Search results for "maki-₁"

naki- -an participatory. this circumfix encodes the concept of participation in an action or activity; past tense; cross-references the object referent. Makulug, ina. Tinibo mi. Nakihummangan pay ke dakami, kanak. “It’s true, mother! I saw her. She even talked to us,” I said. Sim: maki-, maki- -an. (sem. domains: - Verb affixes.)

naki- participatory. this prefix encodes the concept of participation in an action or activity; it cross-references the agent-subject; past tense. Hi Mariay nakiali ke ha-on. Maria came with me. Nakiatuwak damdama handih nakingunuwak. I was also tired when I joined in working. Nakitanom hi ama na ke dakami. His father joined in planting with us. Sim: maki-. (sem. domains: - Verb affixes.)

maki- -an participatory. this circumfix encodes the concept of participation in an action or activity; the object referent is cross-referenced; non-past tense. Paddungnay naatu kan nakibuttikan hi tatagu mu ahi namam-a moy inatum ten makibuttikan kah kakabayu. (Jeremiah 12:5b) It’s like you were tired joining in racing people but you would be more tired if you joined in racing horses. Sim: maki-, naki- -an. (sem. domains: - Verb affixes.)

maki-₁ mod. this prefix encodes a participatory concept; it indicates that the agent subject is participating with others in an action or activity; non-past tense. Tibom bot adika makidkid-um hi fraternities te maid di hilbin dadiye. See to it also that you don’t join any fraternity groups because they are useless. Hinumang inada, “Te ume kayu moh iskul. Maki-e kan manong mu. Their mother answered, “Because you are going to school. You will go with your brother.” Matukatukal ka an e makitugatugal te mapat-al ya hilong di puntutugalan yu. You stay awake to join in gambling because your gambling goes on night and day. Sim: naki-; Sim: maki- -an, naki- -an. (sem. domains: - Verb affixes.)