Search results for "hidiyey"

pili trans. 1to choose; to select something from a group. Piliyom nan mapmaphod. You select the better one. Piliyom nan pinhod mun e ang-angon ya hidiy nangayam. You select the one you like to see and go there. Hay pinhod kun kalyon ya piliyom di maphod an barkadom. What I want is that you choose good friends. ‑on/‑in‑. 4C Move object toward agent.. (sem. domains: - Choose.) 2the focus is on the one who is choosing something. Mumpili hi ihda na. He is choosing his food. Mamili kayuh pinhod yu. You select what you like. Pumpili da nan mapmaphod an bubulwatit hidiyey ibagi da. They are selecting the good clothes to be theirs. muN‑/nuN‑, maN‑/naN‑, puN‑.

paytuk 1intrans. to move, by jumping up and down. Adida ni-an iha-ad hi luta yaden pumaytuk nan himmagabi nah hagabi ta gumpa. Before they place the bench on the ground, the man who is performing the ceremony jumps up on it and makes a speech. Mumpaypaytuk ya mungkuli te hidiyey pinghanan ena nakidilagan hi allama. She jumped up and down and screamed because it was the first time she went to catch crabs with a torch. Kanan Juliey, “Dakol di in-innat mi. Nungkanta kami ya pimmaytuk kami. She said, “We did many things. We sang and we jumped.” ‑um‑/‑imm‑, muN‑ CVC. 2B Movement, change of position. Sim: labtuk, yapa; Sim: dop-a, labtuk, yapa. (sem. domains: - Jump.) 2trans. to jump over something with the object being jumped over in view. Paytukom din alad hin kayam. Jump over the fence if you can. ‑on/‑in‑.

nil-un advpred. refers to the fact that some action has already taken place. Nil-un kinalik an idat kun hiya ot ahim kalyon an hidiyey pinhod mu. I had already said that I would give it to him before you said you wanted it. Time. (sem. domains: 8.4.5 - Relative time.)

makaC2- -an mod. this circumfix encodes an intensified passive; non-past tense; cross-references the subject. <The second consonant of the root is geminated.> Kalyok hituwe te ad uwani ya makaawwatan takuy ine-en di pamhod te hidiyey impatibotibon Jesus hi pangi-ena. (1 Juan 2:8b) I say this because now we fully understand the way of love because that is what Jesus continuously revealed by his customary way. Sim: nakaC2- -an. (sem. domains: - Verb affixes.)

lalaki comm. a human male; may refer to an adult male or child. Hana ken ong-ongal ya hidiyey appit di lalaki. The side with the bigger head is supposed to represent the man. Nan lalaki ya hi Luis ya hi Julie nan babai. Luis was the boy and Julie was the girl. Deket hanadan lalakiy kumayat on kay nakalakka. When the older boys were the ones who climbed, it seemed so easy. Syn: ginnid. (sem. domains: 2.6.5 - Male, female.) der. makilalaki infl. linalaki

kitib-anan (der. of tibo) nom. something that can be seen that gives evidence for the truth; evidence. Hidiyey kitib-anan maid di bahul na. That is evidence that he has no fault. (sem. domains: - True, - Witness, testify.)

kapilitan (der. of pilit) comm. for something to be mandatory. Kapilitan an makimiting te hidiyey kanan mayor. It is mandatory to attend the meeting because the mayor says so. ka‑ ‑an. (sem. domains: - Necessary.)

hipuk₂ 1comm. wine that has been diluted with water and sugar. Adik pinhod an inumon di hipuk. I don’t like to drink diluted wine. 2trans. to dilute wine with water and sugar in order to increase the amount. Hipukam ta hidiyey ahi taku panguddidiyon. Dilute by adding water and sugar to the rice wine and we can use it for the last drink. ‑an/‑in‑ ‑an. 5A Changing state of site by adding something. (sem. domains: 7.5.3 - Mix.)

hidiyey (hidiye) demonstrative predicate. that is; a demonstrative predicate; the form is based on hidiye, a member of Set 3 demonstrative pronouns; it co-occurs with the allomorph y of the linker di. The form predicates the existence of something or someone that is away from both speaker and hearer. Hidiyey balen da Juan. That is Juan’s house. (sem. domains: - Demonstrative pronouns.)

