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pikug trans. to make a hollow or depression; to deform something made of metal or plastic; dent, e.g. plastic bottle, tin can, aluminum, etc. Adim pikugon nan lata te miatop. Do not deform the tin because it will be used for roofing. Damana pay an usalon nan napikug an lata. You can still use the tin can that is deformed. Hinaey kapikpikugan mu nan udum an lata. That one was the most deformed among all the other cans. ‑on/‑in‑, ma‑/na‑. 4A Change the structure of an object. (sem. domains: 7.7.4 - Press.)

payu trans. to go directly somewhere. Impayu na nah payo. He went directly to the fields. Nah pun-ay-ayyaman da di payuwan nan liting. The water goes directly to the playground. Hi balen da tulang mu di payuwom ad Lagawe. Go directly to the house of your brother in Lagawe. i‑/iN‑, ‑an/‑in‑ ‑an, ‑on/‑in‑. 3G Move body or body parts directionally. (sem. domains: 7.2.3 - Move toward something.)

pay adv. 1refers to an addtional item; also. Ihaklunganak pay. Dip another cup for me. Indai otto- kanana pay di “Maphod ta hiyo- nan bumdang ya- maule.” Later on er...he added “It’s good that the bumdang-spirits are kind.” Dakol di damanan mitakke adi ya abuh ginattut mo udum nat linibu pay. Many people can ride and it is not only the hundreds but sometimes by the thousands also. Additive. (sem. domains: - And, also.) 2adds emphasis to a statement; definitely. Madney pay ta ahida umali. It will definitely be a long time before they come. Namam-an mahong-o hin udman pay hi gatan di niyug. It is definitely more tasty if coconut milk is added. (sem. domains: - Certainly, definitely.) Language Of Borrowing: Ilocano.

paN- -an₂ TACR. this circumfix encodes non-past tense and cross-references a topicalized time or place; it co-occurs with Class 4 transitive verbs and some members of Class 1 and Class 2 intransitive movement verbs. An daana udot di pangal-am hi em itugatugal? Where do you get the money to be continuously gambling? Pinhod mu ke bon mun-ang-ang hi sini ya dakol di damanah pangayam. If you want to see a movie, there are many places you can go. Takon di hay dangli na ya maid ta daana mo peman di e pangal-an nan inayana? Because they had nothing, he was not even given the customary death ritual for how could his poor wife afford it? Kinali kediyen eda panggopan ke dida ya inila da moy aton da ya hay eda kipustuwan. That’s why on the day of the raid, they knew what to do and where to post themselves. Em hanhanan ten kakon-anay pangayan da ad Manila. Go ask him when they will go to Manila. Sim: naN- -an. (sem. domains: - Verb affixes.)

pakaC1- mod. this prefix functions as an intensifying modal for Class 4 verbal roots. Dimmin-ong ta pakaddonglona ya impidwanan bon pimmalak an palak di babai. He was quiet so that he could carefully listen and the groan of a woman was repeated. Hiya ke ya pakappinhod da aman inana ya hi apunan hi Dulnuan. He really loved his father, mother and grandfather Dulnuan. Mu hay pakappinhod nan kanon ya hay da munlumiin bunga. But what it really likes best is sweet fruit. Sim: C1. (sem. domains: - Verb affixes.)

ot₁ conj. marks a second event, sequential in time; and then; and so. <This conjunction connects two clauses that are logically sequential in time.> Imme ka ot nganne? You went and then what happened? Indatan dah Pangkah ittay hiyo dotag ot kanana ot di mun-iyan ad Mamangan. They gave Pangka some small er...meat and then told him to spend the night at Mamangan. Coordinating conjunctions. (sem. domains: - After, - And, also.)

opot (sp. var. oppot) 1comm. the fault of person, implies the assigning of responsibility for something bad. Opot mu te adika magilat. It is your fault because you never learn your lesson. (sem. domains: - Bad.) 2intrans. to act together similarly; to collaborate in wrongdoing; to ape or imitate with a negative connotation. Nun-ooppot di pangat yu. All of you act in the same bad way. muN‑/nuN‑ CV‑. 3trans. to imitate others in wrongdoing. Ip-ot mu damdaman adim donglon di kalin amam. You are also imitating them, not listening to your father. i‑/iN‑.

olden 1comm. rule; command; law. Mipangat an unudon takuy olden di boble. We must obey the laws of the country. (sem. domains: 4.7.1 - Laws.) 2trans. to order someone to do something; to make into a rule or ordinance; to delegate responsibility to someone. Inolden dan maid di mangiweleh lugit hitu. They ordered that no one will throw his dirt here. Oldenam nan kamanelo ta gaatan da nan dalan. Order the road maintenance men to cut the grass along the road. i‑/iN‑, ‑an/‑in‑ ‑an. 3I Direct action toward object. (sem. domains: - Command.) Language Of Borrowing: English: order.

