Search results for "kawa"

pindang 1trans. to dry slices of meat over a fire or in the sun; dried meat. Pindangom nan dotag. You lay the meat out to dry. Ipindang mu nan makawa. Dry the venison. Mamindang hi ama nah atop mi. My father is drying the meat on our roof. Pun-ipindang na nan dotag di baka. He is drying the beef. Napindang mo. The meat is already dried. Pumpindang yun am-in nadan dotag. Let all the meat dry. ‑on/‑in‑, i‑/iN‑, maN‑/naN‑, ma‑/na‑, puN‑. 4A Change the structure of object. (sem. domains: 5.2.1 - Food preparation.) 2nom. dried meat or fish. Pinindang di impahida dan dakami ad Potia. They fed us with dried meat in Potia. ‑in‑.

pangdal trans. 1to shore up or prop something up; may be diagonal or horizontal positioning. Pangdalam hi nunhina-ob ta adi matu-i. Shore it up on both sides so that it will not fall down. Ipangdal mu nan kawayan Use the bamboo in shoring it up. ‑an/‑in‑ ‑an, i‑/iN‑. 5A Changing state of site by adding something. (sem. domains: 7.5.9 - Put.) 2to lean something against another thing. Ipangdal mu nah kaiw nan hinogpat. Lean the bundle of canegrass sticks against the tree. i‑/iN‑.

panani (der. of hani) comm. 1refers to an object used to obstruct view or to protect by shielding from sight. Hay saku di panani yu nah tawang. Use a sack to obstruct the view from the window. 2riddle. Antipet hay kawayan ya waday pagit na? (Panani nay mangan ke hiya.) Why does bamboo have thorns? (Protection from being eaten.)

pana 1comm. an arrow or dart. Niptok nan pana nah baggang di babuy. The arrow hit the neck of the pig. (sem. domains: - Weapon, shoot.) 2trans. to shoot with an arrow; to hit with an arrow. Panaon nadan Pugut di makawa. The Aetas shoot deer with arrows. Pinana day matana. They hit his eye with an arrow. Mumpana dah dolog nah payo. They are shooting fish with arrows in the ricefield. ‑on/‑in‑, muN‑/nuN‑. 4F Adjacency/Adjoining actions. (sem. domains: 7.3.2 - Move something in a direction.)

palang 1comm. a wound from a bolo. Ongal nan palang nah odog na. The wound on his back is big. (sem. domains: 2.5.3 - Injure.) 2trans. to cut by striking with a bolo. Palangom nan hapang di akasya te umalih tuh atop di tubuna. Cut the branch of the acacia-tree because the leaves come to the roof. Mumpalang dah kawayan handi mala-u kami. They were cutting bamboo when we passed by. Pinalang Ramon nan kaiw. Ramon struck the tree with his bolo. Mapalang di taklem hin athina di pangdon mu nah otak. Your hand will be cut if you hold the bolo that way. ‑on/‑in‑, i‑/iN‑, ‑um‑/‑imm‑ muN‑/nuN‑, ma‑/na‑. Tactile - Touch contact. 3rec. to wound or kill each other with bolos. Mumpinnallang da lummu nah koltog di luta. They will kill each other with bolos because of a land dispute. muN‑ ‑in‑/nuN‑ ‑in‑. 4v. to attack with a bolo, usually with intent to kill. Etaku tedeyan tuwe nan mun-angon pumalang. Let us go because the crazy man will cut us with his bolo. ‑um‑/imm‑.

pakoma v. to forgive; for God to forgive someone. [Used only concerning the relationship between God and man.] Syn: pakawan. (sem. domains: - Forgive.)

pakawan intrans. 1to ask forgiveness. Mumpakawan kan hiya. Ask forgiveness from him. muN‑/nuN‑. Syn: pakoma. (sem. domains: - Forgive.) 2to forgive someone. Pakawanom ot uggena ingnguddan. Forgive him, anyway he did not do it intentionally. ‑on/‑in‑. 4E Perception and Cognition. Language Of Borrowing: Ilocano.

