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pi-ang trans. to cut in two parts; to break apart; divide, generally refers to fruit or a cooked root vegetable, not bananas. Pi-angom tun tupaya. You cut the papaya into two pieces. Pani-angom tun tupaya. You cut this papaya into many parts. Pumi-ang kanah tinapay. Cut a part of the bread. ‑on/‑in‑, ‑an‑ ‑on, ‑um‑/‑imm‑. 4A Change the structure of object. Sim: tagip. (sem. domains: 7.8.3 - Cut.)

paspas advpred. to hurry. Kediyen himbatangan ya imme nan talak ot mada-idai ya mungkibangngad an panaspasana That afternoon, that jeep went and after a while, it returned going very fast ‑an‑ ‑an. Time. (sem. domains: 8.4.8 - Speed.)

likkod trans. to go around something; to circle around. Illikod mu nah payo ta ahika dumatong hi baleda. Go around the field then you will arrive at their house. Lanikkodon nan eroplanu nan bilid. The airplane kept circling the mountain. i‑/iN‑, ‑an‑ ‑on. (sem. domains: - Move in a circle.) infl. likkodon infl. nunlinikkod

kobkob intrans. 1for the heart to beat fast; palpitations of the heart. Maid maptok ya mungkobkob di puhuk. Suddenly my heart started beating fast. Kimmobkobak handi kanak on mag-ahak. My heart beat fast when I thought I would fall. muN‑/nuN‑, ‑um‑/‑imm‑. Sim: takut, kol-o. (sem. domains: - Heart.) 2to feel nervous; usually used regarding intensified heart beating because of fear or nervousness. Kumanobkobak an e makitest. I feel nervous when I take a test. ‑um‑/‑imm‑ ‑an‑. (sem. domains: - Worried.)

hunni 1sta. to be inverted or reversed in a position or order; often related to teaching or thinking. Dakayun nahunnihunniy punnomnom na. You are inverting thinking (about what is good and bad). Isaiah 5:20 Nakahhunni kan tagu. You are a person who prefers the reverse. ma‑/na‑, makaC1‑/nakaC1‑. 6B Characteristics of human nature or life situation. Sim: ballin. (sem. domains: - Change something.) 2trans. to invert; to turn upside down; to reverse. Hanunhunniyon nah diyen intuttudu kun dakayu He is always twisting (reversing, saying the opposite of) what I have taught you. ‑on/‑in‑, ‑an‑ CV(C)‑. 3nom. the opposite of something. He-ay hunnin inam. You are the opposite of your mother. (She is gentle but you, you’re an angry person.)

hinglip intrans. to make a friction sound of exhaling or inhaling to cool mouth due to hot spicy food; to make a hissing sound. Ugge na inilan napaktiwan nan kanona ot deya humaninglip moh agat na. He did not know that there was pepper in his food and that’s why he is already repeatedly hissing from the spicy hot taste. ‑um‑/‑imm‑ ‑an‑. 2D Vocal sounds expressing feeling. (sem. domains: - Types of sounds.)

danag 1intrans. to worry; to be anxious; to be concerned. Adika mundanag tulang ku mu mundasal ka ta baddangan dakan Apu Dios. Don’t be anxious, sister, but instead pray for God’s help. Dumanadanag hi inam te ugge ka immanamut. Your mother kept worrying because you did not come home. muN‑/nuN‑, ‑um‑ ‑an‑. Sim: kagu. (sem. domains: - Worried.) 2sta. Deket mungkahilong on madanagan hi inam ke he-a. When it is becoming dark your mother worries about you. Makadannaganak ad nakugab te mundogo nan golang. I was so worried yesterday because the baby was sick. ma‑ ‑an, maka‑ ‑an. 3caus. to cause worry or concern on the part of others. Adim padanagon di ammod mu. Do not make your parents worry. pa‑ ‑on. 4intrans. to be the one causing worry. Mangipadanag kan ad-addi ka umanamut. You are worrying us by not coming home. mangipa‑/nangipa‑. Language Of Borrowing: Ilocano. infl. madanagan

