Search results for "kipuunan"

nipuunan (der. of puun) pass. to be the foundation or basis of something that is stated. Limpiyu ya maandong di nipuunan di pun-ap-apuwam. (Psalm 89:14) Righteousness and justice are the foundation of your ruling. Sim: kipuunan. (sem. domains: - Basis.)

kipuunan nom. refers to the foundation or the logical basis for something described or explained. Kinali halipat-an takut maphod am-in di aton taku ya kalyon taku te ketuwen tugun di kipuunan di ahina punhumalyaan ke ditaku. (James 2:12b) That’s why we should be careful about everything that we do and say because this advice is based on the fact that he (God) will judge us. Sim: nipuunan. (sem. domains: - Logical.)