Search results for "agaag"

alagaag intrans. squealing of pigs. [The usual way of killing pigs is by piercing the heart with a sharpened stake.] Mun-alagaag nan babuy te binalud da. The pig was squealing because they had bound it. Umalagaag nan babuy hin wewekon da. The pig will squeal when they pierce it. muN‑/nuN‑, ‑um‑/‑imm‑. 1D Sounds. Sim: agaag. (sem. domains: - Animal sounds.)

agaag intrans. to squeal, high piercing sound made by humans or pigs. Mun-agaag nan babuy an pinah-on da. The pig they carried was squealing. muN‑/nuN‑. 1D Sounds. Sim: alagaag. (sem. domains: - Types of sounds.)