Search results for "baliw"

pangat (der. of at) 1nom. refers to a custom, a particular way of doing something. Athituy pangat di ibaliwon. This is the way lowlanders do things. Athituy pangat di aammod dih done. This is a custom of our ancestors. Sim: e-e, pangi-e. (sem. domains: - Custom.) 2comm. facility or skill; know-how; the means to do things. Maid di pangat da. They do not have the means to do things. (sem. domains: 3.2.3 - Know.)

olom 1intrans. to be suspicious. Mun-olom an maki-e nadah ibaliwon. He is suspicious about going with the lowlanders. Umoloolom handi mangali kamih tu. He was always suspicious when we were coming here. muN‑/nuN‑, ‑um‑/‑imm‑. Sim: madla. (sem. domains: - Think so.) 2trans. to distrust someone or something. Oloman dan makikan nah inhaang mu. They distrust what you cooked. ‑an/‑in‑ ‑an.

ngayo intrans. 1to headhunt; headhunter. [The civil government outlawed headhunting.] Kanan day mungngayo di Ipugaw. They say that the Ifugao are headhunters. muN‑. 2to go on a headhunting expedition; to join a headhunting expedition. Eda mungngayo ad baliwon di ammod handi. In the old days, our ancestors went to the lowlands to headhunt. muN‑/nuN‑. (sem. domains: - Kill.)

ni-ahan (infl. of ahan) adjunct. expresses hope for a good outcome; to defer to someone; do something for the good of another; expressing that it is good that something bad did not happen. Iyam ni-ahan nan otak. At least hand me the machete. Ugge ni-ahan nate nan nuwang. At least the carabao did not die. Kon baliwan mu di ninomnom mun aton ta iunnud mu ni-ahan hi pinhod na. Will you change what you had decided to do, so that you will follow what he wants? Attitudinal. (sem. domains: 9.2.6 - Particles.)

mangibaliw (infl. of baliw) trans. to save; savior, the one who saves is cross-referenced; refers to spiritual salvation. Hi Apu Dios ya abuy mangibaliw ke ditakuh liwat taku. Only God can save us from our sins. mangi‑/nangi‑. Sim: hiwang, salbal.

mangibalal (infl. of balal) 1comm. refers to the one who sells a mortgage. (sem. domains: - Sell.) 2trans. to mortgage a ricefield. Hi Jose di nangibalal nah payo da. Jose was the one who mortgaged their ricefield. Dakol day ibaliwon an mangibalal hi payo da. There are many lowlanders who are mortgaging their ricefields. mangi‑/nangi‑.

malbag (infl. of lob’ag) sta. to be swollen; refers to rice that has bulged beautifully. Malbag nan bogan ginattang ku nah ibaliwon. The rice I bought from the lowlander swells beautifully. ma‑. (sem. domains: 1.5.6 - Growth of plants.)

maleta 1comm. trunk for storage or for travel. Punuwom nan maleta hi ulo. Fill the trunk with blankets. (sem. domains: 6.7.7 - Container.) 2trans. to place inside a trunk; to use a trunk. Imaletam nadan bulwatim. Place your clothes inside the trunk. Mummaleta ka hin ume kad baliwon. Use a trunk when you go to the lowlands. i‑/iN‑, muN‑/nuN‑. 3A Move and position object at site. (sem. domains: - Put in.)

malarya 1comm. an illness characterized by intermittent fever, body chills and shakes; malaria. Dakol di mundogo hi malarya. Many are sick with malaria. Syn: daku. (sem. domains: 2.5.2 - Disease.) 2intrans. for the body to shake due to malaria; to have malaria. Munmalarya te ugge na bo ininum nan aga na. He is sick with malaria again because he did not take his medicine. Namalarya handi imme dad baliwon. He had malaria when they went to the lowlands. muN‑/nuN‑, ma‑/na‑. (sem. domains: 2.5.1 - Sick.) Language Of Borrowing: English: malaria.

makibokla (der. of bokla) 1comm. a class of people who work; working class. Dakol day makibokla ad uwani mu maid di mangngunu. There are many workers now but there is no work. maki‑. (sem. domains: 4.1.2 - Types of people.) 2intrans. to join in earning wages. Eyak makibokla ad baliwon. I am going to earn a living in the lowlands. maki‑.

lumman sta. to have a change in appearance, characteristics, eyesight, hearing, or thinking. Nalumman di angana. His face has changed. ma‑/na‑, mungka‑. 6A Physiological Process - State. Sim: baliw. (sem. domains: - Become, change state, 2.4 - Body condition.)

lingguwan (fr. var. hinlingguwan) (der. of linggu) 1nom. a time span of seven days; a week. Mala-u key duwan hinlingguwan ya damanan hiitom nan baya ta inumon taku! After two weeks pass, pour out the wine and we’ll drink with you. (sem. domains: - Week.) 2comm. one week. Mihaad kamid baliwon hinlingguwan. We will stay in the lowlands for one week. hiN‑ ‑an.

