Search results for "igud"

pikluy sta. to be crippled with a deformed hand or foot. Sigud an napikluy. He was born crippled. ma‑/na‑. 6A Physiological Process - State. (sem. domains: 2.5.4 - Disabled.)

mampe (comp. of man, pe) adjunct. indicates certainty about what is being said in contradiction to another’s assertion or action; really. Maid mampe di inat nan dakayu. He really did not do anything to you. Tipe mampet eyu linigud nan tabuyug da Amboy. Why did you really steal the pomelo of Amboy? Attitudinal. (sem. domains: - Certainly, definitely.)

ligud₂ intrans. to look everywhere for something or someone. Ligudom nan nangiha-adan yu nah banga. Look everywhere for where you placed the pot. Ena liguligudon hi amana. He went looking everywhere for his father. ‑on/‑in‑. 4F Adjacency/Adjoining actions of object. (sem. domains: 2.3.1 - See.)

ligud₁ trans. to do something in a cowardly manner; to do a crime behind the back of the victim. Tipe mampet eyu linigud nan tabuyug da Amboy. Why did you really steal secretly the pomelo of Amboy? Inligud nan tinwik. He stabbed him (implied that he stabbed him in the back without confronting him). ‑on/‑in‑, i‑/iN‑. 4E Perception and Cognition. Sim: sekreto, dalunu. (sem. domains: - Bad, immoral.)

igud 1comm. something used to scrub the skin, a pebble, a piece of cloth, etc. Madangi tun igud an inalak hi wangwang. This pebble for rubbing which I got from the river is smooth. 2trans. to rub or scrub skin with an instrument to clean off dirt. Igudom di odog ku aga. Please rub my back. Igudom di dikam. Rub off your dirt. ‑on/‑in‑, muN‑/nuN‑. (sem. domains: 5.6.2 - Bathe.)

gudigud trans. 1to rub hands on something, e.g. use a cloth to remove dirt from hands; to crumple paper between the hands. Gudigudom nan bulwatim ta makaan di dika na. Rub (your hands) on your clothes so that the dirt will be removed. ‑on/‑in‑. 4B Tactile - Touch contact. (sem. domains: - Touch.) 2to crumple something with hands. Ginudigud day papel mu. They crumpled your paper.

gadigad (dial. var. gidigid) 1trans. to rub something. Igadigad mu nan igud nah odog na. Rub the stone against his back. i‑/iN‑. 3I Direct an action toward an object. (sem. domains: 7.7.5 - Rub.) 2intrans. to rub against something. Deyan munggadigad din babuy nah tukud. There, the pig is rubbing himself on the post. muN‑/nuN‑.

dika 1comm. dirt on body, accumulated. Igudom nan dikam. Rub off the dirt-on-your-body. (sem. domains: 5.6.1 - Clean, dirty.) 2sta. to have accumulated dirt on body. Nadikaan di bagang na. His neck is very dirty. ma‑ ‑an/na‑ ‑an.

dalunu advpred. to do something secretly; do something stealthily. Indaldalunuk an imme te mumpakadaak ke ya iadiyak. I went secretly because had I asked permission, they would have forbidden me. Indalunu na ot alanay ohan banting nah tendaan. He got a box of matches secretly from the store. Dalunuwom din pihuna. Get her money stealthily (without her knowing it). i‑/iN‑, ‑on/‑in‑. Manner. Sim: sekreto, ligud. (sem. domains: - Secret.)

dadiye demonstrative. the plural form of the Set 3; those over there (away from speaker and listener); anaphoric (back reference) in text. Dadiye nan in-alik an page. Those over there are the palay I brought. Dadiye ya abuy Ippangyol an niha-ad ad Kiangan. So those were the only Spaniards who came to Kiangan. Inilam met an sigud an adik pinhod dadiye. You know also that I don’t like those. Binungbungan dan am-in dadiyen babatu. They blasted all those rocks using dynamite. (sem. domains: - Demonstrative pronouns.) der. dadiyey n. ph. ke dadiye

sekreto 1comm. a secret. Waday sekreto dan duwa. Both of them have a secret. (sem. domains: - Known, unknown.) 2trans. to do something in secret; secretly. Isekretom an ibaga ke hiya an umalih tu. Tell him secretly to come here. i‑/iN‑. Sim: dalunu, ligud. Language Of Borrowing: Spanish: secreto.

sigud adv. existed before; before in time. Sigud tuwali an mun-in-inila kami. We knew about each other even before we had met. Time. Sim: talaga, tuwali.

talaga advpred. certainly; undeniably. Talagan makalangkak ka. There’s no doubt that you are a liar. Talagan maid di nomnom mu. It is certain that you are really dimwitted. Modality. Sim: tuwali, sigud. (sem. domains: - Certainly, definitely.) Language Of Borrowing: Tagalog.

tuwali adjunct. 1expresses the truth of something; matches objective reality; actually; of course; in fact. Kon ot tuwali ad-adiy nomnom mu kinali in-athinam. Of course, you have an evil mind, that’s why you did it that way. Om ot tuwali. Yes, of course. Ugge na ot tuwali inila. In fact, he doesn’t actually know. Kon ena ot kuma inila mu he-a tuwaliy nanudtudun hiya. He would not have known how to do that; but, you in fact, were the one who taught him. Aga ke tuwalit ha-oy di kumalin hiya ot donglona man. Let me be the one to actually talk to him because, for sure, he will listen to what I will say. Nipalpu tuwali handih kaittay na ya maka-ulle. Ever since he was small, in fact, he has been very kind. Athina tuwali di nanomnoman. That’s the way to be a mature person. Attitudinal. Sim: talaga, sigud. (sem. domains: - True.) 2refers to the essential or inherent nature of something; innate. It-ittay ka te ittay ot tuwali damdamah inam. It’s natural that you are small because your mother is also small. Athina ka tuwali. You are like that by nature. comp. ot tuwali