Search results for "hukit₂"

hukit₂ 1comm. a pole to pick fruit; made of bamboo; the end is cut in such a way as to form a small basket like container to hold the fruit or merely has a split end. Sim: duladul, hudpak, dunghak, hudng’ak. (sem. domains: 6.2.8 - Agricultural tool.) 2trans. to gather fruit with stick or pole. Umala kah hukit ta hukitom nan tabuyug. Get a stick and pick that pomelo. Eyak humukit hi manga. I will go and pick mangoes. ‑on/‑in‑, ‑um‑/‑imm‑. 4C Convey/bring objects toward agent. (sem. domains: 7.5.1 - Gather.)

hudpak (fr. var. hudng’ak) 1comm. a pole used to detach something by poking; e.g. fruit from branch. Nagi-u nan hudpak te nadunut an kawayan. The pole was broken because it was a rotten bamboo. Sim: duladul, hukit, dunghak, hudng’ak. (sem. domains: 6.7 - Tool.) 2trans. to detach with a pole; to hit something hanging with a pole. Hudpakom din tabuyug ta kanon taku. Detach that orange so that we can eat it. ‑on/‑in‑. 4D Release, remove or detach object.

dunghak (sp. var. dunghuk) trans. to stab with a sharp instrument, usually a pole, specifically to obtain fruit from a tree. Dughakom nan tabuyug ta mag-a. Stab at the pomelo so that it will fall. Dinunghak na nan niyug te adi pakakayat. He stabbed at the coconut with a pole because he cannot climb. ‑on/‑in‑, ‑um‑/‑imm‑. 4D Release, remove or detach object. Sim: duladul, hudpak, hukit, hudng’ak. (sem. domains: 7.7.1 - Hit.)

duladul trans. to poke something so that the contents will fall into a container, e.g. the house of the allaga-ant. Duladulaom nan balen di allaga ta ihda taku nadan inana. Poke the house of the allaga-ant so that we will have the queen ants for viand. ‑on/‑in‑. 4D Release, remove or detach object. Sim: hudpak, hukit, dunghak, hudng’ak. (sem. domains: 7.7.1 - Hit.)