butik 1to run. 1.1intrans. to move by moving legs rapidly; run. Mumbubutik an limmah-un. He was running when he came out. Ya andani ya mumbubutik an manayyu nan ahawana. And after awhile, the her husband came running down. muN‑/nuN‑. Class 1A Movement, manner. Sim: bel’et. (sem. domains: - Run, 7.2 - Move.) 1.2intrans. to continuously run in and about a particular site. Mumbutbuttikan nan golang nah danum. The child is running around in the water. muN‑ ‑an, CV(C)‑. 1.3intrans. to run about repeatedly, with the component of stopping and starting again. Adika bumanuttikan te mihubag ka. Don’t be always running around because you will stumble. um‑ ‑an‑ ‑an. 2to run in a direction. 2.1trans. to run in relation to a goal-object. Butikon yu ingganah baleda. You will run until you reach their house. ‑on/‑in‑. 2.2intrans. to run in relation to a particular site-object (place of running). Butikan yu hin la-uwan yu nan ob-ob. Run when you pass by the spring. ‑an/‑in‑ ‑an. 3intrans. to run away to escape danger or pursuit. Bumtik man nan babuy. The pig will surely run away. ‑um‑/‑imm‑. bumtik

bik-i 1trans. to tear, rip or pull apart cloth or paper. Bik-iyon yu nan tudok. Tear open the letter. Bumik-i ka nah papel. Tear off a part of the paper. Pumbik-i na nan bulwati. She is tearing the dress. ‑on/‑in‑. 4A Change structure of object. Sim: pinga, hethet. (sem. domains: 7.8.4 - Tear, rip.) 2trans. tear into little pieces; shred. Banik-ihon yu nan tudok ne inwele yu nah kanal. Tear the letter into small pieces and throw them in th canal. Adim banik-iyon nan papel. Don’t tear the paper into pieces. ‑an‑ ‑on/‑in‑. 3pass. for something to be torn. Adim guyudon te mabik-i. Do not pull it because it will be torn. Nabik-i nan pantalon na. His pants are torn. Nabik-i nan bulwatin Bugan nah ena naki-ay-ayyaman. Bugan’s dress got torn when she went to play. Naminghan ya immanamut hi ohan biggatna ya nungkabibik-iy bulwatina. One morning he came home with his clothes torn in several places. ma‑/na‑. infl. banik-ihon

banik-ihon (infl. of bik-i) trans. tear into little pieces; shred. Banik-ihon yu nan tudok ne inwele yu nah kanal. Tear the letter into pieces then throw it into the canal. ‑an‑ ‑on.

‑an‑ asp. this infix encodes an aspect that expresses the concept of an action done repeatedly; frequently; iterative; co-occurs with punctiliar aspect affixes. Kumanoga din golang. The child is always crying. Nala-uy opat an oras hi nakihanummanganan da ya numpahpahmokan da nah bibiyo. Four hours passed while they negotiated and pleaded again and again with the ‘bibiyo’. Umanay-ayyam da nah dalan. They always play on the path. Mahanilngan nah dalan. Night always overtakes him on the road. (sem. domains: - Verb affixes, - Number of times.)

tonton 1genealogy. 1.1comm. a history of the descent of a person or family; a listing of ancestors involving successive generations. [The recitation of the names of ancestors was traditionally done during rituals related to discovering the cause of sickness or misfortune and ameliorating the situation by offering a sacrifice.] Uggek inilay tonton di aammod taku. I don’t know how to recite our genealogy. (sem. domains: - Religious ceremony, - Family, clan.) 1.2intrans. to recite genealogy; to enumerate. Hi amam di manonton hin nganney nun-iibaan taku. Your father will be the one to trace our genealogy to see if we are related.. maN‑/naN‑. Sim: ipadon. 2trans. to name things one by one; to list; enumerate. Anakkaya, tipet mahapul an tanontonom di ingngunum. Oh my, why do you have to enumerate all the work you’ve done. ‑on/‑in‑ + ‑an‑. Speech Verbs - General.

tumbuk 1intrans. to gossip. Adika manumtumbuk di adi maphod. Do not gossip about others because it is not good. Tumanumbuk kayu. You keep gossiping. maN‑/naN‑, ‑um‑ ‑an‑. 1C General class. (sem. domains: - Gossip.) 2sta. to be a gossip. Makattumbuk ka. You are a gossip. makaC‑. 3rec. to gossip about each other. Munhintutumbuk kayu. You gossip about each other. munhin‑ CV‑. 4trans. to gossip about a particular person or something they did. Makulug man ot tumbukon da boh tuwen inat ku. I am sure that they will gossip about this thing I did. ‑on/‑in‑.