Search results for "an₂"

pangi- -an₂ dervN. this circumfix is a clausal nominalizer; non-past tense. Takon ad uwani ya hay pangaan hi dogoy pangipuunan di dakol an tataguh pangulug da. Even now healing (lit. removal of sickness) is the foremost reason that many people have faith. Hopdam di lopohhan hi daun ta pangilpoham. (In the meantime, get some banana leaves and ) spread these over a fermentation container for the purpose of your fermenting.

paN- -an₂ TACR. this circumfix encodes non-past tense and cross-references a topicalized time or place; it co-occurs with Class 4 transitive verbs and some members of Class 1 and Class 2 intransitive movement verbs. An daana udot di pangal-am hi em itugatugal? Where do you get the money to be continuously gambling? Pinhod mu ke bon mun-ang-ang hi sini ya dakol di damanah pangayam. If you want to see a movie, there are many places you can go. Takon di hay dangli na ya maid ta daana mo peman di e pangal-an nan inayana? Because they had nothing, he was not even given the customary death ritual for how could his poor wife afford it? Kinali kediyen eda panggopan ke dida ya inila da moy aton da ya hay eda kipustuwan. That’s why on the day of the raid, they knew what to do and where to post themselves. Em hanhanan ten kakon-anay pangayan da ad Manila. Go ask him when they will go to Manila. Sim: naN- -an. (sem. domains: - Verb affixes.)

nuN- -an₂ DEV. this circumfix is a clausal nominalizing affix; past tense. Idutidutinay numbaddanganan ha-on She is always repeating stories about how she helped me.

ne-an₂ adjunct. expression pointing out wrong; Hey! Interjection.

nangipa- -an₂ top. this circumfix encodes past tense and cross-references the topicalized agent-subject in a causative topicalization construction. <The agent doing the work is highlighted by syntactic fronting, i.e. placed in the pre-verb position and is cross-referenced by the circumfix.> Dahdiy nangipadngolana? Whom did he let hear it? Hi inay nangipatanomanah bulhe. My mother was the one that he had plant beans. Hi Pedroy nangipagaudana. Pedro was the one that he had spade. (sem. domains: - Verb affixes.)

naN- -an top. this circumfix topicalizes and cross-references a time or place; past tense. Ad Kiangan di nangayan da. Kiangan is the place where they went. Daanay em nangamungan ketuwen pagey? Where did you gather this rice? Sim: maN- -an; Sim: paN- -an. (sem. domains: - Verb affixes.)

Maknongan₂ (der. of konong) comm. a class of gods in the traditional religion that deserve sacrifices and offerings. [Usually thought of as the gods of reproduction; the Supreme God, a concept accepted by the Ifugao following the introduction of Christianity.] (sem. domains: 4.9.2 - Supernatural being.) Lourdes S. Dulawan: Ifugao Baki (Rituals for Man and Rice Culture)

maddikit comm. beautiful woman. Maddikit hi Mely. Mely is beautiful. Sim: buggan, balasang, pintas. (sem. domains: - Woman, - Beautiful.)

ka- -an₂ mod. this circumfix derives a superative adjective; greatest degree of modification. Hiyay nangalah kadukkayan an kawayan. He is the one who got the longest bamboo. (sem. domains: - To a larger degree.)

kahon 1comm. wooden box; crate. Ipal-um mu nan balat nah kahon. Ripen the bananas in the wooden box. Ihaad mu nan ukkon nah kahon. Place the puppy inside the wooden box. Sim: kaban. (sem. domains: 6.7.7 - Container.) 2trans. to place in a box. Nikahon nan impaalin tulang ku yaden binukatan yu pay. The one sent by my sister was placed in a box and yet you still opened it. Pun-ikahon yu datuwe ta ahi taku munlugan. Put these in boxes before we ride. Dahdi boy nangikahon an uggek binilang. Who again put it in the box when I did not count it? Naane bulwatim te ingkahon mu nabayag. Your clothes have been eaten by termites because they have been in a box for a long time. i‑/iN‑, mi‑/ni‑, puN‑ i‑, mangi‑/nangi‑. 3A Move and position at site. (sem. domains: - Put in.) Language Of Borrowing: Spanish: caja. der. kinahon

kaban₂ 1comm. wooden box or trunk. Nangapyah kaban an pangiha-adanah bulwatina. He made a wooden box for his clothes. Pundallomom tun balituk nah kaban mu. Put this gold at the very bottom of your trunk. Sim: kahon. (sem. domains: 6.7.7 - Container.) 2trans. to place inside trunk. Ingkaban ina hanan balituk an banggol ku. My mother placed my golden chain inside the trunk. i‑/iN‑. 3A Move and position object at site.

