Search results for "kinali"

pila 1comm. queue; a line of people or vehicles. Adukke nan pila nah hamul kinali immanamutak. The queue at the feast was long, that is why I came home. (sem. domains: - Order, sequence.) 2intrans. to form a queue. Mumpila da di u-unga te umal-algo mo. The children are forming a queue because it is already noon. Adik pinhod an pumila ten eyak makihamul. I hate to fall in line when I go to a feast. muN‑/nuN‑, ‑um‑/‑imm‑. 3trans. to get in line for someone else. [This action is related to getting food at a feast for someone who is unable to stand in a queue.] Ipilaam hi tulang mu te it-ittay. Get in line for your brother because he is little. 4comm. a place where vehicles or people line up. <Morphology: pilaan> der. pilaan

pihing 1comm. a vegetable with edible rootstock, taro leaves and stalk. Iutum mu nan pihing. Cook the taro. Inggat-una nan pihing nah gattuk. She put the taro on top of the sweet potatoes. Sim: bila; gen: nateng. (sem. domains: - Food from vegetables.) 2trans. to gather vegetables, including rootcrops, legumes and leafy vegetables. Dakol di pinihing Mattima kinali ena inggattang di udum. Mattima gathered many taro vegetables, that is why she went to sell the rest. Eda namihing nah galden. They went to gather vegetables in the garden. ‑on/‑in‑; maN‑/naN‑. 4C Convey/bring objects toward agent. (sem. domains: 7.5.1 - Gather.)

pidwa (der. of duwa) to repeat. 1.1caus. cause something to be done twice; repeat. Adik mo ipidwa nae. I will not repeat that again. ipi. (sem. domains: - Repeat.) 1.2trans. to do a specific action twice. Adi mahapul an pidwaon Jose an tuwikon nan babuy te nate mo. Jose did not need to repeat piercing the pig because it was already dead. Pidwaom nan kinalim. Repeat what you said. pi‑ ‑on. 1.3v. to do something twice. Mumpidwaak an umaliyak an manibon dakayu. I will come to see you twice. Inunom nan agam hi mumpidwah kabigabigat. Drink your medicine twice daily. mumpi‑/numpi‑. pamidwa der. pidwana ph. v. pidwa bo

payung 1comm. umbrella. Maid payung na kinali nakattina. She had no umbrella that is why she was very wet. E appa, naka-liwan Fely payung na. Oh dear, Fely forgot her umbrella. (sem. domains: 6.7.7 - Container.) 2trans. to use an umbrella. Mumpayung ka te mun-udan. Use an umbrella because it’s raining. Payungam nan imbabalem ta adi matina. Use an umbrella over your child so that he will not be wet. Ipayung mu nan payung na. Use her umbrella. muN‑/nuN‑, ‑an/‑in‑ ‑an, i‑/iN‑. Language Of Borrowing: Tagalog.

pasahe 1comm. fare. Indat ku moy pasahe taku. I already gave our fare. Sim: piliti. (sem. domains: 6.8.6 - Money.) 2v. to pay fare. Mumpasahe ka damdama kinali kudukdul nay umbun ka. You are going to pay your fare anyway so better sit down. Ibbaanak an umed Lagawe ta pasaheyan daka. Accompany me to Lagawe and I will pay for your fare. muN‑/nuN‑, ‑an/‑in‑ ‑an. Language Of Borrowing: Spanish: pasaje.

papan 1comm. bullet. An waday papan nae? Does that have a bullet in it? Mahapul an yuduwon dat bumudal nan guk-ung di papan ta ahida bo ha-adan hi ohan papan. They needed to push out the empty shell with a stick and insert another one. Syn: bala. (sem. domains: - Weapon, shoot.) 2trans. to use bullets. Ipapan mu nan indat kun he-a. Use the bullets I gave you. Batu di pamapan hi lattik. Stones are used for bullets in slingshots. i‑/iN‑, paN‑. 3trans. to load a gun with bullets. Papanam nan palattug mu te dakol day hamuti hitu. Load your gun because there are many birds here. Kanak on ugge napapanan kinali kinalbit. I thought that it was not loaded that is why I squeezed the trigger. ‑an/‑in‑ ‑an, ma‑ ‑an/na‑ ‑an.

paok sta. to have a hoarse voice. Tinaganay koga kinali napaok. He has been crying so much that now he has a hoarse voice. ma‑/na‑. 6D Descriptives. (sem. domains: - Voice, 2.2.2 - Cough, sneeze.)

pangok 1comm. pestilence in animals; a type of spreading infectious disease of animals. Immaliy pangok kinali nap-uy manuk. A pestilence came that is why the chickens are gone. (sem. domains: - Animal diseases.) 2sta. to be killed by pestilence. Adina pinhod an ihda te napangok. He does not want to eat it because it died from a pestilence. ma‑/na‑. 6D Descriptives.

