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Browse Vernacular - English



iho (sp. var. ihaw) 1comm. refers to what is bad or evil [Barton in his book ‘Religion of the Ifugao’ claims that panio ‘taboo’ is a derivation of this root.] (sem. domains: - Bad.) 2sta. to be offended by someone’s speech or behavior. Adim ihawon di kaliyak ke he-a. Do not take it badly when I scold you. ‑on/‑in‑. 4E Perception and Cognition. (sem. domains: - Annoyed.) 3sta. to be a bad or evil person. Naihoy nitaguwana. His life is evil./He is an evil man. ma‑/na‑. infl. naiho
ihtu (der. of hitu) trans. to place something by the speaker; store here; keep here. Ihtum nan manuk ne em alan nan otak. Put the chicken here then go and get the machete. Ihtu yu nadan gaud yu. Leave your spades here. i‑/iN‑. (sem. domains: 7.5.9 - Put.) infl. mihtu
ihu 1trans. to wash something from one’s face or to wash the face of another. Ihuwam nan uling nah angam Wash the soot from your face. Ihuwam nan golang. Wash the face of the child. ‑an/‑in‑ ‑an. (sem. domains: 5.6.2 - Bathe.) 2intrans. to wash face. Mun-ihu ka ta ume tah market. Wash your face and we will go to the market. muN‑/nuN‑.
ihuyop (infl. of huyop) trans. to sleep with someone; euphemistic term for sexual intercourse. Inhuyop na babai an ibaliwon. He slept with the woman from the lowlands. i‑/iN‑. Syn: ulig. (sem. domains: 2.6.2 - Sexual relations, 5.7 - Sleep.)
ihwang (infl. of hiwang) trans. to save or remove from harm. Ihwang dakami ahan hi gaga-iho. Please deliver us from evil. i‑/iN‑. (sem. domains: - Save from trouble.) infl. mangihwang
i- -an TACR. this circumfix cross-references a beneficiary-object of an action and encodes non-past tense and punctiliar aspect. I-ang-angam hi bulwatih inam. Look for a dress for your mother. Igaudam hi inam te nain-ina mo. Spade for your mother because she is old already. Mahapul an ibakiyan ya ahi pinumhod. Instead a shaman has to perform a ritual for him to make him well. Deket munda-guh da ya mahapul an painuman ya ipaltiyan nan kon bale. If they should stop at a house, the relative must give them wine and butcher a pig for them. Sim: iN- -an. (sem. domains: - Verb affixes.)
i-inggi₁ comm. small mouse. Pindug nan puha nan i-inggi. The cat ran after the small-mouse. Sim: gando, gelew, utut. (sem. domains: 1.6.1 - Types of animals.)
i-inggi₂ comm. little girl; dear girl; pet name for little girl. Makah tu, i-inggi. Come here, little girl. Sim: ak’i. (sem. domains: - Woman, 4.1.8 - Show affection.)
iiba comm. refers to extended family relatives. Inilak nan ohan iiba taku an kadangyan ni-an mu numbalin hi nawotwot. I know of one of our relatives who was once a very rich man but turned out to be a poor man because of his gambling. Dakol day tatagun e munhood hi iiba dan dumatong. Many people go to meet their relatives who are arriving. (sem. domains: - Related by birth.)
ikadangyan di imbabale (id. of imbabale, kadangyan) to have many children ( lit. rich/wealthy with children). (sem. domains: 6.8.1 - Have wealth.)
ikan₁ (infl. of kan) trans. to buy snacks. Idat kuh tuwen liman pihut em ikan ta adika maagangan. I’m giving you this five pesos to buy snacks so you won’t get hungry. Makangngan ka tuwali nah bigatna ta adim e ikan am-in nan pihum. You eat well in the morning so that you will not spend all your money on snacks. i‑/iN‑. (sem. domains: - Buy.)
ikan₂ comm. fish, similar to a black bass. Waday igattang dah ikan ad da-ul. They are selling ikan-fish downtown. (sem. domains: - Fish.)
ikeke (infl. of keke) trans. to swim with something. Ikekem nan pahiking ta iem nah bah-el di wangwang. Swim with the backpack and bring it to the other side of the river. i‑/iN‑. 3F Move something along with oneself. (sem. domains: - Swim.)
iken comm. nickname for an old man; folklore name; name of makibaki ‘one who performs rituals’. Timmatawah iken an hi Amtalao. Old man Amtalao laughed. (sem. domains: - Nickname.)
ik-ik sta. to be crippled; an arm or leg is stunted in growth; shriveled arm or leg. Nahpung di taklena handih kagolang na ot deyan naik-ik moh diyen taklena. His arm was broken when he was a baby and now his arm is shriveled. ma‑/na‑. 6A Physiological Process - State. (sem. domains: - Birth defect.)
ik-ikingngan (sp. var. of angkikingngan) comm. little finger. Nag-od nan ik-ikingngan na. His little finger is cut. Whole: takle; Sim: am-ama-an, gawgawa-an. (sem. domains: - Finger, toe.)
ikkang trans. to step over someone or something so as not to harm. [Both sentence examples express the belief that harm will come to the agent of the action or the person that undergoes the action.] Adim ikkangan hi tulang mu te adi man umongal. Do not step over your brother else he will not grow. Ikakangam nadan naphik an butilya nah dalan. Step over the broken glass on the path. ‑an/‑in‑ ‑an. (sem. domains: - Walk.)
iklo 1comm. earth or chicken lice; either red or light in color; other than being found on chickens, the lice are particularly found in a dry, grassy place. (sem. domains: - Insect.) 2sta. to have chicken lice. Naiklohan din manok kinali adi e mihahaad hi pukungan da. Chickens have lice so its best not to stay long by their coops. ma‑ ‑an/na‑ ‑an. Sim: kime.
ikodhol (infl. of kodhol) trans. to be made strong by something such as sustaining food. Mangan kah dakol ta waday ikodhol mun munggaud. Eat a lot so that you will be strong for spading the field. i‑/iN‑. (sem. domains: 2.4.1 - Strong.)
ikod-am trans. to expect to see someone or something. Ingkod-am ku nah ibbak ya maid an immali. I have been expecting my sister but she did not come. i‑/iN‑. 3I Direct action toward an object. (sem. domains: - Intend.)
ikot (sp. var. of ikut)
iktom (infl. of kotom) trans. to fasten or close tightly. (sem. domains: 7.5.2 - Join, attach.)
ikut (sp. var. ikot) 1sta. to be selfish. Naikut an adi umidat hi kanona. He is selfish in that he does not share his food. Tipe anhan di ikut mu! How selfish you are. ma‑/na‑. 6B Characteristics of human nature or life situation. Sim: imut, uku. (sem. domains: - Selfish.) 2trans. to be selfish with a refusal to share with someone. Ikutana hi inana. She is selfish toward her mother. i‑ ‑an/iN‑ ‑an.
ila trans. to invite especially for a ritual by beating a single gong. E mun-ilah Allaga te holyat hi ohhandi. Allaga will go about (the villages) to invite people for the final day of the marriage feast. Ena ilaon di aammod hi kababable. He is going to invite all the relatives from all the villages. ‑on/‑in‑, muN‑/nuN‑. 4C Convey/bring objects toward agent. (sem. domains: - Invite.) der. mun-ila
ilaban (infl. of laban) trans. to use something or someone to fight. Ilaban na nan ahu na. He uses his dog to fight. Ilaban na nan manuk na hi Linggu. He will have his chicken fight on Sunday. (cockfight) i‑/iN‑. (sem. domains: 4.8.2 - Fight.)

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