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payapay trans. to signal; waving gesture with hands. Payapayam aga din unga ta ibangngad na. Wave your hand at the child so he’ll come back. Mampayapay da handi mala-u da. They were waving when they passed by. ‑an/‑in‑ ‑an, maN‑. 5C Goal oriented sites. Sim: way-a, wakgi. (sem. domains: - Gesture.)

pagpag trans. to beat on something with the palm of the hand. Pagpagam nan gampa ta makakkaan nan nihudu. You beat on the basket so that it will be empty. Pagpagom nan panto te nakahhuyop da. Beat on the door because they are fast asleep. Eka mamagpag hi gumattangam hi ilukut. Go and beat on someone’s door to buy cigarettes. (understood that storekeeper is asleep) ‑on/‑in‑, ‑an/‑in‑ ‑an, maN‑. 4B Tactile - Touch contact. (sem. domains: 7.7.1 - Hit.)

odon₂ trans. to hold; to carry something held in hand. Indonak nan gampana ot mange kami. I held (and carried) the basket and we went. Adim odnan di uwa te mag-od ka. Don’t hold the knife because you’ll be cut. ‑an/‑in‑ ‑an. Sim: kawot, kapet. (sem. domains: - Hold.) infl. mangdon

ni- 1pass. this prefix is the passive form for Class 3 verbal roots; past tense. Dakol di inggampa dan nibangngad mu hay kapkaphodan ke Bugan ya nan gawgawa. They had many gifts in a basket that they returned home with but the very best for Bugan was the duck. Nate moh apu Casilda ya maid moy oggan mangialih allaman nibayuh puhu. After Grandmother Casilda died, there was no one to bring crabs pounded with banana blossoms. Sim: mi-. (sem. domains: - Verb affixes.) 2mod. functions to encode non-volitionality.

nalimuy algo (ph. v. of algo) sta. noon; the time when the sun is highest in the sky. Deket maal-algo ya em ihap-e nan page ta mamag-anan. At noontime, spread the rice so that it will dry. Dimmatong dah maal-algo ot ipayu dan e mampap mu tultulluy dimpap da. They arrived at noon and went directly to the river to catch crabs, but they only caught a few. Tuwe da te mungkamal-algo. Here they come because it is almost noon. na‑, mungka‑. (sem. domains: - Time of the day.)

nakaC1- -an TACR. this circumfix encodes an intensified passive, past tense; cross-references an object promoted to subject; the first C of the root is geminated when the form of the root is CVCCV(C). Nakallampahuan nan dulung. The floor is very well polished.

makaC2- (makang-) mod. this prefix is an intensifying modal forming a stative that describes a characteristic of a person. <The second consonant of the root is geminated.> Kahinlamlampahuwona takon di makahigga. He pretends to be polishing (the floor) although he is actually a very lazy person. Makanginnum ka gayam. You are a habitual drinker. (drunkard) Hiya ya makalukkut. He is a chain smoker. Makadinnol ka. You are over-confident. Makakalli diyen tagu. That fellow is very talkative.

maal-algo (der. of algo) sta. noon; midday. Deket maal-algo ya em ihap-e nan page ta mamag-anan. At noontime, spread the palay so that it will dry. Dimmatong dah maal-algo ot ipayu dan e mampap mu tultulluy dimpap da. They arrived at noon and went directly to the river to catch crabs, but they only caught a few. Tuwe da te mungkamal-algo. Here they come because it is almost noon. ma‑ CVC‑. (sem. domains: - Time of the day.)

littuku (sp. var. lituku) 1comm. rattan fruit with scale-like rind. Maid di littuku hi udum an boble. There is no rattan-fruit in other places. Syn: ampait. (sem. domains: - Food from fruit.) 2n. refers to the leaf of the rattan fruit vine. [The leaf is used in the kulkulibag childbirth ritual.]

