Search results for "manang"

naN- TACR. this prefix cross-references a topicalized agent-subject; co-occurs with Class 4 verbal roots; past tense. <Morphophonology: The final nasal of the prefix assimilates to the first consonant of the root, and then, reduces the consonant; if the vowel o follows the root consonant, the vowel will also be reduced.> Himmagob, nana-ang ya nunhigup hi bintok. He got water, he cooked and carried rice bundles into shade. Hi manang ya dingngol na damdama ot mundihhan namtik nah panto. As for my older brother, he heard it too and ran to the door at the same time. Hiyay nangalah kadukkayan kawayan. He is the one who got the longest bamboo. Takon nadan enungkanta ya nanayo ya uggeda nangan. Even those who participated in the songs and dances did not (eat). Mun-an-anlah inadan nangngol an dakol di inadal da. Their mother was happy to hear that they had learned so much. Sim: maN-. (sem. domains: - Verb affixes.)

manangpa intrans. 1refers to being harmless or innocent of wrong. Wadadah tun dakayuy manangpa. There are those of you here who are innocent. (sem. domains: 8.3.7 - Good.) 2lacking in sophistication and knowledge about the world; naive.

manang 1comm. older sister. Maid hi manang hi bale. My older sister is not at home. Sim: iba, ag’i, tulang, kamang. (sem. domains: - Brother, sister.) 2comm. may be used as a polite address to a female who is older than the speaker. {hon} 3trans. to have an older sister. Manangok hi Marne. Marne is my older sister. ‑on. Language Of Borrowing: Spanish.

kamang sta. to be related as kin; kinfolk. Waday nikamangan mi ke dida mo bumainak an mangalkali. We are related to them but I am ashamed to be telling it. Maphod ta mikamang da Petra ke da Pascual ta kal-iwan day naat handi. It is good that Petra will be related to Pascual so that they will forget what happened before. mi‑/ni‑, mi‑ ‑an/ni‑ ‑an. Sim: iba, manang, ag’i, tulang. (sem. domains: - Related by birth.) Language Of Borrowing: Ilocano.

iba 1relative 1.1comm. sibling or cousin, relative of the same generation. Adugam tun ibam Take care of your brother/sister. Deket kanan nan tagu di humagabi, ipainila na ni-an hi iibana When a man decides to perform the ‘hagabi’, he must first inform all his relatives. Sim: manang, ag’i, tulang, kamang. (sem. domains: - Brother, sister.) 1.2n. a companion. 2intrans. to be related. Mun-iba da. They are related. muN‑/nuN‑. 3trans. to be related to someone specific. Da Dulawan di ibaon nad Lagawe. The Dulawans are their relations in Lagawe. ‑on/‑in‑. id. pun-ib-ibat nangamung

dangpa₁ 1trans. to be unsuspecting of someone or something. Dangpahom nan at-attona ot maki-e kan hiya?. You are unsuspecting about what he does and yet you went with him? ‑on/‑in‑. (sem. domains: - Stupid.) 2intrans. naive; innocently childlike. He-a ken manangpa ni-an ya op-opya ka. As for you, you are still childlike so you should keep quiet. Dita ke boppon makannangpa ya adita oggan maki-kie hanadah nakannomnoman te talatalammon dita. Those of us who are very naive should not be going around with those who are clever because they will trick us. maN‑, maka‑.

ag’i comm. sibling; brother; sister; cousin. Hin-aaggi dadiyen u-ungan mun-ay-ayyam. Those children playing are cousins. All the relatives of the same generation as the speaker may be referred to as a sibling. hin‑ CV‑ C2. Sim: iba, manang, tulang, kamang. (sem. domains: - Brother, sister.)

tanghoy 1comm. watercress. Tummol di tanghoy nah malini ya matuning an liting. Watercress grows in clear and cool water. Nasturtium officinale (sem. domains: 1.5.3 - Grass, herb, vine.) 2intrans. to gather watercress. Eka mananghoy nah payo ta ammungok tudan ginga. Go and gather watercress in the field while I gather these shellfish. maN‑.

tulang 1comm. a sibling; brother; sister. Kaatna day tulang mu? How many brothers and sisters do you have. Hi Luisa ya inan di duwan hintulang. Luisa was the mother of two children (lit. siblings) Sim: iba, manang, ag’i, kamang. (sem. domains: - Brother, sister.) 2comm. related to; kin. Hintulang di ammod mi. Our ancestors are kin. hiN‑. 3trans. to relate to someone as a sibling. Tulangom nadan imbabalen Juan. You are related to the children of Juan. ‑on/‑in‑. der. hintutulang infl. tutulang