oggan (sp. var. uggan) adv. 1some unspecified times; periodically; now and then; sometimes. Ogganak umeh balen da apu. I sometimes go to my grandparents’ house. Ogganak idatan ke auntie hi pihu. My auntie gives me money now and then. Ogganak muntudok ke hiya. I used to write him now and then. Nate moh apu Casilda ya maid moy oggan mangialih allaman nibayuh puhu. After Grandmother Casilda died, there was no one from that time to bring crabs pounded with banana blossoms. Sim: pinninghan. (sem. domains: 8.4.3 - Indefinite time.) 2unspecified future times, no end time in view; from now on. Adika mo oggan munha-ang te binoggam nan inha-ang mud nakugab. Don’t cook rice anymore because what you cooked yesterday was not cooked well. (sem. domains: 8.4.5 - Relative time.)

ngitit (sp. var. ngetet) 1adj. dark color such as black; dark complexion. Anakkayang di ngitit nan Negro. My, how dark-complexioned the Negro is. Ag-agam boy ngitit Pablo. My, how dark-complexioned Pablo is. Qualifier. (sem. domains: - Color.) 2proc. to be or become dark or black. Mangitit di bulwatina te nateh Amana. Her dress is black because her father died. Ngumitit ka hin mipmiptang ka. You will become dark if you stay under the sun. ma‑, ‑um‑/‑imm‑. infl. mangitit

ngilin₁ 1comm. a non-working, day of rest, ceremonial holiday. [People shout tungo to be heard to the next village. There is to be no work in ricefields but people are allowed to work in the forest or swidden farms.] Nungngilin dad ohhandi. They performed a ceremonial holiday the other day. Sim: tungo. (sem. domains: - Custom.) 2trans. to prohibit something that is taboo in relation to the observance of a ritual. Ngilinon day dolog te munlanghi. It is taboo for them to eat fish. Mahapul an mungngilin nan mumbaki. The shaman must observe the taboo. ‑on/‑in‑, muN‑/nuN‑. (sem. domains: - Religious ceremony.)

nganat (sp. var. ngana-) int. why; interrogative pronoun that asks the reason for something. Kanan Juliey “Nganat edakami hinalaman an binangun?” Julie asked, “Why did you wake us up so early?” Oha bo ya ngannat etaku bayadan? One thing more, why should we pay? Sim: tipe. (sem. domains: - Reason.)

nunna-ud (infl. of na-ud) adjunct. expressess certainty on the part of the speaker in regard to an action or event. Hanan tagun ipaanhanan mangat hi pinhod APU DIOS ya nunna-ud an ipaptok APU DIOS hiya ya nan pamilyana. (Proverbs 14:16) As for the person who priortizes doing what pleases the LORD, it is certain that the LORD will care for him and his family. Ta hay mamangulun umalih nomnom na ya nunna-ud an mate. So the first thing that comes to his mind is he is sure die. Attitudinal.

nomnom 1comm. refers to the mind, both the intellect and emotions reside in the mind; the mind thinks and feels. Mahakit di nomnom na. His feelings are hurt. Maid di nomnom mu. You have no sense at all. Ta hay mamangulun umalih nomnom na ya nunna-ud an mate. So the first thing that comes to his mind is he is sure to die. Sim: laing. (sem. domains: 3.2.1 - Mind.) 2sta. to be intelligent; mature in thought. Nanomnoman te inilanay kalkalyona. He is mentally matured because he knows what he is talking about. ma‑ ‑an/na‑ ‑an. (sem. domains: - Mature in behavior.) 3think. 3.1intrans. to think; to recall; durative aspect in the thinking. Munnomnomnom hi kalyona. He is thinking on what to say. muN‑/nuN‑. (sem. domains: 3.2 - Think.) 3.2trans. to think about something specific. Nomnomom ta ahika kumali. Think before you talk. Nomnomom di kinalim ke hiya. Recall what you told him. Ninomnom nay imbagan amanan din hi Antonio. He remembered what his late father, Antonio, told him. Bahul nadan nangipunduwana te uggeda ninomnom di aton da It was the fault of those who were put in-charge because they didn’t think about what they will do. on/in. 4E Perception and Cognition. 3.3nom. refers to the knowledge which results from thinking. Maid di ena id-um hi kanomnoman ya mumbalin tan kay hiyyahiyya. Nothing is added to your wisdom/knowledge and we may become proud and boastful. ka‑ ‑an. 3.4trans. to do something in remembrance of something or someone. Inomnom mu nah inat dan he-a handi Do it in remembrance of what they did to you before. i‑/iN‑. 3.5nom. refers to a noun-like thought process. Hay punnomnom ku ya wada nin an dakdakkol di naat mu, mu hituwe. My thinking was that you would have done much more than this. Ya hay gapunah adina pangitikodan ya alanganin di biyag na hi punnomnom na. And the reason he does not stop is he thinks his life would be uncertain. puN‑. der. kanomnoman id. had-om ta maba-oy nomnom da id. mahakit di nomnom. id. maid nomnom na. id. malumman di nomnom id. nabuluk di nomnom id. nalatiyan di nomnom id. napat-alan di nomom id. natalak di nomnom id. ugge nanomnoman infl. manomnom infl. nomnomon

