Search results for "budding"

magya sta. to be budding or blossoming, of plants or trees. Mamagya da nadan habung di kape. The coffee flowers are opening. ma‑. id. mamagmagyan mamaddikit

budding (sp. var. of bud’ing)

bud’ing (sp. var. budding) comm. ricebird; two species. Eka mun-abul hi buding nah payo. You go to drive away the rice birds in the fields. Naligat di mun-abul hi buding. It’s hard to drive rice birds away. Upuwon di buding di page hin adi adugan hanan page hin mamunga. The ricebirds will consume the grains of rice if the rice is not guarded when the grains begin to form. Sim: banukung, bikongkong; gen: hamuti. (sem. domains: - Bird.) id. kay nomnom di buding