pagit 1comm. a curved thorn, on rattan and roses. Nahbit nah pagit nah dalan. The thorn stuck (into his foot) along the path. Sim: palahyang, hub’it; Syn: hub’it. (sem. domains: 1.5.5 - Parts of a plant.) 2proc. to be pricked with thorns or by something sharp like a thorn; to have thorns. Pumagit nan inhaad yu nah dalnon an hapang. The branch you placed in the path pricks like thorns. Napagitan nan kawayan. The bamboo has thorns. ‑um‑/‑imm‑, na‑ ‑an.

oyob trans. to bend something in a certain direction. Oybom nan hapang ta pugahok nan bungana. Bend the branch down so that I can gather the coffee beans. May-ob nan kawayan hin oltonay dibdib. The bamboo bends if there is a strong wind. ‑on/‑in‑, ma‑/na‑. 4C Convey/bring object toward agent. (sem. domains: 7.3.2 - Move something in a direction.)

ngina₂ trans. 1to buy something. Ngumina kah tinapay nadan goggolang. Buy the children some bread. general: The word is used mostly by the Magguk and Hungduan people. ‑um‑/‑imm‑. (sem. domains: - Buy.) 2to sell something. Mungngina dah bulhe. They are selling beans. Ingina da nan makawan nabitu. They are going to sell the deer that was caught in the trap. muN‑/nuN‑, i‑/iN‑.

nuppe adjunct. implies confidence in the accuracy or correctness of what is said or the absolute necessity of an action or event; indisputable. Opwatom nuppe nan hinamal, akudom hi ligau ta madibdiban ta maba-bao. Remove the pot from the fire, ladle out the rice into a winnower so the air will help to cool it. Handih matibo na nuppey kawad-ana, ya inang-ang nan dehdin nah pingngit di wa-el ad Bae. When he was finally able to see where he was, he discovered that he was beside the brook in Bae. Attitudinal. (sem. domains: - Certainly, definitely.)

nangi- -an TACR. this circumfix topicalizes and cross-references a time or place; co-occurs with Class 3 verbal roots; past tense. Tibom di nangiha-adan na nah basket. Find where she placed the basket. Hay nangidongolana ya hi nangappit nah payoh kawad-an di ob-ob. What he heard was in the direction of the ricefield near the spring. Sim: pangi- -an. (sem. domains: - Verb affixes.)

naN- TACR. this prefix cross-references a topicalized agent-subject; co-occurs with Class 4 verbal roots; past tense. <Morphophonology: The final nasal of the prefix assimilates to the first consonant of the root, and then, reduces the consonant; if the vowel o follows the root consonant, the vowel will also be reduced.> Himmagob, nana-ang ya nunhigup hi bintok. He got water, he cooked and carried rice bundles into shade. Hi manang ya dingngol na damdama ot mundihhan namtik nah panto. As for my older brother, he heard it too and ran to the door at the same time. Hiyay nangalah kadukkayan kawayan. He is the one who got the longest bamboo. Takon nadan enungkanta ya nanayo ya uggeda nangan. Even those who participated in the songs and dances did not (eat). Mun-an-anlah inadan nangngol an dakol di inadal da. Their mother was happy to hear that they had learned so much. Sim: maN-. (sem. domains: - Verb affixes.)

makawa comm. deer. [Deer are sometimes captured and sold as pets.] Dakol di makawa nah bilid. There are many deer in the mountains. Maphod an ihda di makawa te makahhong-o. Deer viand is good because it is very delicious. (sem. domains: 1.6.1 - Types of animals.)

kiling₁ comm. bamboo, thorny variety. Kiling di inhaad dan indamyun nan balen kapyaon da. They used the kiling-bamboo for scaffolding in the house they are making. Gen: kawayan. (sem. domains: 1.5.3 - Grass, herb, vine.)