‑in‑ ‑an TACR. 1this circumfix encodes past tense, a punctiliar time aspect and cross references the direct object; it is a member of the default affix set for Class 5 verbal roots. Andaan mo ta deket waday takon di ittay an hinapulan an pihu ya intalu ta nangamung hi udum an algo an ahi nin makahhapul. When you have just a little money, why not keep it for a rainy day when you might need it badly. Wada key dinatngan da, lingngo da ta potnon da. When they find a satisfactory tree, they fell it and remove the parts not needed. Dinulhukak nan apuy te nalutu di kanon ta. I extinguished the fire because our food is cooked. Sim: ‑an. (sem. domains: - Verb affixes.) 2when this circumfix co-occurs with verbal root classes other than Class 5, the affix cross-references a specific site-object. Uhup nan tinaddogak hidi. I stood there for a long time. .

ikan₂ comm. fish, similar to a black bass. Waday igattang dah ikan ad da-ul. They are selling ikan-fish downtown. (sem. domains: - Fish.)

hablayan₂ (sp. var. hablayyan) (der. of hable) comm. a place to hang something; clothesline. Nakhat nan hablayan mi. Our clothesline is cut. Syn: balagbagan. (sem. domains: 7.5.2 - Join, attach, - Hang.)

duwampulu (comp. of pulu) quan. two tens; twenty. Duwanpulu kilon nan bulhe. The weight of the beans is twenty kilos. Sim: bainti, dalan. (sem. domains: - Cardinal numbers.)

dalan₂ comm. measuring unit for ten bundles of rice. Gumawatak hi hindalan an page. I will borow ten bundles of rice. general: can be combined with other numbers e.g. duwan dalan; tulun dalan; etc. hiN‑. Sim: bainti, duwampulu; Meas: bongle, dalan, upu. (sem. domains: 6.2 - Agriculture, - Cardinal numbers.) comp. hindalan

bulan₂ month. 1.1comm. month. Kaatnay bulan mu? How many months pregnant are you? Kaatnay bulana? How many months old is he? (sem. domains: 8.4.1 - Period of time.) 1.2nom. monthly; every month. Binulan an bumuddu nan dogona. Every month his sickness reoccurs. ‑in‑. der. binulan der. kabulabulan

buggan₂ adj. beauty of a female. [This may be a coinage from the name of the Ifugao heroine, Bugan.] Man-u te buggan ka mu uggem inilan mungngunu. It’s true that you are beautiful but you do not know how to work. Qualifier. Sim: maddikit, balasang, pintas. (sem. domains: - Beautiful.)

bongle 1sta. fifty, a unit of measurement by the count of fives; the measure is related to bundles of rice. Inuyap ku hin kaatnay bintok da ya nabongle. I counted the number of bundles, it was fifty. na‑. Sim: nalima; Meas: bongle, dalan, upu. (sem. domains: - Cardinal numbers.) 2comm. monetary unit of fifty pesos. [This is probably an extended meaning from the traditional. meaning related to number of rice bundles.] Nabongle nan indat nan balun ku. He gave me fifty pesos as my pocket money. na‑.

bokbokan₂ (der. of bokbok) nom. cylindrical metal which serves as the mortar for crushing betelnut.

balasang 1comm. young unmarried girl over thirteen; girl; a young lady. Waday imbabalem hi balasang? Do you have an unmarried daugther? Sim: buggan, maddikit, pintas. (sem. domains: - Woman.) 2intrans. for a girl to develop and become a young woman. Bimmalasang kah hingkatang. I didn’t realize you’re a big girl now. ‑um‑/‑imm‑. Language Of Borrowing: Ilocano.

balagbagan comm. a hanging place for things to dry; a rope or wire strung up or a long, thin piece of wood placed across an area. Maphod di waday balagbagan te nadawo di pangibalagbagan hi pinhod nan mun-ul-ulen mamag-anan. It is good to have a line because it’s ready for hanging whatever you want to dry slowly. Syn: hablayan. (sem. domains: - Rope, string.)

bainti (sp. var. bahinti) 1adj. the count twenty of something. Bainti an tatagu di mahapul. Twenty people are needed. Number quantifier. Sim: dalan, duwampulu. (sem. domains: - Cardinal numbers.) 2sta. to be worth twenty. Idatanak hi mabainti kindi. Give her candies worth twenty pesos. ma‑. Language Of Borrowing: Spanish: veinte.

apangdan₂ comm. the wooden part of a slingshot where the elastic sling is tied. Ingkapyaan dah apangdan nan unga. They made a slingshot for him. (sem. domains: - Weapon, shoot.)

an₂ int. interrogative marker; question marker. <This is the yes - no question marker; asks for confirmation; may optionally compound with all question words as a proclitic.> An waday boga? Is there any rice? Andaanay nangayam? Where did you go (towards)? An hinaey ihumang mun ha-oy? Is that your answer to me? “An inilam an mangipaptok?” kanan bon inaonan hi Magappid. “Do you know how to take care of it?” Aunt Magappid said. comp. antipe
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