paN- -an₂ TACR. this circumfix encodes non-past tense and cross-references a topicalized time or place; it co-occurs with Class 4 transitive verbs and some members of Class 1 and Class 2 intransitive movement verbs. An daana udot di pangal-am hi em itugatugal? Where do you get the money to be continuously gambling? Pinhod mu ke bon mun-ang-ang hi sini ya dakol di damanah pangayam. If you want to see a movie, there are many places you can go. Takon di hay dangli na ya maid ta daana mo peman di e pangal-an nan inayana? Because they had nothing, he was not even given the customary death ritual for how could his poor wife afford it? Kinali kediyen eda panggopan ke dida ya inila da moy aton da ya hay eda kipustuwan. That’s why on the day of the raid, they knew what to do and where to post themselves. Em hanhanan ten kakon-anay pangayan da ad Manila. Go ask him when they will go to Manila. Sim: naN- -an. (sem. domains: - Verb affixes.)

pamga (sp. var. pamaga) 1trans. to do without caution; tactlessly or carelessly done. Adim pamga hi kali. Do not be tactless with your words. Impamga nah haad nan payung kinali natalak. She placed the umbrella carelessly, that is why it got lost. i‑/iN‑. 2adv. expresses a limiting concept. Adiyak pakaippol an ek pamgay op-opya. I cannot endure just keeping quiet. Limiting and maximizing. (sem. domains: - Attitude.)

paka- -an this circumfix encodes the competence and expertise of the agent-subject to do whatever is expressed in verb; the site-object is cross-referenced. Ha-on (God) ya takon di daana ya wadaak, kinali, paka-innilak am-in di at-aton di tatagu. (Jeremiah 23:23) As for me, I (God) am everywhere, that is why I know very well everything that people are doing. Itikod yun mangat hi gaga-ihot ha-oy (God) di paka-u-unnudan yu. (Jeremiah 4:4a) Stop doing evil so that I will be the one you carefully follow. (sem. domains: - Verb affixes.)

pakaC1- -an this circumfix is an intensifier and cross-references the site-object. <This circumfix is an allomorph of the circumfix pakaC2‑ ‑an. It co-occurs with roots with the CVC.CV(C) syllable pattern.> Hi Joshua ya pakabbaddangan APU DIOS, kinali nundingngol di ngadanah kabobboble. (Joshua 6:7) As for Joshua, the LORD greatly helped him, that’s why his name was heard in all the villages. (sem. domains: - Verb affixes.)

paanhanon (infl. of anhan) trans. to prioritize; to make something the most important or most valuable. Paanhanom an aton ni-an nan kinalik ta ahim aton di udum an ngunum. Make what I told you the first thing you do before your other work. pa‑ ‑on/impa‑ ‑on. (sem. domains: - Important.)

oya₂ (fr. var. hiya) int. a tag question form to evoke a confirmation of a statement; Isn’t it so? right? don’t you? Hinaey kinalim, oya? That’s what you said, isn’t it? Kulugom, oya? You believe, don’t you? (sem. domains: - Question words.)

ot ahi conj. connects a sequence of events with the second contingent on the first. Hituwey kinalin Juan ke dida ot ahi da umed Manila. This is what John told them before they went to Manila. Coordinating conjunctions. (sem. domains: 8.4.5 - Relative time.)

ongot trans. to threaten action. Ing-ot nay otak ke ha-on. He threatened me with his bolo. Ining-ot nan eyak duntukon. He threatened to hit me. Ining-otan nah otak kinali bimmoh-ol. He feinted at him with a bolo that is why he is mad. i‑/iN‑, i‑ ‑an/iN‑ ‑an. 3I Direct an action toward an object. (sem. domains: - Deceive.) infl. ing-ot

ongal di bulan (n. ph. of bulan, ongal) comm. full moon; big moon. Ongal di bulan kinali mun-ay-ayyam day u-unga nah dola. It’s a full moon, that is why the children are playing in the yard. Sim: bulabbulan. (sem. domains: - Moon.)

ongal (fr. var. ongag) 1adj. describes something which is large in size; big. Eta tuwali madlig on mahapul an mitakke ta kinali ongal di umeh pulit. Every time you move you have to ride, that is why a big amount goes for fare. Ongal di matanan nakappaldang hi angana. It has big, round eyes that are close together on its face. (refers to an owl) Inwalakana hanan lata ot ikawot na hanah ongal an batu. She let go of the can and held on to a big stone. Size quantifier. (sem. domains: 8.2 - Big.) 2become large in size. 2.1proc. refers to the process of becoming larger in size. Umongal nan manuk hin panganom hin mumpitluh ohan algo. The chicken will become big if you feed it three times a day. Mungkaongal ka. You are becoming big. Immongal ka mo gayam ya timmag-e ka pay. You have become big now and you are tall, too. ‑um‑/‑imm‑, mungka‑. (sem. domains: - Become, change state.) 2.2sta. to be large in size. Naongal nan ek intanom. My plants grew big. Naongal nan bale da. Their house is big. Mangan ka ta maongal ka. You eat so you’ll grow big. ma‑/na‑. (sem. domains: 8.2 - Big, 8.2.1 - Small.) 2.3trans. to cause to become big. Iongal na nan inumonan gattak. It will become big because of the milk it is drinking. i‑/iN‑. ongngal der. mangong-ongal der. ong-ongal der. ongnga-ongngal n. ph. ongal di bulan

