to grow longer, stretchGyşyň gelmegi bilen gijelerem uzaýar.As winter approaches the nights begin to draw in.2to grow, reachAgaçlaryň depesi asmana uzapdyr.The treetops reached as far as heaven.Berdiň gullykda bolan wagty boýy uzapdyr.Berdi gained in height while he was in the army.3to reach up (for)Kitap tekjesinden kitap almak üçin elimi ýokaryk uzatmaly.I had to stretch my arm up in order to reach the book from the bookshelf.eliň uzamakph. v.to be well off, comfortably offIş tapanym bäri elimem uzaýar, gerek zadymy alyp bilýärin.I have a high income since I found work, I can get everything what I want.
uzatmakv caus1to pass something to someone; to pass to, to hand toMergen elindäki kitaby Sülgüne uzatdy.Mergen passed the book that was in his hand to Sulgun.Toý tamadasy myhmana mikrofony uzatdy.A wedding speaker passed the microphone to the guest.Stoluň üstündäki çäýnegi uzadaý-da, meniň elim ýetenok.Pass me the teapot which is on table, please, I can't reach it.2to extend, to stretchKellämi penjireden uzadyp oglumy çagyrdym.I stretched my head through window and called to my son.Stoluň ol çetindäki duran kitaby elimi uzadyp zordan aldym.I could hardly reach the book even stretching my arm. It was at the end of table.Salamlaşmak üçin dostuma elimi uzatdym.I extended my hand to greet my friend.Aýagymy uzatmasam epläp oturanymdan soň dyzym agyrýar.If I do not stretch my leg, my knee hurts after sitting with it bended.3to serve; to continue; to accompany, to leadMyhmanlaň öňüne nahar uzatdym.I served the meal to the guests.

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