Search results for "hib-at"

hib-at intrans. the alternate sounding of the gongs. [One player beats a gong with his palms; that is called the tobab rhythm. Three or four players play the hib-at rhythm to complement the tobab.] Hib-atom ta manayo kami. Beat the gongs so that we will dance. Mahaldot di panib-at nah gangha. The mannner in which he is striking the gongs is very sonorous. ‑on/‑in‑, paN‑. Sim: pol-ag. (sem. domains: - Types of sounds.) Manuel Dulawan: Readings on Ifugao

pol-ag 1comm. the stick used to beat a gong; made of hardwood like molave or yakal for a strong sound. (sem. domains: - Musical instrument.) 2trans. to beat gong. Pol-agon yu nan gangha. Beat the gong. Dakayuy mamol-ag ta ha-oy di mambab. You be the ones to beat the gongs with sticks and I will be the one to beat with my hands. ‑on/‑in‑, maN‑/naN‑. 4B Tactile - Touch contact. Sim: hib-at. infl. pamol-ag