Search results for "katang"

pagana sta. to be a clear liquid, e.g. water or rice wine; has involved the process of sediment settling to the bottom. Kanan day mapagana kanuy danum nah ob-ob an malpuh dopla. They say that the water in the spring coming from a rocky mountainside is cool and clear. Pumagana nan baya hin iha-ad mu ni-an hi hingkatang. The rice wine will become cool and clear if you let it settle for a while. ma‑, ‑um‑/‑imm‑. 6C Process or state of inanimate objects. (sem. domains: 1.2.3 - Solid, liquid, gas, - Transparent.)

nakatang (infl. of katang) adv. a short time span. Nakatang ya abuy inumbunak. I have sat for only a short time. Time. (sem. domains: - A short time.)

na-ala (sp. var. naala) advpred. 1without any reason; no other requirement; simply. Na-ala ya dinuntukak. Without any reason he hit me. Na-ala ot ikamom nan asukar nah arina ot iha-ang mu. Just mix the sugar with the flour and then cook it. Manner. Sim: bigla, maid maptok, hingkatang, maag. 2refers to an action or happening that is unexpected; suddenly. Na-ala ya inhawwang nah tu. Suddenly he showed himself here.

maid maptok (der. of potok) advpred. describes an event that happens suddenly. Maid maptok ya immaliy nal-ot an udan. Suddenly there was a heavy downpour. Time. Sim: bigla, na-ala, hingkatang, maag.

maag adjunct. 1without any reason. Maag ya ginpakak handi hilong. Without any reason he kicked me last night. attitudinal. Sim: bigla, maid maptok, na-ala, hingkatang. (sem. domains: - Cause, - Reason.) 2suddenly, without reason or expectation. Maag ya inhawwang nah bale. Suddenly he appeared in our house. (without any reason)

katang sta. refers to a brief period of time. Nakatang biyag mi tuh luta. Our life here on earth is short. na‑. (sem. domains: 8.4.2 - Take time.) infl. hingkatang infl. nakatang

hingkatang (infl. of katang) adv. 1refers to a short period of time; sometimes thought of as unexpected; a moment; short time. Hingkatang di nanib-ak ot ume. I saw it for a moment then it was gone. Hingkatang an immaliy udan. The rain came for a short time. Nuntikod nan radyo hi hingkatang. The radio stopped for a moment. Hingkatang ya ammunay nala-u ya timmaddog nan inhinyero ot eda mo mihanin duwat The engineer was able to stand seconds after the worker finished praying so they both went to seek cover. Time. Sim: bigla, maid maptok, na-ala, maag. (sem. domains: - A short time.) 2indicating there is no time lapse, something happens instantly and unexpectedly; suddenly. Tibom te hingkatang ya mag-a ka. Look out, because you might fall suddenly. (sem. domains: - Quick.) infl. hingkakatang

hingkakatang (infl. of hingkatang) adv. refers to a very brief time; may also have a meaning component of ‘suddenly’. CV‑. Time. (sem. domains: - A short time.)

bigla 1advpred. suddenly; for something to come as a surprise, unexpected. Biglay natayana. His death was very sudden. Time. Sim: maid maptok, na-ala, hingkatang, maag. (sem. domains: - Sudden.) 2trans. to do something suddenly, abruptly. Biglaom ken dapaon ta kumaynit. You touch him abruptly so he’ll be surprised/frightened. Binigla nan indakig nan panto. He closed the door abruptly. ‑on/‑in‑. 3sta. to be surprised. Mabigla ka hin kalyok nan tinibok. You will be surprised if I tell you what I saw. ma‑. (sem. domains: - Attention.) Language Of Borrowing: Tagalog.

balasang 1comm. young unmarried girl over thirteen; girl; a young lady. Waday imbabalem hi balasang? Do you have an unmarried daugther? Sim: buggan, maddikit, pintas. (sem. domains: - Woman.) 2intrans. for a girl to develop and become a young woman. Bimmalasang kah hingkatang. I didn’t realize you’re a big girl now. ‑um‑/‑imm‑. Language Of Borrowing: Ilocano.

kitaguwan (der. of tagu) nom. 1may refer to how one makes a living. Hanan tagun pun-aatuwanay kitaguwana ya malinggop ya makahhuyop nah hilong. The person who works hard (lit. tires) at his livelihood is at peace and sleeps well at night. (sem. domains: 6.1 - Work.) 2refers to the period of time that one lives. Nakatang ya abuy kitaguwak tuh luta. My lifetime here on earth is short. (sem. domains: 8.4.1 - Period of time.)