Search results for "hobwal"

kutlong 1comm. canegrass shoots. Mihday kutlong. The shoots of canegrass are edible. Sim: hobwal. (sem. domains: 1.5.3 - Grass, herb, vine.) 2intrans. to gather canegrass shoots. Nangutlong hi Juan te maid id ihda mi. Juan went to gather canegrass shoots because we had no viand. maN‑/naN‑.

hobwal (fr. var. hogwal) 1comm. the shoots of plants. Etaku kaanon nan hobwal di kawayan. We will remove the young shoots of the bamboo. Sim: kutlong; spec: tungpup. (sem. domains: 1.5.5 - Parts of a plant.) 2intrans. to sprout; to produce shoots. Ahi bo humobwal hi toon. It will have shoots again next year. (It will sprout.) ‑um‑/‑imm‑. 2G Processes. (sem. domains: 1.5.6 - Growth of plants.)

tungpup 1comm. bamboo shoots. [To remove the bitter taste of bamboo shoots, they are boiled twice. After the first boiling, the bamboo shoots are still bitter and the water is thrown away before boiling a second time.] Naken magattang hi market an tungpup ya adi mapait te naulaulahan mo. The bamboo shoots sold at the market don’t taste bitter because they are already boiled and washed two times. Pinpinhod kun ihda di tungpup. I’m very fond of bamboo shoots for my viand. gen: hobwal. (sem. domains: - Food from plants, 1.5.5 - Parts of a plant.) 2intrans. to gather bamboo shoots for food. Eyak manungpup ya dinamuk hi Jose. I was going to get bamboo shoots and I met Jose. maN‑/naN‑.