Hay itanom mu ya hidiyey aniyom. (say. of ani) to gather the fruit of one’s deeds; reap what you sow. (lit. What you plant is what you will harvest.) [This saying is thought to be borrowed by some speakers of the language.] (sem. domains: 4.4 - Prosperity, trouble.)

hanan (han) dem. the; that; a member of Set 1; co-occurs with a noun, and refers to specific people or things. <This form must co-occur with a noun; nan is shortened form> Hanan mittulu mi ke ya impakainnila nay mungkanta. The teacher knows how to sing well. Mahapul an hanan himmagabi ya taganah kolong hi nuwang o babuy ta pihdana nadah deh muyung ya nadan udum an bumadbaddang. The man performing the Hagabi-ceremony must go on butchering carabao and pigs to feed the people in the forest and all the others who are helping him. Hanan it-itay hidiyey appit di babai. While the side with the smaller head represents the woman. (sem. domains: - Demonstrative pronouns.)

gawan quan. may refer to the middle of night or day. Takon di gawan di hilong ya paka-ang-angona ya pakadopapponay gando ya ulog an hidiyey kanona. Even if it is the middle of the night it sees clearly and catches rats and snakes for food. (refers to an owl) Ta hin-uddum on gawan di hilong on ahi immanamut. So he would sometimes come home in the middle of the night. der. munggawa

CV(C)₁ asp. 1the reduplication of the first syllable, either CV or CVC, of a verbal root is the morpheme form that encodes the continuative aspect; this aspect expresses a single, uninterrupted continuing activity; continue. Kabigabigat on nangin-innum da ya nunhahamul da nah muyung. Every day these men continue to feast and drink in the forest. Idihhan ta hin mungngangala da ta adi dita donglon ke dida. We will coincide it with when they are continuously noisy so they will not hear us. Maanlaanak an mundawdaw-en nah bungana on kinkinnan ku. I enjoyed continuing to pick and eat the fruit. Munhaghaggeyak te nikudliyak. I am limping because I slipped. Ot matatpuuk da nah puhung, mundopdoppap dah di. Then, they splashed into the pool, continuing to grapple there. 2expresses a continuative time aspect when co-occuring with roots that have an inherent punctiliar time aspect, but have been derived to have a durative time aspect with the prefix set muN-/nuN-. Mumpaypaytuk ya mungkuli te hidiyey pinghanan ena nakidilagan hi allama. She jumped and screamed because it was the first time she went to catch crabs with a torch. Ek ang-angon, munhidhid-ipak te nahilong ya- maid hi Lammooy I went to see, I was straining my eyes because it was dark, Lammooy was not around Nuntadtaddog kamin mundongdongngol hi kalkalyon nan mittulu. We were continuously standing as we were listening to the speech of the teacher. (sem. domains: - End.)

bunhik comm. splinters of wood. Inamung ku nan bunhik ta hidiyey itungumi. I gathered all the splinters and that is what we are using for fuel. Sim: kamkam, lamka. (sem. domains: - Plant product.)

biyag 1comm. life. Pumhod di biyag hin waday dinol ke Apu Dios. Life will be better if we put our trust in God. Te mama-id key manuk ya hidiyey poppog di biyag nah punnomnom na. Because without chickens, he thinks that would be the end of his life. Sim: nitaguwan. 2sta. to be alive; to live. Mabiyag kaya nadan intanom mu. Those you planted will definitely live. Adi mabalin an eta mabiyag hin maid di ustuh ngunuh pangal-an hi pumbiyagan. It isn’t possible to live if we don’t have adequate work to provide our livelihood. ma‑. 6A Physiological Process - State. 3nom. refers to making a living; supporting oneself and dependents. Adi mabalin an eta mabiyag hin maid di ustuh ngunuh pangal-an hi pumbiyagan. It isn’t possible to live if we don’t have adequate work to provide our livelihood. puN‑ ‑an. Language Of Borrowing: Ilocano. der. biyagon der. mabiyag der. mumbiyag

biernes comm. Friday. Biernes ke ya hidiyey kanan dan kalima. Friday is what they call the fifth day. Syn: Biyarnit, kalimana. (sem. domains: 8.4.1 - Period of time.) Language Of Borrowing: Spanish.

bayad 1comm. payment for something. Hituwey bayad nan ginattang ku. This is the payment for what I bought. (sem. domains: - Pay.) 2trans. to pay for something. Ibayad na nan binokla na hi gawat na. He will use his salary to pay his debts. Adim bayadan nan inalak an tinapay nah tendaan ta kay hidiyey bayad nan pihhun inutang nan munggattang hidin ha-oy. Do not pay for the bread I took from that store so that it will be the payment of the money the storekeeper borrowed from me. Maid di adi mabayadan an utang. No debt will be left unpaid. ‑an/‑in‑ ‑an, i‑/iN‑, ma‑ ‑an/na‑ ‑an. 3intrans. to make a payment Mumbayad hi Juan hi bigat. Juan will pay tomorrow. Language Of Borrowing: Ilocano.