lik’on 1comm. padding for head in order to carry a heavy load, made from leaves or cloth. Ihaad mu nan likon ku te madam-ot tun gampan agtuwok. Put the pad on my head because the basket I’ll carry is heavy. (sem. domains: 6.7.3 - Carrying tool.) 2trans. to wear or use a pad on the head or shoulder for carrying something heavy. Likonam nan pah-onom an kaiw ta adi humakit nan pukol mu. Use a carrying-pad with the wood you are going to carry so that your shoulder will not be sore. Munlikon ka te mahakit nan gampa an iagtu. Use a carrying-pad because the bottom of the basket you will carry is painful. ‑an/‑in‑ ‑an, muN‑/nuN‑. 5A Changing state of site by adding something.

lampahu 1comm. a coconut husk used for polishing floors. Mangapya kah lampahu. Make a coconut-husk. (sem. domains: 1.5.5 - Parts of a plant.) 2trans. to polish floors with a coconut husk. Daan nan lampahu ta lampahuwam tun kuwartuk? Where is the coconut-husk so you can polish my room? ‑an/‑in‑. 5B Remove object from site. (sem. domains: 5.6 - Cleaning.) Language Of Borrowing: Ilocano.

kultut comm. tick of wild boar. Sim: ampa. (sem. domains: - Insect.)

karas 1comm. a stick used to level off top of full grain container. Napnu ke nan hopa on usarom nan karas. When the chupa is full, use the stick to level the top. (sem. domains: 6.7 - Tool.) 2trans. to level off full container with hand or stick. Karasom hin mapnu nan lata. Level off the top of the can when it’s full. Karasan yu nan gampa ne kinilo yu. Level off the top of the head-basket and then weigh it. ‑on/‑in‑, ‑an/‑in‑ ‑an. Language Of Borrowing: Ilocano.

kaput trans. 1to repair things made of rattan; may be generalized to repair other things. [Repairs are usually made with strips of rattan.] Ingkaput da nan napain gampa. They repaired the head-basket with rattan vine. Paputam nan pahiking. Repair the back pack with rattan. ‑an/‑in‑ ‑an, i‑/iN‑. 5A Changing state of site by adding something. (sem. domains: 7.5.2 - Join, attach.) 2to tie something using rattan strips. Dahdiy adi bumoh-ol an ingkaput ku nan panton di balen di manuk on eyak ume on naubad di kaput na. Who wouldn’t get angry, I tied the door of the chicken house and when I went, it was untied. Kinaputan Mariah uwe nan karton yaden binukatan yu pay. Maria tied the carton with rattan and you still opened it. Pun-ikaput yun am-in hanadan carga te mangali nan talak. Tie all the baggage, the truck is coming. i‑/iN‑, ‑an/‑in‑ ‑an. 3C Move something and combine it with or attach it to something else.

kalampaag intrans. clanging sound produced by ill-adjusted joints of mechanical contrivances. Mungkalampaag nan talak te mungkalatiyan mo. The vehicle produces a clanging sound because it is already rusty. muN‑/nuN‑. 1D Sounds. (sem. domains: - Types of sounds.)

kaba 1comm. basket made of rattan strips tightly woven, without handle and 8-10” high with a square bottom and rounded top, carried on the head; head basket. Kinapya nah kaba nan uwe. He made the rattan-vine into a head-basket. (sem. domains: 6.7.7 - Container.) 2trans. to place things in a head basket; use the head basket. Nganney ingkabam? What is in your basket? i‑/iN‑. 3A Move and position object at site. Sim: gampa, balyag. (sem. domains: - Put in.)

hophop trans. to spread or cover something over a surface. e.g. using banana leaves, sheets, or plastics to cover. Hophopam hi ulo nan kahyupan nan golang. Place a blanket over the bed of the baby. Ihophop mu nan kaputi nah gampa. Use the cellophane to cover the head-basket. ‑an/‑in‑ ‑an, i‑/iN‑. 5A Changing state of site by adding something. (sem. domains: 7.3.7 - Cover.)

hinggampay iduna (id. of idu) someone eats house to house, mooching off others (lit. her/his spoons are a big basketful). (sem. domains: - Below standard.)

