lik’on 1comm. padding for head in order to carry a heavy load, made from leaves or cloth. Ihaad mu nan likon ku te madam-ot tun gampan agtuwok. Put the pad on my head because the basket I’ll carry is heavy. (sem. domains: 6.7.3 - Carrying tool.) 2trans. to wear or use a pad on the head or shoulder for carrying something heavy. Likonam nan pah-onom an kaiw ta adi humakit nan pukol mu. Use a carrying-pad with the wood you are going to carry so that your shoulder will not be sore. Munlikon ka te mahakit nan gampa an iagtu. Use a carrying-pad because the bottom of the basket you will carry is painful. ‑an/‑in‑ ‑an, muN‑/nuN‑. 5A Changing state of site by adding something.