Search results for "bango₁"

pahhiking comm. a backpack made out of rattan strips of minimum size. [This type of backpack has a back strap and cover; it is usually used by men.] Takon di babai mo ad uwani ya pinhod na mo an munpahiking. Women these days also like to carry a pahhiking-backpack. Nunpahhiking hi Joni an immed Amduntug. Joni used a backpack going to Amduntug. nun‑, mun‑, ni‑, i‑. pt: hagang; Sim: hakbat; Sim: bango, akbut, hakbat. (sem. domains: 6.7.7 - Container.)

hakbat 1comm. backpack. Waday hakbat na. He has a backpack. Sim: pahhiking; Sim: bango, akbut, pahhiking. (sem. domains: 6.7.7 - Container.) 2trans. to carry on the back. Ihakbat mu nan basket. Carry the bag on your back. Munhakbat ka hin umali kayuh tu. When you come here wear a backpack. i‑/iN‑, muN‑/nuN‑. (sem. domains: 7.3.1 - Carry.)

bango₁ comm. backpack with raincape; woven of rattan; the cape-like gear attached is made of tied hairlike string from the bangi palm. Inhaad na nan dotag nah bango. He placed the meat in the backpack. Sim: akbut, pahhiking, hakbat. (sem. domains: 6.7.7 - Container.)

akbut 1comm. a backpack; a knapsack. [Formerly, the backpack was always made of animal hide] Pinhod kuy akbut an umat nah ginattang mu. I want a knapsack just like the one you bought. Adida ke ihda nan bolat na ya kapyaon dah akbut. When they do not eat the skin, they make it into a backpack. Sim: bango, pahhiking, hakbat. (sem. domains: 6.7.7 - Container.) 2intrans. to use a backpack. Mun-akbut la hin umanamut ka. Use a backpack when you go home. In-akbut na nan bulwatina. He placed his clothes in a backpack. muN‑/nuN‑, i‑/iN‑.