Search results for "itlug"

pakpakuk intrans. cackling of a hen, especially after laying an egg. Mumpakpakuk nan ina. Wadan immitlug. The hen is cackling. Maybe it laid an egg. muN‑/nuN‑. 1D Sounds. (sem. domains: - Animal sounds.)

oton trans. to place something on top of another thing. It-on mu nan luta nah holok ta mabuluk. Put the soil over the grass so it will rot. Adika mit-on ke ha-oy te madam-ot ka. Do not lie on me because you’re too heavy. Adiyu pun-oottonon nadan kalga te mabhik nan itlug. Don’t put the boxes one on top of the other because the eggs might break. i‑/iN‑, mi‑/ni‑, puN‑ CV ‑on. 3A Move and position object at site. (sem. domains: 7.5.9 - Put.)

opa₃ sta. hatched; for an egg to be hatched. Nap-a na itlug ad nakugab. The eggs hatched yesterday. ma‑/ns‑. 6C Process or state of inanimate objects. Sim: ob-ob. (sem. domains: - Egg.)

onom 1adj. six, cardinal number. Onom day imbabalek. I have six children. Kanan nan in-inay "Ek ihulul tun onom an itlug hi manteka." The old woman said, "I’m going to barter these six eggs for lard." Number quantifier. (sem. domains: - Cardinal numbers.) 2adj. sixty. Nan-om dan am-in an immed Lagawe. They were sixty in all who went to Lagawe. na‑. 3comm. six each. Hin-on-om kayuh pah-onon nah itungu. Carry six apiece of the firewood. hiN‑. 4adj. sixth in a sequence. Ha-oy di mikan-om ke dakamin hintutulang. I am the sixth in the family. mika‑. (sem. domains: - Ordinal numbers.) comp. himpulut onom der. hin-on-om der. nan-om

ob-ob₂ trans. to incubate eggs. Ob-oban nan gawgawa nan itlug na. The duck will hatch its eggs. Inob-oban nan manuk di itlug na. The chicken incubated its eggs. Mangob-ob nan manuk nah daulon. The chicken is incubating its eggs under the house. ‑an/‑in‑ ‑an. 5C Goal-oriented sites. Sim: hiklod; Sim: opa. (sem. domains: - Egg.) infl. mangob-ob

manteka 1comm. cooking oil; lard; animal grease. Adi mungkammoy manteka ya liting. Cooking oil and water do not mix. Athituy aton: Mamangulu ya igisay amput ya danggu hi manteka. This is how to cook it: First, saute the garlic and onions in a good amount of cooking oil. Kanan nan in-inay ek ihulul tun onom an itlug hi manteka. The old woman said, I’m going to barter these six eggs for lard. (sem. domains: - Cooking oil.) 2trans. to use cooking oil in cooking. Mantekaam nan ihda taku. Use cooking oil in our viand. ‑an/‑in‑ ‑an. Language Of Borrowing: Spanish: manteca. infl. mummanteka

kikkiku comm. bird species; small and brown, lays eggs in nest in grass, similar to bobwhite. [The kikkiku was compared to a picture of a bobwhite, a woodland bird found in the state of Illinois, US.] Inamung nadan u-unga nadan itlug nan kikkiku ot ihibak da. The children gathered the eggs of the bird and boiled them. gen: hamuti. (sem. domains: - Bird.)

itlug 1comm. egg. Ihibak mu nan itlug. Boil the egg. (sem. domains: 5.2 - Food.) 2intrans. to lay eggs. Makangngitlug tun manok ku. My hen lays many eggs. Nun-itlug nan manuk di linggu. The hen laid an egg last Sunday. muN‑/nuN‑. 3comm. a nest for laying eggs. Wada nah daulon di pun-itlugan nan gawgawa. The nest of the duck is under the house. Duway dalanom ta ahim datngan di bulan. (itlug)(riddle) You take two steps before you reach the moon. (refers to the removal of the shell and white of an egg before reaching the yolk) pun‑ ‑an.

in-ina (der. of ina) 1comm. old woman. In-ina mo nan nangiabban ha-oy handi. The one who cared for me when I was a child is already an old woman. Kanan nan in-inay ek ihulul tun onom an itlug hi manteka. The old woman said, I’m going to barter these six eggs for lard.” CV(C)‑. (sem. domains: - Woman.) 2sta. to be old. Nain-ina moh ina. Mother is already an old-woman. na‑ CV(C)‑.

hulul 1trans. to barter something; to trade something for another thing. <The prefix cross-references what is being given for the trade transaction.> Kanan nan in-inay ek ihulul tun onom an itlug hi manteka. The old woman said, I’m going to barter these six eggs for lard. Em ihulul tun babuy taku. You go to trade our pig. i‑/iN‑. 3H Conversive action process. Sim: hannot. (sem. domains: - Buy, - Sell.) 2trans. to barter or trade for something that is wanted. <Morphology: This affix set cross-references what is being traded for, i.e. bought.> ‑an/‑in‑ ‑an. 3comm. this refers to the small pig that a girl’s family takes to the boy’s house during the engagement process; this is optional, but if the hulul is given, the bride’s family does not need to repay the bride price if the engagement or marriage should be dissolved. infl. hululan infl. munhulul

