Search results for "dokop"

gam’al 1comm. a handful. Ohan gamal ya abu. One handful only. Sim: poka, pongol, dokop; Sim: kawot, poka. (sem. domains: 8.2.8 - Measure.) 2trans. to close the hand; to hold something in hand. Gamalom nan taklem ta adi mag-a nan od-odnam. You close your hand so that what you are holding will not drop. Nganney gagamalom? What are you holding? Adi magamal te ongngaongngal. It could not be held in the hand because it is very big. ‑on/‑in‑. (sem. domains: - Hold.) 3trans. to take a handful. Igamal mu mo teden maid di pangiha-adam. Take by handfuls for you don’t have a container. Gumamal ka tuh buwan di antak ta em itanom. Take a handful of these string bean seeds for you to plant. i‑/iN‑, ‑um‑/‑imm‑.

dokop trans. to hold two or more things in one hand. Pundokopon yun odnan nadan hukin di manuk. Hold the chicken’s feet together. ‑on/‑in‑, puN‑ ‑on. 4B Tactile - Touch contact. Sim: poka, gam’al, pongol. (sem. domains: - Hold.)

poka 1comm. a handful. Himpoka nan gattuk. The sweet potato just fills the hand (lit. one-hand-full). hiN‑. Sim: gam’al, pongol, dokop; Sim: kawot, gam’al. 2trans. to hold something in the hand; to clasp in hand, the fingers are clasped around object, but the object is too big to completely close the hand. Pok-om tun batu. Clasp this rock. ‑on/‑in‑. 4B Tactile - Touch contact. (sem. domains: - Hold.)

pongol 1comm. a handful. Idattanak hi himpongol an moma. Give me a handful of betelnut. hiN‑. Sim: poka, gam’al, dokop. (sem. domains: 8.2.8 - Measure.) 2trans. to hold in hand; to grip long, thin objects, e.g. stalks or handles. Ponglom nan bulhet adi mag-a. Hold the beans with your hands so that they will not be dropped. Pingngol nay dagami. He gripped some rice stalks. Poponglonay buuk tulang na. He is grasping the hair of his sister. ‑on/‑in‑. 4B Tactile - Touch contact. (sem. domains: - Hold.)