Search results for "mami"

pinit 1comm. a bright red berry; a wild berry, like a raspberry. Makalummii nan pinit. The pinit-berry is very sweet. (sem. domains: - Food from fruit.) 2intrans. to gather wild berries. Eda maminit nadan u-unga nah muyung. The children are going to gather pinit-berries in the forest. maN‑/naN‑.

pindang 1trans. to dry slices of meat over a fire or in the sun; dried meat. Pindangom nan dotag. You lay the meat out to dry. Ipindang mu nan makawa. Dry the venison. Mamindang hi ama nah atop mi. My father is drying the meat on our roof. Pun-ipindang na nan dotag di baka. He is drying the beef. Napindang mo. The meat is already dried. Pumpindang yun am-in nadan dotag. Let all the meat dry. ‑on/‑in‑, i‑/iN‑, maN‑/naN‑, ma‑/na‑, puN‑. 4A Change the structure of object. (sem. domains: 5.2.1 - Food preparation.) 2nom. dried meat or fish. Pinindang di impahida dan dakami ad Potia. They fed us with dried meat in Potia. ‑in‑.

pili trans. 1to choose; to select something from a group. Piliyom nan mapmaphod. You select the better one. Piliyom nan pinhod mun e ang-angon ya hidiy nangayam. You select the one you like to see and go there. Hay pinhod kun kalyon ya piliyom di maphod an barkadom. What I want is that you choose good friends. ‑on/‑in‑. 4C Move object toward agent.. (sem. domains: - Choose.) 2the focus is on the one who is choosing something. Mumpili hi ihda na. He is choosing his food. Mamili kayuh pinhod yu. You select what you like. Pumpili da nan mapmaphod an bubulwatit hidiyey ibagi da. They are selecting the good clothes to be theirs. muN‑/nuN‑, maN‑/naN‑, puN‑.

pihul trans. to have contempt for; to scorn in speech; to despise someone. [Usually the contempt or scorn is shown in what is said to or about someone.] Adika pubo mamihul te ugge inilay nitaguwan hi udum hi algo. You should not scorn others for we do not know what fate (lit. life) holds for us in the future. ‑on/‑in‑, maN‑. (sem. domains: - Insult, - Despise someone.) say. Hay pumihul ibbanah tagu ya pihulonay adol na.

pihhu (sp. var. pihu) 1comm. money; cash. Hay ke bo pihhu ya adi nalnalgom on ginatang. And as for money, don’t just spend it on anything. In-eyam hi Juan hi pihhu? Did you take some money to Juan? Sayang di oras ya effort ya pihhu. Your time, effort and money are wasted. Syn: kuarta. (sem. domains: 6.8.6 - Money.) 2comm. monetary unit. Himpulun pihu di ohan kilon boga. Rice costs ten pesos a kilo. 3comm. one peso. Indatan dah pihu ot ume. They gave him one peso and he left. 4intrans. costs a peso each; worth one peso. Duway alak te mamihu damdama. I will get two because they cost one peso each. Mapihu di ginattang nan kindi. She bought candies worth one peso. maN‑, ma‑. der. pihhuwan id. gomgomom tun pihu id. kon kumaliy pihhu?

pahok₁ 1comm. a wedge used to split logs and rocks, usually made of steel. Usarom di pahok ta bumaddang an mami-ang nah kaiw. Use a wedge to help split the wood. 2trans. to cut stones with a wedge. Pahokom hituwen batu ta itping da. Cut these stones so that they will use them for riprap. Mumpahok dah batu nah pingngit di kalata. They are cutting stones at the side of the road. Pinahok na nan kaiw te mainot. He used a wedge on the wood because it was elastic. ‑on/‑in‑, muN‑/nuN‑, ‑um‑/‑imm‑. 4A Change the structure of object. (sem. domains: 7.8 - Divide into pieces.)

namiN- MATH. the prefix encodes a past tense and multiplies by the number to which it is attached, making the cardinal number a verbal form. Handih nungkih-up da ya nunyuung hi namimpitu. When they neared, they bowed down seven times. Sim: mamiN-.

muntanung comm. moon which is nearly full. Muntanung ya wadaday maminhod an muntanom. When the moon is nearly full, some would prefer to plant. (sem. domains: - Moon.)

