Search results for "apupu"

labtuk 1intrans. to jump or leap over something. Lumabtuk ka ta adika mapupuyok. You jump over so you won’t be muddied. ‑um‑/‑imm‑. Sim: paytuk, yapa; Sim: dop-a, paytuk, yapa. (sem. domains: - Jump.) 2trans. to jump over something that is specified and cross-referenced. Labtukon nan kabayu nan alad te timmattakut. The horse will jump over the fence because it is very scared. ‑on/‑in‑.

ka- CV- this prefix combination encodes the tendency to become the characteristic expressed in the root or the tendency to go through a process. Katatakut pay an e bumah-el te dakol di talak an muntutun-ud. It is even dangerous (frightening) to cross the street since there are many buses lined up one after the other. Kapupuhik nan basu. That cup is breakable (easily broken). (sem. domains: - Verb affixes.)

kaCV- mod. to have a tendency toward certain behavior or have the characteristic encoded in the root. <The prefix ka- requires the cooccurence of the CV- reduplication to encode the ‘tendency’ modal concept. > Katatakut pay an e bumah-el te dakol di talak an muntutun-ud. It is even dangerous to cross the street since there are many buses lined up one after the other. Kapupuhik nan basu. The cup is breakable. (sem. domains: - Verb affixes.)

apupu trans. 1to carry something at chest area embraced by arms Iapupum tun golang ta apupuwok tun angang. You carry the child so that I can carry this jar. i‑/iN‑. 3F Move object with self. (sem. domains: 7.3.1 - Carry.) 2to put arms around another in an embrace.

pulut 1comm. the stickers from grass which adhere to clothing. Dakol di pulot di bulwatim. There are many stickers on your dress. (sem. domains: 1.5.3 - Grass, herb, vine.) 2sta. to have grass stickers adhering to body or clothing. Mipulut ke he-a nan wadan nah dalan. The grass stickers on the road will cling to you. Mapupulut ka idalan mun nah gawwana. You will be full of grass stickers if you pass through the center. mi‑, ma‑. 6D Descriptives.

puyok 1comm. mud; soil. Ha-adam hi dagami nan puyok. Place dried rice straw on the mud. Sim: pitok. (sem. domains: - Soil, dirt.) 2sta. to be muddy. Napupuyok nan bulwatina. His clothes were muddied. ma‑/na‑ CV‑.