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durmuş derejesinstandard of livingKömür gazýanlaryň durmuşyny söwdagärleriň durmuş derejesi bilen deňeşdirmek mümkin däl.The standard of living of coal miners and merchants is impossible.Jeňňeldäki ýaşaýan adamlaryň durmuş derejesi pes.The standard of living of those who live in forests is poor.
durmuşyadjvitaldurmuşy meselevital question
durnuklycfdurgunlyadj1firm, stable, steady, harddurnukly walýutahard/stable currencydurnukly söz düzümlerifixed expressionsdurnukly adama stable persondurnukly pikire gelmekto come to a firm conclusion2fixed, establisheddurnukly söz düzümleria fixed phrasegrammar
durnuksyzadjunstable, unsteady
durşunaadjwhole, as a whole, entirely, completely, totallydurşuna ýuwutmakto swallow something wholedurşuna altynthe whole golddurşuna satyn almakto buy outrightdurşuna ýuwutmakto swallow wholeBu kitaby durşuna okap çykdym.I have read this book completely.Ol durşuna öl bolupdyr.He was completely soaked.
durumlyadj1durable, firm, lasting, strongdurumly matadurable cloth2self-controlled, restrained, patientdurumly adamself-controlled person
duruzmakv1to stop, make someone stop, pull upawtobusy duruzmakto stop the busstanogy duruzmakto stop the latheişi duruzmakto stop work, bring the work to a stopGörkezip duran wideo magnitofony pauzasyna basyp duruzdum.I stopped the video cassette recorder by pressing pause.Merkeze gitmek üçin taksini duruzdym.I hailed a taxi to go to the centre.Edip oturan işimizi duruzyp, arakesme etdik.We stopped work and took a break.2to stand, putçagany dik duruzmakto stand a baby up on their feetJigime ýöremäni öwretmek üçin elinden tutup dik duruzdum.In order to teach to my little sister to walk I stopped holding her hand and made her stand.Aýaz baba çagalary hatara duruzdyryp sowgat berdi.Santa Claus stood the children in line and gave them each a present.hatara duruzmakph. v.vto line up, put up
duryadjclear, pure, transparent, limpid, pellucidaýna ýaly duryas clear as glassdury suwclear waterBaýkal kölüniň suwy dury hem süýji.The water of lake Baykal is clear and sweet.Şu gün seýil baga gitmek üçin howa dury.Today the weather is clear to go for a walk.dury pikirclear thoughtsLeýliniň ýüziniň reňki dury, ýarawsyzlygynyň alamatlary ýokdy.The complexion of Leyly’s face was clear, she did not have any sign of sickness.dury gözlerbright eyesÝüregi gowy adamyň gözleri dury bolýar.People with a sincere heart have bright eyes.Krantdan akýan suw aýna ýaly dury.The water running from the tap is as clear as glass.Asman dury, ýeke bulut hem ýokdy.The sky is clear and cloudless.
duş1du:şnshowerduşa girmekto take a showerduşa düşmekto take a shower
duş2du:şnmeeting, encounter, occurrenceduş gelmekph. v.1to occur, be faced withMunuň ýaly ýagdaý gündogar halklarynyň edebiýatynda juda seýrek duş gelýär.In a similar way the people from the east rarely read literature.Deň etmän, duş etmez.Don't compare, you won't encounter [trouble].Hudaý bela-betere duş etmesin-dä!May God not let us encounter trouble!2to meet, encounterýolda duş gelmekto meet someone on the wayBiz tokaýda tilkä duş geldik.We encountered a fox in the forest.
duş3du:şadjnear, next to, about, aroundduşunda durmakto stop nearMaşyn öýüň duşunda durdy.The car stopped near the house.Öýüň duşuna ýetiberemde ejem meni garşylamaga çykdy.My mother came out to meet me when I was nearly home.Dükanyň duşundan geçip barýarkam işdeşime gabat geldim.When I was going near the shop I met my colleagues.Gyzymyň mugallymy meniň duşum.My daughter's teacher is about my age.
duşmakdu:şmakv1to meet, come across, encounterMen köne mugallymyma duşdum.I met my old teacher.Ençeme ýyllap gözläp ýören söýgime duşdum.I searched for a long time before I encountered love.Sirkiň ýanynda men jorama duşdum.I met my friend near the circus.2to face, meet withOlar heläkçilige duşupdyrlar.They faced trouble. They had an accident.Ýolda bela-betere duşman geldiňmi?Haven’t you met any trouble on the way?Uzak ýola çykaňda seresaply bolmasaň heläkçilige duşup bolýar.If you are not careful when you go on a long journey you can get into an accident.3to come acrossMen örän gowy sözlüge duşdum.I have come across a good dictionary.Gowy kitaba duşmak uly baýlyk tapanyň ýalydyr.To come across a good book is like finding great riches.
duşmanduşma:nnenemyDuşmandan ýagşylyga garaşyp bolmaz.Do not expect good from your enemy.Duşmanyň gülenine ynanma.Do not believe your enemy’s smile.duşman bolmakto be enemiesIrdenki naharyňy özüň iý, günortan naharyňy dostuň bilen paýlaş, agşam naharyňy duşmanyňa ber.Eat your breakfast yourself, share your dinner with your friend and give your supper to your enemy.Duşmanyň goşuny derbi-dagyn edildi.The enemy's army has been destroyed.Kiçijik düşünişmezlik üçin duşman bolduk.We became enemies because of a small misunderstanding.Duşman gazanmak aňsat, ýöne hakyky dostlugy gazanmak kyn.It is easy to become an enemy, but it is hard to find a true friend.Çilim saglygyň duşmanydyr.Cigarettes are a danger to health.duşmanyň saklama, syryň not keep your enemy away from you, do not let him know your secretprov
duşmançylykduşma:nçylyknenmity, hostility, animosityduşmançylyk etmekto have a feud (with)duşmançylykda bolmakto be on bad terms with someoneÖňki asyrda köp döwletler biri-birine duşmançylyk edýärdiler. In the last century many states were enemies with each other.Duşmançylykda bolmak öz saglygyňa zyýan ýetirmek.To be an enemy is bad for your health.