muN- TACR. 1this prefix encodes non-past tense, durative time aspect; it cross-references the subject and is the default affix for Class 1 verbal roots. <Morphophonology: The velar consonant in coda position assimilates to the point of articulation of the first consonant in the root.> Mungngahngahak yaden mungkaliyak hi bale mi. I gasped for breath and yet I shouted at our house. Itikod mun muntugal an ap-apuk. Stop gambling, grandson. An mun-in-inop ka? Inid-onah nunhina-ob an pukol ku. “Are you dreaming?” She held me by my shoulders. 2non-past tense, signals a durative aspect activity rather than a punctiliar action when co-occuring with a transitive verbal root, cross-references subject. Dakol kami an naamung nah plaza an munhood kamih lugan. Many of us gathered at the plaza to wait for a ride. Ta mundadaan dah ibaddang dan hiya. So that they will prepare whatever they will give to help. Katatakut pay an e bumah-el te dakol di talak an muntutun-ud. It is even dangerous to cross the street since there are many buses lined up one after the other. 3when the prefix co-occurs with the reduplicant CV(C)-, it encodes non-past tense, durative-continuative aspect and cross-references the subject. Deket palhu di pangiha-angam, mahapul an uggan mu ikiwa ta mun-iingngoy lutu na. If a skillet is used, it is necessary to stir the rice from time to time so that it will be cooked evenly. Mumpaypaytuk ya mungkuli. She was jumping up and down and screaming. 4when this affix co-occurs with Class 6 verb roots, it changes statives to durative processes; it encodes non-past tense and cross-references the subject. Mihmihdi nah munhihilong ya nah kakaiw an dakol di hapang nan mahdol di tubuna. It stays in dark places (becoming dark) or in trees with thick, leafy branches. Deket dakol di binokbok na ya mapul-ukan an mumpait. When too much binokbok-yeast is used, the wine will become bitter. 5the prefix derives verbs from nouns; it encodes non-past tense and cross-references the subject. Ya pinhod ot Mayor ya dakol day binabain mun-ampuyo. What the Mayor wanted was that many women would wear the Ifugao skirt. Mumboga da ya mungkail da. They prepare rice and make wine. Adina itikod an mumbaki te wadanwaday takut na an kumpulmin tiempu ya mate. He does not stop doing the rituals because his fear is that he might die at anytime. 6the prefix encodes non-past tense, reflexive and cross-references both the subject and object expressed in a single noun phrase. Mahapul an mamitlu kan mun-amo ohan algo. You have to take a bath three times a day (bathe yourself). Imme dah hilong ot muntalu da nah e-elena. They went while it was dark and hid themselves outside of the camp.

mamintal sta. refers to a clear sky at night with many stars. Mamintal di kabunyan ad uwani. The sky is clear tonight.

mamitlu (der. of tulu) advpred. to do something three times. Mahapul an mamitlu kan mun-amo ohan algo. You have to take a bath three times a day. mami‑. Mathematical. (sem. domains: - Number of times.)

mamiN- adj > advpred. this prefix encodes a non-past tense and multiplies by the number it is attached to making the adjectival cardinal number into a verbal form. <Derivation: The prefix derives an adverbial predicate from an adjective.> Oltom an munpalakpak ne inalam on espadat iwahiwam hi maminduwa weno mamintulu. (Ezekiel 21:14a) Shout as you clap your hands, then get a sword and wave it two or three times. Sim: namiN-. (sem. domains: - Derivational affixes.)

mami 1comm. Chinese or Japanese noodles flavored with pork, beef or chicken, onions and vegetables. Nunha-ang da hi mami. They cooked Chinese noodles. (sem. domains: 5.2 - Food.) 2intrans. to eat noodles. Eda nummami hi kad-an da Sion. They went to eat mami-noodles at Sion's place. muN‑/nuN‑. Language Of Borrowing: Chinese.

mahapul it is necessary. 1.1pred. having a need for something. Mahapul kuy ulo. I need a blanket. Nganney mahapul? What is needed? (sem. domains: - Need.) 1.2sta. to be necessary; predicates necessity; it must be; it is needed. Mahapul an mamitlu kan mun-amo ohan algo. You have to take a bath three times a day. Mahapul an hanan himmagabi ya taganah kolong hi nuwang o babuy ta pihdana nadah deh muyung ya nadan udum an bumadbaddang. The man performing the Hagabi-ceremony must go on butchering carabao and pigs to feed the people in the forest and all the others who are helping him. Mahapul an ume ka. You must go. Sim: kinwani, importante. (sem. domains: - Necessary.) Language Of Borrowing: Ilocano: masapul.