gampa 1comm. a basket, all-purpose, big and open and made of rattan or baginge grass or rattan strips. [The basket is used for vegetables, tubers and especially for carrying yam leaves for pigs’ food; it is carried on the head usually by women.] Ihaad mu nan tanghoy nah gampa. You put the water cress in the basket. Sim: kaba, balyag. (sem. domains: 6.7.7 - Container.) 2intrans. to use an all-purpose basket. Munggampa ka hin danggu nan igattang mu. Use a gampa-basket if you are going to sell spring-onions. Igampam nan gattuk. Place the sweet potatoes in a gampa-basket. muN‑/nuN‑, i‑/iN‑.

dopap 1rec. to struggle or contend with by grappling; wrestle. Mundopap dan hintulang. The siblings are grappling with each other. Bimmoh-ol mo kanuh Pangka ya ho- mundopap da. So, according to Pangka, he got mad and er...they grappled with each other. muN‑/nuN‑. 1A Movement with a manner component. Sim: hommol, alibadbad; Sim: tiliw. 2catch; seize; arrest. 2.1trans. to take hold of by catching. Eka dumpap nah manuk ta gogodon taku. Go catch a chicken and we’ll butcher it. Dumpap kayuh ihda takun gawgawa. Catch one of the ducks for our viand. Etaku mampap hi dolog. Let’s go catch fish. 2.2trans. to take hold of with force; seize, arrest. Dopapon yu nan mangako. Arrest the thief. Dimpap da nan mangako. They arrested the thief. Nadpap nan nangako. The thief was arrested. ‑on/‑in‑. 4B Tactile actions. (sem. domains: - Arrest, - Catch, capture.)

dapig trans. to change shape by pressing; to flatten. Dapigom nan kapyaom an tinapay. Flatten the bread you are to bake. Mangapya kah gampa mu dapigom ta nalaka an miagtu. Make a gampa-basket, but make it flat so that it’s easy to carry on the head. Nadapig di nangat mu yaden kanak di mukkolom. You made it flat, yet I told you to round it. Hay nadapig an batuy ialim hitu. Bring a flat stone here. Mungkadapig nan uluna. Its head is becoming flat. ‑on/‑in‑, ma‑/na‑, mungka‑. 4A Change the structure of an object. (sem. domains: 7.7.4 - Press.)

dangi 1intrans. smooth surface; for something to become smooth. Dumangi nan dulung hin lampahuwam. The floor will become smooth if you buff it. Usalom nan dap-ul nah duyu ta dumangi. Use ashes on the plates (for cleaning) and they will become smooth. Madangi peman di lamesaan Conching. Conching’s table is certainly smooth. Mundangi nan dulung an nalampahuwan. The floor which was buffed is smooth. ‑um‑/‑imm‑, muN‑/nuN‑, ma‑. 2G Processes. (sem. domains: - Smooth.) 2trans. to smooth a surface. Dangiyan yu nan tabla. Smooth the board. Munloglog ka ke ya dangihan nay buuk mu. When you wash your hair with clay it will smooth it (and make it shiny). ‑an/‑in‑ ‑an.

dagup trans. to gather unlike things together. Dinagup Mariay inggampanan ihda. Maria gathered different kinds of vegetables and put them in her basket. Nadagup day tagud Baguio te ongal an boble. Different kinds of people have gathered together in Baguio because it’s a city ‑on/‑in‑, ma‑/na‑. 4C Convey/bring objects toward agent. (sem. domains: 7.5.1 - Gather.)

balyag 1comm. basket used for carrying sweet potatoes, carried on back with head strap. Napnuy balyag nah gattuk. Her basket is full of sweet potatoes. Sim: kaba, gampa. (sem. domains: 6.7.7 - Container.) 2intrans. to use the headstrap basket. Mumbalyag ka te eka mumboka. Get the basket because you are going to dig camote. muN‑/nuN‑.

ampait (pait) comm. rattan fruit. Restrictions: Hudhud epic. {literary} Syn: littuku.
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