kom’ong trans. 1refers to the sharp curved nail on the toe of an animal or foot of a bird; claw. Ya deke on madudulnu ya dimmukkey buuk nan umat hi dutdut di tuldu ya dimmukkey kukunan umat hi komong di hamuti. (Daniel 4:33b) And he was drenched with dew and his hair grew long like an eagle’s feathers and his fingernails were like the claws of a bird. (sem. domains: - Parts of a bird.) 2may refer to the foot of an animal; paw. Hanadan naten aggayam an opat di huki dan waday komong da ya mibilang dan adi malinit.....(Libiticus 11:27a) Those dead animals that have four legs and paws are counted as unclean... (sem. domains: 1.6.2 - Parts of an animal.)