bittayyun (sp. var. bittayun) 1comm. a green grub, edible; larva hangs on rice plants. Kinana nan bittayun handin mun-ani da. She ate the bittayun-grub when they were harvesting rice. Sim: taytayyun. (sem. domains: - Insect.) 2trans. to gather grubs. Eyak mamittayyun ta ihda. I am going to gather grubs to have for viand. maN‑/naN‑.

am’o bathe 1.1trans. to bathe someone or something, e.g. a child or dog Amohom na ahu. You bathe the dog. ‑on/‑in‑. (sem. domains: 5.6.2 - Bathe.) 1.2ref. to bathe oneself. Etaku mun-amoh wangwang. Let’s go to bathe in the river. Mahapul an mamitlu kan mun-amo ohan algo. You have to take a bath three times a day. muN‑/nuN‑. 2E Body/Physiological functions.

bitu 1comm. a pit trap; a pit. Nangapya dah bitu nah habal. They made a pit-trap in the swiden farm. (sem. domains: 6.4.2 - Trap.) 2trans. to trap animals using a hole in the ground. Wada key bituwon yu ya idatan dakami. If you trap anything give us some. Ekayu mamitu Go and make a pit-trap. Nabitu nan mangakon dih hilong nah bitun kinapya mi. Last night the robber fell into the trap which we had made. ‑on/‑in‑, maN‑/naN‑, ma‑/na‑.

pingkol (der. of pokol, pokol) 1comm. the hand-formed mulch mounds in a rice paddy; mounds in the water of ricefields during dormant phase of rice growing. Natanman nan pingkol hi kolet. The mulch mounds are planted with cabbages. Sim: inado. (sem. domains: 6.2.2 - Land preparation.) 2trans. to make mulch mounds in the ricefield. Mamingkol da ina hi bigat. Mother and the rest are going to make mulch mounds in the ricefield tomorrow. maN‑. der. mamkol

pingwi₁ trans. turn head sidewards. Mungkalkalli dan hiya ya impingwi na ot ya abu ot mange. They were talking to him and he turned his head and kept on his way. Mamingpingwi an manged da-ul. He was turning his head as he went down. i‑/iN‑, maN‑ CVC‑. 3G Move body or body parts directionally. (sem. domains: - Gesture.)

pitu 1adj. seven. Pitu kamin hintutulang. We are seven brothers and sisters. Pituy toona yaden makangngun-unud ya makabbaddang. He was only seven years old, yet he was obedient and helpful. Number quantifier. 2adj. seventh. Ha-oy di mikapitu. I’m the seventh. mika‑. 3adj. seven times. Naminpitu kan immali. You came seven times. Mamitun pihuy bayad di oha hantudah nungkikbin manuk. Those cooped chickens are worth seven pesos each. maN‑. namin‑. 4adj. seven each. Hinpipituy imbabale mi. We have seven children each. Hinpipituy liblu mi ot ahi kami nuntikod. We each reached seventh grade before we quit. hiN‑ CV‑. 5intrans. to divide into seven parts. Pumpituwom nan tupaya. Divide the papaya into seven pieces. puN‑ ‑on. comp. himpulut pitu der. himpipitu

tulu 1adj. the cardinal number three. Tulu di inayana. He has three wives. Hay kadinawwinah nah ob-ob ad Patukan ya umeh tuluy kilometro. The distance from the spring in Patukan was about three kilometers Number quantifier. (sem. domains: - Cardinal numbers.) 2intrans. third cock’s crow; three times. Inggibok ku dih pimmitlu. I woke up when the cock crowed three times. ‑um‑/‑imm‑. 3adj. three each. Hintutlu kayun umbun. You sit by threes. hiN‑. 4trans. to divide into three. Puntuluwom an piangon nan tupaya te tulu kami. Cut the papaya in thirds because there are three of us. puN‑ ‑on. 5sta. to be worth three pesos. Matulun pihu tun ohan tupaya. This papaya is worth three pesos. ma‑. 6trans. to do something three times. Mamitluwak an uminum hi danum hi hin-algo. I drink water three times a day. Ganain di ipitluk an kumali on ahim dingngol. I have to say something three times before you listen. mami‑, ipi‑. 7adj. thirty. Tulumpuluy toon ku yaden maid pay di inayak. I am thirty years old and still single. 8quan. few. Dimmatong dah maal-algo ot ipayu dan e mampap mu tultulluy dimpap da. They arrived at noon and went directly to the river, but they only caught a few. comp. himpulut tulu comp. tulumpulu der. hintutlu der. katlu der. katlu der. mamitlu der. pitlu der. pungkatluwon