Search results for "adi maboblayan"

nangipaN- trans. this prefix cross-references a topicalized agent and encodes a distributive action on multiple objects; past tense. Kon bokon ha-oy di nangipanaptok handidah aammod yu nah adi maboblayan an makamagga? (Hosea 13:5) Was it not I who cared for your ancestors in the wilderness (lit. the very dry place of no villages)? Ot bokon mo he-a an tagun iEgypt a nangipanguluh tindalun umeh opat di libun an nakigubat gubilnumi... (Acts 21:38) Are you not the Egyptian who led nearly 4,000 soldiers to war against our government... Sim: mangipaN-.

mamaga adj. describes land that is very dry. Dahdiy mangipaalih udan hanadah mamagan adi maboblayan ta tummol holok? Job 38:26-27) Who will cause rain to come to those dry, uninhabited places so that grass will sprout?

boble (sp. var. bable) 1comm. village; town; province; country; refers to any territorial group of houses, and accompanying buildings. Adi dumatong di talak hi boble mi. No vehicles can reach our village. Sim: probinsiya. (sem. domains: - City.) 2intrans. to settle in a village; to live in a place; the village or place is prominent in a context. Boblayan yu nan muyung. Make a settlement in the forest. Adi maboblayan te nidawwiy liting. It is not suitable for a settlement because water is far away. ‑an/‑in‑ ‑an, ma‑ ‑an. 5A Changing state of site by adding something. (sem. domains: 5.9 - Live, stay.) 3intrans. residing in a place; refers to those who are living in a village or area. <Morphology: mumboble> 4comm. refers to the residents of a specific village. <Morphology: bimmoble> ‑imm‑. der. bimmoble der. mumboble

adi maboblayan sta. this phrase refers to an uninhabited and uncultivated area; wilderness. Ot bumtik da nah adi maboblayan ta ibtikan da nadan tindalun di holag Israel, mu pindug da dida ot patayon da dida. (Hanadan Huwes 20:42) And so they ran away toward the wilderness, running away from the soldiers, the descendants of Israel, but they chased them and they killed them. (sem. domains: - No, not.)