olwang 1comm. flash flood in a river due to heavy rains in upper portion of the river. Adi kayu madinol an mungkekeh nah te mianud kayu hin umali nan olwang. Don’t just swim there for all you know the flash-flood will just carry you away. (sem. domains: 1.3.1 - Bodies of water.) 2intrans. to have a flash flood. Immolwang ya nianud nadan oongal an kaiw. There was a flash-flood and the big trees were swept away. Mun-olwang handi ekami umali kinali imbangngad mih bale. There was a flash-flood when we were about to come, that is why we went back home. ‑um‑/imm‑, muN‑/nuN‑.

ngahngah intrans. to breathe rapidly; to gasp for breath resulting from running or brisk walking; gasping or panting because one is tired or having difficulty in breathing. Mungngahngahak yaden mungkaliyak hi bale mi. I shouted as I gasped for breath. Maka-atung kinali mungngahngah nan ahu. It is very hot, that is why the dog is panting. muN‑/nuN‑. Class 2E Physiological functions. (sem. domains: 2.2.1 - Breathe, breath.)

nomnom 1comm. refers to the mind, both the intellect and emotions reside in the mind; the mind thinks and feels. Mahakit di nomnom na. His feelings are hurt. Maid di nomnom mu. You have no sense at all. Ta hay mamangulun umalih nomnom na ya nunna-ud an mate. So the first thing that comes to his mind is he is sure to die. Sim: laing. (sem. domains: 3.2.1 - Mind.) 2sta. to be intelligent; mature in thought. Nanomnoman te inilanay kalkalyona. He is mentally matured because he knows what he is talking about. ma‑ ‑an/na‑ ‑an. (sem. domains: - Mature in behavior.) 3think. 3.1intrans. to think; to recall; durative aspect in the thinking. Munnomnomnom hi kalyona. He is thinking on what to say. muN‑/nuN‑. (sem. domains: 3.2 - Think.) 3.2trans. to think about something specific. Nomnomom ta ahika kumali. Think before you talk. Nomnomom di kinalim ke hiya. Recall what you told him. Ninomnom nay imbagan amanan din hi Antonio. He remembered what his late father, Antonio, told him. Bahul nadan nangipunduwana te uggeda ninomnom di aton da It was the fault of those who were put in-charge because they didn’t think about what they will do. on/in. 4E Perception and Cognition. 3.3nom. refers to the knowledge which results from thinking. Maid di ena id-um hi kanomnoman ya mumbalin tan kay hiyyahiyya. Nothing is added to your wisdom/knowledge and we may become proud and boastful. ka‑ ‑an. 3.4trans. to do something in remembrance of something or someone. Inomnom mu nah inat dan he-a handi Do it in remembrance of what they did to you before. i‑/iN‑. 3.5nom. refers to a noun-like thought process. Hay punnomnom ku ya wada nin an dakdakkol di naat mu, mu hituwe. My thinking was that you would have done much more than this. Ya hay gapunah adina pangitikodan ya alanganin di biyag na hi punnomnom na. And the reason he does not stop is he thinks his life would be uncertain. puN‑. der. kanomnoman id. had-om ta maba-oy nomnom da id. mahakit di nomnom. id. maid nomnom na. id. malumman di nomnom id. nabuluk di nomnom id. nalatiyan di nomnom id. napat-alan di nomom id. natalak di nomnom id. ugge nanomnoman infl. manomnom infl. nomnomon

nil-un advpred. refers to the fact that some action has already taken place. Nil-un kinalik an idat kun hiya ot ahim kalyon an hidiyey pinhod mu. I had already said that I would give it to him before you said you wanted it. Time. (sem. domains: 8.4.5 - Relative time.)

niat-athiddi (der. of athidi) sta. a comparative description of a situation, event or person. Kinali dakol an toon an niat-athiddih Juan. That’s why for many years, Juan was like that. ni‑ CV‑.

nahuguhugan (infl. of huguhug) sta. states that a firewood rack is full. Mahlu nadan imbabalena kinali nahuguhugan ta nangamung hi bale da. Their children are industrious that is why their firewood rack is always full. na‑ ‑an.

nahkolak nah kinali na (id. of hokol) an idiom meaning a rejection or disapproval of something said (lit. what he said choked). [The equivalent English idiom might be ‘what he said stuck in my craw’.]