kawayan comm. bamboo, thornless variety. An inilam an munlagga hi kawayan? Do you know how to weave bamboo? Hay kawayan di pundulung yu. Use the bamboo for your flooring. Deket ittay dakol di bulwatina; mo diket naungal ya inwili nay bulwatina. (kawayan) It has plenty of clothes when young but parts with them when it grows old. (bamboo)(riddle) Spec: bay’ug, bikal, ano, kiling. (sem. domains: 1.5.3 - Grass, herb, vine.)

kawad-an (sp. var. of kad-an) comm. place where something is located. Hay nangidongolana ya nangappit nah payoh kawad-an di ob-ob. What he heard was in the direction of the ricefield near the spring. Handih matibo na nuppey kawad-ana ya inang-ang nan dehdin nah pingngit di wa-el ad Bae. When he was finally able to see where he was, he discovered that he was beside the brook in Bae. (sem. domains: 8.5.3 - Be at a place.)

kawad 1comm. small chain, e.g. dog leash. Idat mu nan kawad ta igakod da nan ahu. Give the chain so that they will tie the dog. Imme ot ena hapulon nan nangikawad nah kawad an intalu na. He went to find out who used the chain that he hid. Sim: gakod, bobod. (sem. domains: 6.7.5 - Fastening tool.) 2trans. to use or attach a chain. Ikawad mu nan ahu te kumalat. Chain the dog because it bites. Mahapul an ikawad yu nan ahu te waday mala-u on ginunggungana. You must chain the dog because it barks at everyone who passes by. Kawadon yu nan ahu ta adi kumalat. Leash the dog so that it will not bite. Deket e mun-aladuh Francis on ahina mahapul nan pungkawad na. It is when Francis goes to plow that he needs to use the chain. i‑/iN‑, ‑on/‑in‑, puN‑. 3C Move something and combine it with or attach it to something else. (sem. domains: 7.5.2 - Join, attach.)

kawa 1intrans. for something to be wasted. Kumawa nan liting nah gulipu hin adim idakig. The water from the pipe will be wasted if you do not close it. Kimmawa nan inhaang dan hinamal. The rice they cooked was wasted. ‑um‑/‑imm‑. 2G Processes. Sim: ayo, sayang. 2trans. to waste something. Adim pakawaon nan liting. Do not waste the water. paka‑ ‑on.

kalabig 1comm. backstrap of the loom; the backstrap is placed around the weaver to hold the loom and thread taut. Maphod di kalabig mu. Your backstrap is very nice. Whole: ablan. (sem. domains: 6.6.1 - Working with cloth.) 2trans. to use a particular material as a loom backstrap. Pinhod kuy bolat di makawan ikalabig te maphod di inot na. I like the hide of the deer for a backstrap because it’s durable. i‑/iN‑.

ka- -an₂ mod. this circumfix derives a superative adjective; greatest degree of modification. Hiyay nangalah kadukkayan an kawayan. He is the one who got the longest bamboo. (sem. domains: - To a larger degree.)

kah-on comm. a way on which to walk; path. Punpaldangon yu nadan kawayan ta mihaad an kah-on. Place the kawayan in a line to serve as a pathway. Daan di kah-on yu? What way will you take? Sim: kalata, dalan. (sem. domains: - Road.) Language of Borrowing: Central Ifugao.

kadukkayan (infl. of dukke) adj. describes the longest thing in a comparison of length. Hiyay nangalah kadukkayan an kawayan. He is the one who got the longest bamboo. ka‑ ‑an. Dimension quantifier. (sem. domains: 8.2.2 - Long.)

kad-an (sp. var. kawad-an) comm. near the place where someone or something is located. Hituy kad-an da Berto. This is the place of the Berto family. Ad Makati ke ya hituy kad-an di kakadangyan. In Makati is where the rich people are. Bimmangun da ot umedah kad-an ina da. They got up and went to their mother. (sem. domains: - Vicinity.)

kabiggatana nom. time of daylight; morning. Mu nahimong uggena inila nu ngannen bobley kawad-ana, ot nomnommonan had-onay kabiggatana. But he had completely lost his sense of direction so he decided to wait until daylight. (sem. domains: - Time of the day.)