niyug 1comm. may refer to the coconut or the coconut palm. An kayam an kumayat dih niyug? Can you climb the coconut palm? Deket bokon danum di iusal ta hay gatan di niyug ya nan mamangulun pumpohpohan hi niyug di iusal. If one prefers coconut milk rather than water, then use the first extract. Sim: bitnung. (sem. domains: 1.5.1 - Tree, 5.2 - Food.) 2comm. riddle Wada nan ohan bunga, duway matana, ohan tokona. (niyug) There is one fruit, two eyes and one mouth. (coconut) 3sta. to be food containing coconut milk or flesh. Naniyugan nan kindi. The candy has coconut. na‑ ‑an. n. ph. apit di niyug n. ph. danum di niyug n. ph. nanong an niyug

nimamantuk hi ulu (id. of ulu) an idiom referring to always remembering something (lit. always placed on top of head).

ni-mo adjunct. expresses the idea of the minimum of what should be done or was done; at least. Alam ni-mo tun pechay. At least take this petchay. Wada ni-moy immali. At least someone came. Hay oha bo ya adi nadaman ena itikod an mummogmog hi manuk ni-mo. Another reason is that he cannot stop raising chickens. Hay ke kanak ya tibon takuh hilong hi bigat mu bokon ke ya hi linggu ni-mo. I suggest that we see him tomorrow night, but if not, at least on Sunday. Attitudinal. (sem. domains: 9.2.6 - Particles.)

ni- 1pass. this prefix is the passive form for Class 3 verbal roots; past tense. Dakol di inggampa dan nibangngad mu hay kapkaphodan ke Bugan ya nan gawgawa. They had many gifts in a basket that they returned home with but the very best for Bugan was the duck. Nate moh apu Casilda ya maid moy oggan mangialih allaman nibayuh puhu. After Grandmother Casilda died, there was no one to bring crabs pounded with banana blossoms. Sim: mi-. (sem. domains: - Verb affixes.) 2mod. functions to encode non-volitionality.

negosyo (sp. var. negosyante) 1comm. an enterprise; a business. Maphod di negosyo na. His business is good. (sem. domains: 6.9 - Business organization.) 2intrans. to invest in a business. Munnegosyo hi Juan an gumattang hi kape. Juan will invest in buying coffee. muN‑/nuN‑. 3trans. to invest money. Inegosyo na nan indat amanan pihhu. He will invest the money given by his father. i‑/iN‑. Language Of Borrowing: Spanish.

namangulu adv. the first person, thing or event in a sequence. Namangulu ya imayumem nan dayakkot. First, you mix the rice together. Limiting and maximizing. (sem. domains: - Ordinal numbers.)

nake kanu adjunct. Oh my! a mild expression. Nake kanu ta umalih amanat hoplatona. My, oh my, if his father comes he’ll whip him. Interjection. (sem. domains: 9.2.7 - Interjections.)

nadama (der. of damana) advpred. refers to something that is possible or states that someone is able to do something. Hay oha bo ya adi nadaman ena itikod an mummogmog hi manuk ni-mo. Another reason is that he cannot stop raising chickens. Modality. comp. adinadama

na pers. 1he, she, it: third person, singular pronoun; member of Set 1 non-cross-referenced subject. Ninomnom nay imbagan amanan din hi Antonio. He remembered what his late father, Antonio, told him. (sem. domains: 9.2.3 - Pronouns.) 2his, her, its; third person, singular, possessive pronoun. “Om, mama inhumang nadan iimbabale na. “Yes, mama.” her children answered. Maanlaanak an mundawdaw-en nah bunga na on kinkinnan ku. I enjoyed picking and eating its fruit. (sem. domains: 9.2.3 - Pronouns.) comp. biggatna comp. gapuna

mungkonong (der. of konong) nom. refers to the shaman who performs the Bubun-ritual marriage ceremony, a divination ritual to determine if the marriage union should continue.

munlapu (der. of lapu) nom. the village leader who announces the obligatory rest day following certain traditional religious rituals; the village leader is usually both kadangyan ‘rich’ and a mumbaki ‘shaman’; this leader also has the responsibility for starting all seasonal work in the ricefields.