balita 1comm. a metal rod around six feet long with one end pointed and the other end flattened for prying and excavating. Alam nan balita ta hidiyey pundulig mu nah ongal an batu. Get the crowbar and use it to move the big stone. Mungka-ut ta ke ya mahapul di balita. When we dig we need a crowbar. Sim: kabra. (sem. domains: 6.2.8 - Agricultural tool.) 2trans. to use a crowbar. Balitaon yu nan luta te makulhi. Use a crowbar in breaking the ground because the soil is hard. Adi mabalita nan ongal an batu. The crowbar cannot move the huge stone. ‑on/‑in‑, ma‑.

babai comm. a female human being, a woman or girl. <Morphology: The plural form is irregular; the infix ‑in- marks the plural, binabai.> Em ayagan din babai ta mid-um tudah udum an binabai. Go and call for that woman so that she can join these other women. Hanan it-itay hidiyey appit di babai. While the side with the smaller head represents the woman. (sem. domains: - Woman.) der. kababaiyan der. makibabai infl. binabai

appaw (sp. var. ap’aw) adjunct. 1an expression that the speaker understands a situation; obviously; it is clear to the speaker that what has been stated by another is not the case. Immimih ina ot kananay “Ay, appaw! Man bokon bibiyoh diye te hidiye madla hi Renata.” Mother smiled and said “Oh my, that is certainly not a fairy because that is (Catholic nun) mother Renata.” (sem. domains: 9.2.7 - Interjections.) 2expression of surprised comprehension; Oh, I see! Appaw! Kon hidiyey inayana? Oh, I see! So that is his wife? Interjection. Sim: appa.

litig trans. to get the sticky sap of a tree with a thin stick. [Sap from the jackfruit and pakak-tree is gathered to use for a trap to catch birds and for gluing things. ] Litigom nan kakaw ta hidiyey pamukot tah bigat. Get the sap of the jackfruit tree and we will use it tomorrow in the pukot-trap. Munlitig nadan u-ungah pamukot da nadah du-uti. The children are getting sap for them to catch dragonflies. Linitig da nan pakak. They got the sap of the pakak-tree. ‑on/‑in‑, muN‑/nuN‑. 4C Convey/bring object toward agent. (sem. domains: 7.5.1 - Gather, 6.1 - Work.)

di₂ det. a determiner that marks indefinite reference of nouns and noun phrases. Takon di gawan di hilong ya paka-ang-angona ya pakadopapponay gando ya ulog an hidiyey kanona. Even if it is very dark it (an owl) sees clearly and catches rats and snakes for food. In-anamut di dakol di inangang da. Many came home hungry. Nalgom di pinhod mun gattangon mipalpun nah kaitayan ingganah nah kaongngalan ya wadan wada. Anything that you want to buy, from the smallest item to the largest is available. (sem. domains: - Demonstrative pronouns.)

pinghana (der. of oha) 1comm. refers to the first day of the week; Monday. Handih pinghana di immaliyak hi bale yu. It was last Monday that I came to your house. piN‑ + na. Syn: Lunes. (sem. domains: 8.4.1 - Period of time.) 2adv. refers to the beginning of a period of time or the first instance of an event; first time. Man-u dih pinghana te maphod ka; ad uwani ya makangohhe ka. It was only at the beginning that you were good; now you are proud. Handi pinghanan umeyak hidi ya kalyok on matalakak. When I went there for the first time, I thought I would get lost. Hidiyey pinghanan pangayan Bugan an e manibon inaonan hi Magappid. It was the first time Bugan went to visit her Aunt Magappid. Time. (sem. domains: - Ordinal numbers.)

poppog 1comm. space or time reaches a specified limit; the end. Hituwey poppog di kubu yu. This is the end of your lot. Ta nangamung hi poppog di yahyak ya adiyak kal-iwan. To my last breath, I will not forget you. Hitu ke ya danum an maid di poppog nay maang-ang. Here, all you see is water without an end. (standing on the shore of the ocean) Hay punnomnom na ya hidiyey poppog di biyag na. What he thinks is that would be the end of his life. Opp: palpu. (sem. domains: - End.) 2trans. to end a condition or action. Napoppog di kinadangyan da handih nateyan amada. Their wealth ended when their father died. Inlappu mih di ot ipoppog mih tu. We started there and ended here. Kon-anay ahi kapoppogan di punliwatan di tagu? When will the sinning of man end? Poppogon takuy nihbutan takun dida. Let’s end our slavery to them. i/iN‑, ‑on/‑in‑, ka‑ ‑an. infl. napoppog

tanok trans. to soften by cooking or soaking, particularly related to vegetables. Tanokom nan kolet ta ahim banowon. Cook the cabbage until it is soft and then dish it out. Matanok di punha-ang di iin-ina. Old women cook vegetables to be soft. Nakatannok nan kolet. The cabbage was over-cooked. Tanokom nan buttata te hidiyey pinhod ina. Cook the cabbage until it is soft because that is what mother prefers. ‑on/‑in‑, ma‑, naka‑. (sem. domains: - Cooking methods.)
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