kopal 1comm. a sugarcane press. Sim: baliwohwo. (sem. domains: 6.7 - Tool.) 2trans. to press liquid from sugarcane using the cane press. Kopalon da nadan unan inamung da nah habal. They will press the sugarcane they gathered from the swidden plot. Nganney pungkopal mu? What will you use to press (the sugar cane)? ‑on/‑in‑, puN‑. 4A Change the structure of object. (sem. domains: 7.7.4 - Press.)

istolya (sp. var. ittolya; sp. var. istorya) 1comm. the telling of events or happenings; story; tale. Dakol di istolya hi donglon yuh di. You will hear many stories there. Handih kaittay ku ya dakol di istolyan di aammod ya nadan umali bale. When I was small, I heard many stories from older folks and from those who came to our house to visit. Sim: a-apo, bida, malamala. (sem. domains: 3.5.4 - Story.) 2tell a story. 2.1intrans. to tell a story; the activity of telling is in view. Mun-istolya kah mipanggep dih gubat. Tell a story about the war. muN‑/nuN‑. (sem. domains: 3.5.1 - Say, - Report.) 2.2trans. to tell a particular story. 2.2.1trans. to tell a specific story. Iistolyam di inat mun immalih tu. Relate the story about how you came here. i‑/iN‑. 2.2.2trans. to tell about a particular set of events. Istolyaon da nan inang-ang dad baliwon. They will relate to you a story about what they saw in the lowlands. Istolyaon dan handi kanu ka-gibbun di gubat ya namahig di banig. They say that after the second world war there were many incidences of ghost appearances. on/in . Language Of Borrowing: Spanish: historia.

ihuyop (infl. of huyop) trans. to sleep with someone; euphemistic term for sexual intercourse. Inhuyop na babai an ibaliwon. He slept with the woman from the lowlands. i‑/iN‑. Syn: ulig. (sem. domains: 2.6.2 - Sexual relations, 5.7 - Sleep.)

ibaliwon (der. of baliwon) comm. lowlander; refers to someone from the lowlands. Ibaliwon hi inana. His mother is a lowlander. i‑. (sem. domains: 5.9 - Live, stay.)

hiktam trans. to undergo actions or events; to learn about something through experience. Ad-adiy hiniktamana ad baliwon. He had a bad experience in the lowlands. Pinhod kun hiktamak di maphod an biyag. I want to experience a good life. Hanan imbabalena di nunhiktam hi pundisiplina That child of his is the one who has experienced his discipline. ‑an/‑in‑ ‑an. Sim: gikna. (sem. domains: 3.2.2 - Learn.)

gleps comm. a smooth-skin, juicy fruit that grows on vines, white or red; grapes. Waday nitanom an gleps ad baliwon. There are grapes planted in the lowlands. (sem. domains: - Food from fruit.) Language Of Borrowing: English: grapes.

e-e comm. 1customs; traditions; ways of doing things. Athituy e-en di ibaliwon. These are the ways of lowlanders. Hituwey e-en di aammod taku handi. This is the way of our forefathers long ago. Sim: pangat, pangi-e. (sem. domains: - Custom.) 2characteristics of a person or thing. Athidi tuwali di e-ena. That is really his nature.

dayu 1comm. visitor. [The word is most commonly used about visitors who come to the market plaza or other public place; usually they come for games, gambling, etc.] Datuwey dayu an nalpud baliwon. These here are the visitors from the lowlands. (sem. domains: - Visit.) 2trans. to visit someone or a place. Dayuwon dakayu hi bobleyu. We will visit you in your village. Dumayu dan makiay-ayyam. Their purpose in visiting is to play. ‑on, ‑um‑. Language Of Borrowing: Tagalog: dayuhan.

bumalal comm. one who buys a mortgage. E bumalal hi payo ad baliwon. He is going to buy mortgaged-ricefields in the lowlands. Bumalalak te waday pihhuk. I will buy the mortgage because I have money. ‑um‑/‑imm‑. (sem. domains: - Buy.)

bubun comm. a well dug in the ground where water is drawn out. E himmagob nah bubun hi inumon mi handi wada kamid baliwon. He went to fetch water from the ground well when we were in the lowlands. (sem. domains: - Spring, well.) Language Of Borrowing: Ilocano.

bokla₂ 1trans. to work for wages or other needs. Boklaok nan ginawat kun boga. I will work for the rice I borrowed. Kaatnay binoklam nah em nakiboklaan? How much did you earn where you went to work (lit. joined in earning)? ‑on/‑in‑. 4C Convey/bring objects toward agent. Sim: ganal, tangdan, ngunu, suweldu. (sem. domains: 6.1 - Work.) 2intrans. to join in earning. Eyak makibokla ad baliwon. I am going to earn a living in the lowlands. maki‑/naki‑. der. makibokla id. kay ta makiboklan nuwang

baliwon comm. refers to non-mountainous areas; lowlands. Datuwey dayu an nalpud baliwon. These here are the visitors from the lowlands. Ad baliwon di nangayana. He went to the lowlands. (sem. domains: - City.) der. ibaliwon

baliwohwo comm. a press for sugar cane. [The sugar cane press is an apparatus made of wood which turns to press the juice from sugar cane.] Naganas an ang-agon nan baliwohwon muntillonan. It is enjoyable to watch a press which is turning. Sim: kopal. (sem. domains: - Instrument.)
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