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man-u 1adjunct. to be fortunate; for something to be good for someone. Man-un ditaku te mangan takuh mumpitlu hin-algo yaden dakol day agun maid kanon da. Good for us because we can eat three times a day when there are many who have no food at all. Kanak hi nomnom kuy “Makamman-un dida te kay nakalakka. I said to myself, “It’s really good for them because it seems easy.” Evaluative. (sem. domains: 4.4.1 - Prosperity.) 2advpred. something is possible, but is not certain; modifies the main clause; implies that it would be a good thing. Man-u te deket nangabak di tagu nah tugal ya mun-an-anla. It might be that when one wins in gambling he is happy. Modality. (sem. domains: - Possible.) comp. man-uke comp. man-upo

hin-algo (comp. of algo) comm. one 24-hour day. Mabattanan di hin-algo on wadaak hi payo. Every other day I will be in the ricefield.

algo₁ comm. during sunlight time; day. [The meaning of this form is no doubt related to the identical form with the gloss ‘sun’. The time unit ‘day’ relates to the time period from sunrise to sunset.] Ihap-em nan paeh udum an algo te adi mahap-ayan hi hin-algo ya abu. Dry the palay again some other day because it can’t be dried in just one day. Andaan mo ta deket waday takon di ittay an hinapulan an pihu ya intalu ta nangamung hi udum an algo an ahi nin makahhapul. When you have just a little money, why not keep it for a rainy day when you might need it badly. Hi kadwan di algo ya humamuy moy bubud. On the second day, the fermenting rice gives out its peculiar smell. Hituwen algo di kanan dah Ang-ang. This day is called Ang-ang. (sem. domains: 8.4.1 - Period of time.) comp. hin-algo der. maal-algo id. gagala on immey algo infl. kaalgoalgo

tulu 1adj. the cardinal number three. Tulu di inayana. He has three wives. Hay kadinawwinah nah ob-ob ad Patukan ya umeh tuluy kilometro. The distance from the spring in Patukan was about three kilometers Number quantifier. (sem. domains: - Cardinal numbers.) 2intrans. third cock’s crow; three times. Inggibok ku dih pimmitlu. I woke up when the cock crowed three times. ‑um‑/‑imm‑. 3adj. three each. Hintutlu kayun umbun. You sit by threes. hiN‑. 4trans. to divide into three. Puntuluwom an piangon nan tupaya te tulu kami. Cut the papaya in thirds because there are three of us. puN‑ ‑on. 5sta. to be worth three pesos. Matulun pihu tun ohan tupaya. This papaya is worth three pesos. ma‑. 6trans. to do something three times. Mamitluwak an uminum hi danum hi hin-algo. I drink water three times a day. Ganain di ipitluk an kumali on ahim dingngol. I have to say something three times before you listen. mami‑, ipi‑. 7adj. thirty. Tulumpuluy toon ku yaden maid pay di inayak. I am thirty years old and still single. 8quan. few. Dimmatong dah maal-algo ot ipayu dan e mampap mu tultulluy dimpap da. They arrived at noon and went directly to the river, but they only caught a few. comp. himpulut tulu comp. tulumpulu der. hintutlu der. katlu der. katlu der. mamitlu der. pitlu der. pungkatluwon