Search results for "dunut"

palu trans. to dismantle; to take apart a building; disassemble. Numpalu da din ab-abbung te nadunut mo. They dismantled the hut because it’s old and rotten. ‑on, nuN‑. (sem. domains: 7.8 - Divide into pieces.)

laklak trans. to pull off and pull apart in order to dismantle. Laklakon takuy dingding tun abung te nadunut. Let us pull off the wall of this shack as it is rotten. Punlaklak da nan alang. They are dismantling the granary. ‑on/‑in‑, puN‑. 5B Changing state of site by removal of something. Sim: pai. (sem. domains: - Remove, take apart.) Language Of Borrowing: Ilocano: rakrak.

hudpak (fr. var. hudng’ak) 1comm. a pole used to detach something by poking; e.g. fruit from branch. Nagi-u nan hudpak te nadunut an kawayan. The pole was broken because it was a rotten bamboo. Sim: duladul, hukit, dunghak, hudng’ak. (sem. domains: 6.7 - Tool.) 2trans. to detach with a pole; to hit something hanging with a pole. Hudpakom din tabuyug ta kanon taku. Detach that orange so that we can eat it. ‑on/‑in‑. 4D Release, remove or detach object.

hipdut trans. to cut a string or cord; to sever string or cord. Hipdutom tun tinulid. Cut this string. Ihipdut mun nah gawwana. Sever it at the middle. Humipdut kan nah wakal ta pamobod. Sever some of the vine so we can use it for binding. Mahipdut nan linubid te nadunut. The rope will break because it is rotten. ‑on/‑in‑, i‑/iN‑, ‑um‑/‑imm‑, ma‑/na‑. 4A Change the structure of object. Sim: hoktang, kohat, pogtang, puttut. (sem. domains: 7.8.3 - Cut.)

guyyudan (der. of guyud) comm. two ropes attached from carabao yoke to the plow. Hinannotan da nan guyyudan te nadunut. They changed the ropes attached to the plow because they are rotten. ‑an.

dunut sta. to be rotten, refers to wood. Nilubhutak nah dulung da te nadunut. I broke through their floor because it’s rotten. Mungkadunut nan tukud da te matinatina. Their post is becoming rotten because it is always being wet. ma‑/na‑, mungka‑. 6C Process or state of inanimate objects. (sem. domains: - Decay.)

balakibak comm. 1sapwood; the part of a tree between the bark and heartwood; may be used for firewood. Unnaon an itunguy balakibak di kaiw ta ahi nan hogatna. First, use the sapwood section for fuel before the heartwood sections. Sim: hogat. (sem. domains: - Plant product.) 2bark of a tree or piece of wood. Kaanon da nan balakibak nan kaiw te nadunut. They’ll remove the bark of the wood because it’s rotten. (sem. domains: 1.5.1 - Tree.)

alate (sp. var. alatte) intrans. to move across something narrow suspended in the air, e.g. a tree branch, foot bridge. Tumakutak an umalate nah langtay an kaiw te nadunut. I am afraid to cross that wooden bridge because it’s rotten. ‑um‑/‑imm‑. 2A Movement from one place to another. (sem. domains: 7.2 - Move.)

adol comm. 1physical body with all its parts. Mahakit di adol ku. My body aches. Oha bo ya mahmok di adol. One more thing is that you should pity your body. Indani ya magibok nan mahakit am-in di adol na, ya nakakkaktol. Later, he felt pain all over his body and he began to feel the cold. Sim: kaha. (sem. domains: 2.1 - Body.) 2trunk of tree. Nadunut di adol nan akasya. The trunk of the acacia tree is rotten. Abunay hukik an nangipakkid nah adol di kaiw, mu ongnga-ongngal ot muntattayunak nah hapang. It was only my legs that held on around the trunk of the tree; but it was big so I had to hang from a branch. (sem. domains: 1.5.1 - Tree.) der. nangadol

hibe comm. the projecting edge of the roof of a house or granary. Mungkadunut nan gulun nah hiben di atop mi. The roofing-grass at the eaves of our house is becoming rotten. (sem. domains: 6.5.2 - Parts of a building.)

pul-ut 1comm. a leafy reed; small variety of canegrass primarily used in roofing. Hay pul-ut di iatop da nah balaybayan di bale. They will use the reeds as roofing for the overhang of the house. (sem. domains: 1.5.3 - Grass, herb, vine.) 2intrans. to gather canegrass for roofing. Eka mamul-ut te nadunut mo nan atop taku. Go and gather canegrass for roofing because our roof is already rotten. maN‑/naN‑. infl. mamul-ut