duşuşmakdu:şuşmakvto meet, encounterMen seniň bilen duşuşmak isleýärin.I want to meet with you.Teatrda öz kursdaşym bilen tötänden duşuşdym.I unexpectedly bumped into my course mate in the theatre.Ertir duşuşmak üçin wagt belleşeli.Let’s arrange a time to meet tomorrow.Pälwanlar duşuşýarlar.The wrestlers are meeting.Ýolbaşçylar maslahat geçirmek üçin duşuşýarlar.The leaders meet for discussions.Medisinaň işgärleri konferensiýa geçirmek üçin duşuşdylar.The medical workers met for a conference.Agşam duşuşyp, restorana gideli.Let's meet and go to the restaurant.
duşuşykdu:şuşykn1meeting, get-together, encounter, rendezvousduşuşyk ýerimeeting placeAeroportlar duşuşyk we aýrylyşyk ýerdir.Airports are places for meeting and leaving.Duşuşyk süýjüdir, aýralyk ajy.Meeting is sweet, departing is bitter.sng2gathering, meeting, welcome meal, receptionstudentler bilen alymlaryň duşuşygya reception for students and research fellowsÝazyjy öz okaýjylary bilen duşuşyk geçirdi.The writer met with his readers.Talyplar duşuşyk geçirmek üçin programma taýýarladylar.The students prepared a meeting programme.3match, meetingBazar güni ýaş futbolçylar duşuşdylar.On Sunday the young footballers had a match.Ýagyp duran gar bilen ýagyş sportsmenleriň duşuşyklaryna päsgel bermedi.Rain and snow did not prevent the sporting event.
dutardu:ta:rcftarndutar (a stringed instrument)Toýda bagşyň dutarynyň owazy ýaňlanýardy.The dutar was played at the wedding party.Men näme diýýän, dutarym näme diýär.What I say, my dutar also a guitar but with two strings, and the body is small like a gourd.
dutarçydu:ta:rçynmusician who plays the dutarDutarçy Mälik aganyň dutarlary Mary welaýatynda tanalýan dutarlaryň birisi.The dutar musician Malik aga’s dutars are some of the best known dutars in the Mary region.
duýdansyzduýda:nsyzadjunexpected, abrupt, suddenduýdansyzlyk bilenunexpectedly, abruptlyduýdansyz urgyan unexpected blowduýdansyz duşuşykan unexpected meetingDuýdansyz berlen sowala jogap tapyp bilmedim.I could not come up with an answer to the surprise question.Habar gelip duýdansyz gitmeli boldum.I had to leave after I got a surprise message.Faşistler Sowet halkyna duýdansyz çozdular.Fascists carried out a surprise attack on the Soviet people.
duýdurmak1vto let someone know, inform, report, tell, notify, announceGeljek wagtyňy maňa durdur.Let me know when you will come.Maslahat geçiriljekdigi bir aý öňünden duýduryldy.They announced the meeting one month in advance.2vto warnNäme boljagyny oňa duýdurdylar.They warned him what would happen.Ýarawsyzlygym sebäpli barmajagymy jaň edip duýdurdum.I phoned warning that I would be absent because of illness.Bu işiň gowulyk bilen gutarmajakdygyny saňa duýdurýaryn. I warn you that this work will not finish well.Maňa bu habary wagtynda duýdurupsyň.Your warning arrived in time.3to foresee, herald
duýduryşnwarningduýduryş signalywarning signal duýduryş çyralarywarning lights käýinç we duýduryşsevere reprimand and warningýazuw üsti bilen duýduryş bermekto give a written warning Bir gezeklikçe saňa diňe duýduryş berýärin.I warn you for the first and last time.Kanuny bozanlara duýduryş haty berildi.A warning letter was given to people who broke the law.Duýduryş berlenden soň gaýtalanlara jerime salynýar.Those who receive a second reminder after being warned will be penalised.
duýguradjperceptive, sensitiveduýgur bolmakto be perceptiveduýgur itkeen-nosed dog
duýgynfeeling, sense, emotionDuýgularyň ýaramazy göriplikdir.The worst feeling is envy.Enelik duýgusy hiç wagt ýalňyşmaýar.A mother's intuition is never wrong.
duýmakv1to feel, senseMen agyry duýup başladym.I started to feel a pain.özüňi gowy duýmakto feel betterözüňi erbet duýmakto feel worseöňünden duýmakto know beforehandDerman içenimden soň agyrlarymy duýamok.I did not feel any pain after I had medicine.Hassa bir näçe günden soň özüni gowy duýup başlady. The patient began to feel better after several days.Daýzamdan agyr sözleri eşidenimden soň özümi erbet duýdum.I felt bad when my aunt spoke harshly.2to guess, senseKeýik bir howpuň bardygyny duýdy.The gazelle sensed danger.Bir bela-beteriň bardygyny öňünden bildim, ýüregim syzdy. I had a premonition of disaster, I felt it in my heart.Duýgur adamlardan syryňy gizläp bolmaýar, gözüňe seredip duýýarlar.It is impossible to hide your secret from sensitive people, they can see it in your eyes.