Search results for "ingngiing"

kupli-ing 1comm. a flute made of bamboo, played with the mouth. Kupli-ing nan munggango nah payo. It is a flute that could be heard from the field. Sim: ingngiing, ipiip. (sem. domains: - Musical instrument.) 2intrans. to play the flute. Mungkupli-ing nadan u-unga. The children are playing their flutes. muN‑/nuN‑.

ingngiing (sp. var. inggiing) 1comm. a flute made of bamboo, played with nose. Ikapyaanak hi ingngiing, aga. Please make a bamboo flute for me. Sim: kupli-ing, ipiip. (sem. domains: - Musical instrument.) 2intrans. to play the flute. Hantuh program ya mun-ingngi-ing ka. During the program you will play the flute. muN‑. Manuel Dulawan: Readings on Ifugao