Search results for "Kitema"

Kitema (sp. var. of Ketema) a divination ritual.

Ketema (sp. var. Kitema) 1prop. a divination ritual; performed to determine what spirit being has caused the sickness. Sim: Pakko, Agba. (sem. domains: - Prophecy, 4.9.5 - Practice religion.) 2intrans. to perform the ritual; may also refer to the one who performs the ritual. [This ritual is performed by a woman. As a medium she goes into a trance in order to perform the ritual.] Eda inang-ang nan mungketema. They went to see the one who performs the divination ritual. Mungketema da te mundogoh Mary. They are performing the Ketema-divination-ritual because Mary is sick. muN‑/nuN‑.