Hin pinhod takun munhidah itlug, mumpaptok kah manuk. (say. of ngunu) If you want to eat eggs, raise chickens. [This saying implies that one needs to work if one wants to eat.] (sem. domains: 6.1 - Work.)

gumek (sp. var. gumik; sp. var. gomek) trans. to crush something. Gumekom nan itlug. Crush the egg. Nagmek nan kamatit an imbunana. The tomato which he sat on was crushed. ‑on/‑in‑, ma‑/na‑. 4A Change the structure of object. (sem. domains: 7.7.4 - Press.)

guk-ang₁ 1comm. eggshell. Kinan di ahu an am-in nan itlug ot ammunay guk-ang an natdaan. The dog ate all the eggs and only the empty shells were left. (sem. domains: - Remove shell, skin.) 2intrans. the emptying of eggshells. Amungom nan nungguk-angan yu ta bayuwon ta kanon di gawgawa. Gather the emptied eggshells and pound them for the ducks’ feed. muN‑ ‑an/nuN‑ ‑an.

buya₁ 1comm. nest of fowls; bird’s nest. Wada on inakhupak hi buya nah magulun mu maid di itlug. I came across a bird’s nest where there was a lot of cogon grass but it did not have an egg in it. 2intrans. to build a nest. Waday numbuya nah akasya. There is a bird that built its nest in the acacia-tree. muN‑/nuN‑.

batil₂ trans. to mix by beating something like an egg. Batilom nan itlug ta ikamom nah gattak. Beat the egg and mix it with the milk. Mumbatil hi Maria. Maria is beating eggs. Bumatil kah itlug ta ikamo ta tuh gattak. Beat an egg so we will mix it with this milk. ‑on/‑in‑, muN‑/nuN‑, ‑um‑/‑imm‑. 4A Change the structure of an object. (sem. domains: 7.5.3 - Mix.) Language Of Borrowing: Ilocano.

ballambag sta. 1elongated shape; referring to geometrical shape. Hay ke tibon di itlug ya nabalambag. The shape of an egg is oblong. ma‑/na‑. 6D Descriptives. (sem. domains: 8.3.1 - Shape.) 2to place something in a horizontal position. Ballambagan yuh tabla nan kanal. Place a board across the canal. ‑an/‑in‑ ‑an.

apapet comm. green, bitter gourd; resembles a shriveled cucumber; both its fruit and leaves are edible. [Usually mixed with eggplant to make the favorite Ilocano recipe pinakbet.] Hay apapet di id-um hi itlug. Add egg to bitter gourd. Mikamoy bungan di apapet hi itlug. Bitter gourd fruit can be mixed with eggs. (sem. domains: - Food from vegetables.)

poltan 1comm. rooster. Timmalan-u nan poltan dih mungkabigat. The rooster crowed early this morning. Inulonay dutdut na, inagtunay lamona. (poltan) It uses feathers for a blanket, and carries meat on its head. (rooster)(riddle) Syn: kawitan. (sem. domains: - Bird.) 2intrans. to use a rooster for breeding purposes. Bumanowak hi pumpoltan ku te tuwen umitlug nadan manuk ku. I will borrow a rooster for breeding purposes because my hens are about to lay eggs. puN‑.

putak intrans. the cackle of a hen that just laid an egg or got scared. Mumputaktak nan ina te inang-ang na on ulog. The hen is cackling becaue it saw a snake. Pumutaktak nan ina hn magibbun umitlug. The hen will cackle when it finishes laying an egg. muN‑/nuN‑, ‑um‑/‑imm‑. 2D Vocal sounds expressing feeling. (sem. domains: - Animal sounds.)

tugtug comm. a bird species, walks in rice paddies; wild quail. Waday tugtug an immitlug nah makatlubung. There is a wild quail that laid its eggs under the hollow canegrass. Sim: kiyo. (sem. domains: - Bird.)

unol 1trans. to place something inside or between; to stuff into. Unolan yu hi malakapat nan pungan. Stuff the pillow with kapok. Iunol mu nan itlug nah tinapay. Place the egg into the bread. Nganney niunol nah siopao? What is inside of the chinese-bun? i‑/iN‑, mi‑/ni‑, ‑an/‑in‑ ‑an. 3A Move and position object at site. (sem. domains: 7.5.9 - Put.) 2comm. inside part; the core; the stuffing inside. Ginohgo da nan unol di balat ot ipakan da nah babuy. They sliced the core of the banana trunk and gave it to the pig.