Search results for "bubunut"

bunut₅ (sp. var. bubunut) trans. to draw lots. Deket Christmas on mumbibinnunut kami. Whenever it is Christmas we draw each other’s names. Bumunut ka. Draw out your choice. muN‑/nuN‑, ‑um‑/‑imm‑. (sem. domains: - Choose.) infl. binnunut

bubunut (sp. var. of bunut) to draw lots.

am-ama (der. of ama) comm. refers to an old man, from about 60 years old. Te am-in da takon di unga weno am-ama, muntuttudu weno mun-adal ya numbubunut da ot matuddu nimpe ngunu da. (1 Chronicles 25:8b) Because all of them whether young or old men, whether teaching or learning, they were chosen by casting lots and their work was taught. (sem. domains: 2 - Person.)