Search results for "hawwal"

konoknong₁ (infl. of konong) trans. to estimate; to approximate. Konoknongom di alam, ta adi mahawwal. Estimate how much you’ll get so that it won’t be too much. Deket konoknongom an maal-algo ya munha-ang ka. When you approximate (lit. estimate) that it’s noontime, then cook. ‑on/‑in‑. 4E Perception and Cognition. (sem. domains: 3.2.5 - Opinion.)

hubla (sp. var. subla) sta. to be excessive; more than enough; for something to be leftover. Hubla tun indat yun ihda. You gave us more than enough viand. Dakol di mahubla te o-oha day immali. Much will be leftover because few came. Himmubla nan itanom ku. The seeds I was planting were more than enough. Hublaam hi duwan kilo nan idat mun ha-oy. Give an excess of two kilos of what you are to give me. ma‑, ‑um‑, ‑an. Sim: suruk, hawwal. (sem. domains: - To a large degree.) Language Of Borrowing: Tagalog: sobra.

hin-uddum (der. of udum) adv. 1sometimes; time intervals related to time sequence. Hin-uddum on umudan hi nal-ot. Sometimes it rains hard. Hin-uddum umeyak ad Solano. Sometimes, I go to Solano. Hin-uddum on uggena inilay kalkalyona. Sometimes she doesn’t know what she is talking about. Ta hin-uddum on gawan di hilong on ahi immanamut. So he would sometimes come home in the middle of the night. hiN‑. Time. (sem. domains: 8.4.3 - Indefinite time.) 2refers to intermittent times for actions and events. Hin-uddum an adika mangan. At times you don’t eat. Hin-uddum on nahawwal dah tulumpulu nan mangiattang. Sometimes there are thirty or more men to carry it.

hawwal 1comm. extra part; surplus; over-the-limit; over-the-requirement; may refer to both count and mass things. Kaatnay hawwal na? How much is the extra. Umidat kah hawwal na. Give some extra. Sim: suruk, hubla. (sem. domains: - Many, much, - Extra.) 2trans. to give more than enough; to do more than enough. Hawwalam hi lima. Give five for extra. Ihawwal muy opat. Give four for the extra. Tipe bot hawwalonah na-e. Why should he leave that as extra? Had-om ta waday hawwalok. Wait until I leave something extra. ‑an/‑in‑ ‑an, i‑/iN‑, ‑on/‑in‑. 3trans. to save or keep what is not needed. Nun-iboten Maria nan hinawwal min pintor. Maria bottled the paint we saved. ‑in‑.

tulumpulu (comp. of tulu) quan. thirty. Hin-uddum on nahawwal dah tulumpulu nan mangiattang. Sometimes there are thirty or more men to carry it. Number quantifier. (sem. domains: - Cardinal numbers.)