Seret Türkmençe-iňlisçe sözlügi



barlyba:rlyadjrich, well-to-do, well-offŞöhrat barly ýeriň maşgalasyndan.Shohrat is from a rich family.
barlykba:rlyknbeing, existence
barlyşmakv1to be reconciledOl başy boş aýal bilen barlyşdy.He was reconciled with his empty-headed wife.2to agree, get on with (each other)Iki guda öz aralarynda ylalaşyp, çagalarynyň biri-birine barlyşmagyny islediler.The two sets of in-laws, agreeing amongst themselves, wanted their respective children to get on with each other.The two children are married to each other.
barlyşykn1armistice, truce, cease-fire2agreementTürkmenistanyň Prezidenti bilen Russiýa Federatsiýasynyň Prezidenti gaz we nebit önümleriniň meselesende barlaşyga gol çekdiler.The presidents of Turkmenistan and the Russian Federation signed an agreement concerning gas and oil.
barmak1v1to go, to head in the direction (of)Nirä barýarsyň?Where are you heading?dükana baryp gaýtmak üçin biraz wagt gerek.You need a bit of time to go to the shop and back.Geçen hepde men diş lukmanyň ýanyna bardym.Last week I went to the dentist's.2to arrive at, reach, attain, approachSapaga giç barmak gowy däl.It's bad to turn up late for a lesson.3to succeed in understanding4to result, end in5to approximate, to have almost done somethinggutaryp barmakto be almost finishedBiziň işimiz ilerläp barýar.Our work is heading in a good direction.sowlup barmakto pop into somewhere else on the wayBar, işiňe git!comp.Mind your own business! Get lost!gidip barmakph. v.vto go alonggutaryp barmakph. v.vto be almost finished, come to an end; almost have finished (something)Iň ýokary basyş döwri gutaryp barýar.The period of peak pressure is coming to an end.Roman ýazyp gutaryp barýaryn.I've almost finished writing a novel.Çagyrylmadyk ýeriňe barma, çagyrlan ýeriňden galmasay.Don't go where you haven't been invited, don't stay long where you have
barmak2n1fingerbaşam barmakthumb, big toesüýem barmakindex fingerorta barmakmiddle fingerogulhajatring fingerkülem barmakpinky, little toeBarmagym çykyp tebibiň ýanyna bardym.My finger was dislocated so I went to see the folk healer.2toeGelinbarmak üzümi, süýji sortlaň birisi.Gelenbarmak grapes are one kind of sweet grape.Palaw bişireniňde bürünjiň üstüne guýmaly suwuň ölçegi iki barmak ýaly bolmaly.When you cook pilau the height of water you add should be two finger widths above the rice.On barmagy hünärli.comp.S/he is a jack of all trades.On barmagy hünärli bolansoň, Jereni hemmeler halaýar.Everybody likes Jeren because she is a jack of all trades.
barşysp. var. ofbaryş
baryba:ryadjthe whole, all ofBalykçynyň tutan balygynyň bary üç sany.The bird-catcher caught three birds in all.bary bilen bazar eýlemekph. live within one's means
barybirba:rybirconjnevertheless, anyway, even so, in spite of, in any caseBarybir gitmeli bolar.Nevertheless it's necessary to go.
barypadjgoing on for, as long ago as, as far back asBaý-bow, ol baryp haçanky bolan wakalar.My goodness, that happened a long time ago.baryp ýatanph. v.adjreal, true; really, truly; such aOt-çep basyp giden mellek, baryp ýatan ýaltalykdyr.If your piece of ground is overgrown, then you're really lazy.Mukam baryp ýatan ýal ýagysy.Mukam is such a parasite.
baryşsp. var.barşycfbarşysp. var. ofbaryşnbehaviour, manners, conduct, comportment, the way you actözüni alyp barşyhis behaviour, conductTamadaň toýy alyp barşy örän gyzykly hem şadyýan.The way the master of ceremonies conducts proceedings at a wedding is very interesting and makes you feel good.Sahnada artistleriň özüni alyp barşy ýaman ynandyryjy.The way the actors act in the scene is very believable.alyp baryşcomp.behaviourOnuň alyp barşy gowy.His/her behaviour is good.
basgançaknstairs, steps, a ladderKiçi çagaň bir özini basgançaga göýbermeli däl.Small children should not be allowed up the stairs.Basgançaga haly ýazdym.I spread the carpet out on the stairs.
basgylamakvto tread (on)
basmaçycfgaltamannrobber, bandit
basmahanabasmaha:nanprinting house, printers
basmakv1to treadAýak basmak üçin basgançak gurnadyk.We made steps to tread on.2to hugEne üzak wagt görmedik balasyny bagryna basdy.The mother hugged the child she hadn't seen for ages.3to conquer1327-nji ýylda Çingiz han Buhara imperiýasyny basyp aldy.In 1327 Ghengis Khan conquered the Bucharan empire.4to storeGüýz aýlary maldarlar ot basyp, gyşa taýynlyk görýärler.In the autumn farmers store grass and keep it for the winter.5to try6to dipJenaýatçynyň barmaklaryny syýa basyp, yzyny aldylar.The criminals' fingers were dipped in ink, and their fingerprints were taken.7to place, put; incarceratePolis ony tutup, gabawhana basdy.The police caught him, and placed him in a cell.8to fill up withÝaşalmaýan jaýyň içini derrew çaň basýar.A house not lived in quickly becomes full of dust9to be stuck, get stuckmina basmakto get stuck in a mineýüzüne basmakph. confront, say something directly to another persons faceEdilen ýalňyşy ýüzüne basyp aýtdy.He told him his fault straight to his face.Ody özüňe bas, ötmese kesekäsay.Try something yourself before you expose it to others.Sen näme uly bolup kiçä azar berýäň? Ody özüňe bas, ötmese kesekä.Why do you hurt a little even if you are big? Try something yourself before you expose it to others.
basmarlamakvto come uponDöwleti agyr uky basmarlady.A deep sleep came upon Dowlet.Ony garrylyk basmarlaýar.Old age has come upon him.
basseýnbas'seýnn1pool, swimming bathsDerýanyň basseýni.A place to swim in the river.2fieldkömür basseýnicoalfield
basybalyjyadjaggressive, intending to invade
basybalyjylyknaggression, intention to invade
basylmakvto be conqueredStalingrad söweşinde faşist goşynlary ruslardan basyldylar.In the battle of Stalingrad the fascist army was conquered by the Russians.
basym1advquickly, rapidly, hurriedly; soonbasym bol!hurry up!Basym gyş düşer, ýer ýüzi ak gara çaýylar.Winter will come quickly, the ground will be covered with snow.
basym2nstress, accentbasymly bogunstressed syllableBelli sözleri basymly we basymsyz boguna bölmek.Well known words can be divided into those with stress and those without stress.
basyrmakvto incubate, sour...Hamyry ýugrup sowuk ýerde basyrsaň, çörek gülli bolýar.If you knead dough and place it in a cold place, the bread will show something like finger marks.Süýdi basyrmak üçin, ýyly jaý gerek.To cover (and sour) milk you need a warm room.ýumurtgany basyrmakph. hide, conceal, sneakjenaýaty basyrmakto hide a crimeTowuk kürk bolanda, aşagyna ýumurtga goýup basyrmaly.When the hen is sitting, the egg has to be snuck under the hen so it incubates.
basyşnpressuregan basyşyblood pressureýokary/aşak basyşhigh/low pressureGarry adamlaryň gan basyşy ýokaryk galsa, olar heläk bolýarlar.If an old man's blood pressure rises, it is dangerous.