Search results for "impi-"

impi- (sp. var. of impa- This variant of the prefix impa- co-occurs with roots that have the vowel ‘a’ in the first syllable.) caus. this prefix encodes past tense and a causative concept. Indani ya impiayag ama hi Jose. After awhile, father had someone call Jose. (sem. domains: - Verb affixes.)

impa- (sp. var. impi-) caus. this prefix encodes a causative concept; cross-references a patient-object, but an agent, the person doing the action is always implied though the causative-agent is the subject; past tense. Impatanom nay bulhe. He had some beans planted. Impaalik nan bulwatim. I had your clothes brought. Sim: ipa-, ipi-. (sem. domains: - Verb affixes.)