Search results for "nuwang"

pikiyoko comm. stem and unopened leaves of the bolwang tree. Pikiyoko nan inhaad da nah nuwnuwang. It is the stem and unopened leaves of the bolwang-tree that they place on the toy carabao.

pi- caus. this prefix encodes the presence of a causative agent in the action. Mahapul an hanan himmagabi ya taganah kolong hi nuwang o babuy ta pihdana nadah deh muyung ya nadan udum an bumadbaddang. The man performing the hagabi-ceremony must go on butchering carabao and pigs to feed the people in the forest and all the others who are helping him. (sem. domains: - Verb affixes.)

pattol 1intrans. to graze; to pasture. Immen e numpattol hi nuwang nan imbabalem. Your child went to pasture the water buffalo. muN‑/nuN‑. (sem. domains: 6.3 - Animal husbandry.) 2trans. to pasture animals. Ipattol mu nan gulding. Graze the goat. i‑/iN‑. der. pumpattolan

pastu 1comm. pasture. Wadaday gulding nah pastu. There are goats in the pasture. Syn: kudal. (sem. domains: 6.2.9 - Farmland.) 2trans. to graze animals in pasture. Ena impastu nan nuwang. He went to have the carabao graze. i‑/iN‑. (sem. domains: 6.3 - Animal husbandry.) Language Of Borrowing: Ilocano.

pae (infl. of e) 1trans. to free something; to set loose; to release, may be used of release from jail. Ipaem nan manuk. Set the chicken free. Paeyam nan linubid ta adi mabitkol nan babuy. Release some of the rope so the pig will not be strangled. i‑/iN‑, ‑an/‑in‑ ‑an. 3B Move and release object. (sem. domains: - Set free.) 2intrans. to set oneself free. Mumpae nan nuwang hin adim ihamad di gakod na. The carabao will set itself free if you do not fix its rope. muN‑/nuN‑.

otak 1comm. large single-edged knife tool, used in agricultural tasks, splitting wood, etc.; bolo An inalam nan otak? Did you bring along the bolo? Matadom nan otak mu. Your bolo is sharp. Sim: hinalung, kulukul, uwa. (sem. domains: 6.2.8 - Agricultural tool.) 2intrans. to bring along a bolo. Nun-inotak an e nanibo nah natalak an nuwang. They brought along thier bolos to look for the lost carabao. muN‑ iN‑/nuN‑ iN‑. id. kay hubil di nuwang di otak id. Maid di hilbin di adi tumadom an otak.

ongngal (ongal) quan. quantifies by size, any noun referent, i. e. person, place or thing. Manibo dah ohan magangan ongngal an kaiw. They search for a large, hardwood tree. Mangin-innum da moy tagu ya hamulon da nan ongngal an nuwang an makalin hidug. After the free-for-all rice-throwing, the people go on with the merrymaking, drinking and feasting on a big carabao called a hidug. (sem. domains: 8.2 - Big.) infl. kaongngalan

og’a₁ 1trans. to drop something. Inggana nan banga ot maphik. He dropped the pot and it broke. (sem. domains: 7.3.2 - Move something in a direction.) 2to fall. 2.1intrans. to lose balance and fall off or fall down. Mun-oga kah na hin mipinggit ka. You will fall off there if you stay on the side. An pinatnaam di mag-ah nitag-e? Have you ever fallen from a high place? Impakakkag-an nan dibdib nah nihap-e. The wind caused all the clothes in the clothesline to fall. muN‑/nuN‑, ma‑/na‑. Sim: balintuwag, lotwad, tu-un, uhbung. (sem. domains: - Fall.) 2.2pass. for an inanimate thing or animal to fall off or down. Nag-a day bungan di mangga te maid udan. The mango blossoms fell off because there has been no rain. Nag-a nan nuwang ot mate. The carabao fell off and it died. ma‑/na‑. 2.3trans. refers to something falling; the place where it falls is in view. Daanay nag-ahan nan talak? Where did the truck fall off? Adida mag-ahan nadah batun mungkakag-a. They can be safe from the falling pieces of rocks. ma‑ ‑an/na‑ ‑an.

obay comm. female carabao. Nate nan obay an nuwang nan hinag-on mi. The female carabao of our neighbor is dead. (sem. domains: 1.6.7 - Male and female animals.)

o conj. conjoins alternative choices. Mahapul datuwe ten mungkail ka: boga, dayakkot an pummayume, ongngal an banga o palyuk, binokbok ya buhi. These are needed in the making of rice wine: ordinary rice, glutinous rice to be mixed with it, a big pot or vat, native yeast (leaves of the binokbok- plant) and a wine jar. Mahapul an hanan himmagabi ya taganah kolong hi nuwang o babuy ta pihdana nadah deh muyung ya nadan udum an bumadbaddang. The man performing the hagabi-ceremony must go on butchering carabao or pigs to feed the people in the forest and all the others who are helping him. Coordinating conjunctions. Sim: weno. (sem. domains: - Clause conjunctions.)

nuwang 1comm. carabao; water buffalo, native to tropical Asia; used to pull carts, plows, etc. Kaatnay nuwang yu? How many carabao do you have? Dakol di longonah nuwang ya babuy. Many carabao and pigs are butchered. Sim: duwog, tamaraw, hidug. (sem. domains: 1.6.1 - Types of animals.) 2intrans. to raise carabaos. Naligat di munnuwang hin maid di kudal. It is difficult to raise carabaos if one has no pastureland. muN‑/nuN‑. 3trans. to butcher a carabao during wedding or burial feast. Nuwangan da nan nate. They will butcher a carabao during the third day of the death. ‑an/‑in‑ ‑an. id. kay hinunggop di nuwang

nuN- -inn- rec. this circumfix encodes a reciprocal action or activity; past tense; cross-references subjects. Deket mo ta nakaggibu ya matibo nan duwan kapkapyan di ulun di nuwang nah numbinnongwa. When it (the bench) is really finished, it looks like a misshapen animal with two carabao heads, one on each end. Numbinnalbal dah bulwati. They washed each other’s clothes. Nunkinnaan da hi apatut. They removed each others’ shoe. Sim: muN- -inn-. (sem. domains: - Verb affixes.)

nunbinnongwa (der. of bongwa) intrans. refers to the two ends of something that is whole, but may be thought of as being in halves; derived from the root meaning to be cut in half. Deket mo ta nakaggibu ya matibo nan duwan kapkapyan di ulun di nuwang nah numbinnongwa. When it (the bench) is really finished, it looks like a misshapen animal with two carabao heads, one on each end.

ni-ahan (infl. of ahan) adjunct. expresses hope for a good outcome; to defer to someone; do something for the good of another; expressing that it is good that something bad did not happen. Iyam ni-ahan nan otak. At least hand me the machete. Ugge ni-ahan nate nan nuwang. At least the carabao did not die. Kon baliwan mu di ninomnom mun aton ta iunnud mu ni-ahan hi pinhod na. Will you change what you had decided to do, so that you will follow what he wants? Attitudinal. (sem. domains: 9.2.6 - Particles.)

ne₁ conj. 1and then; then; expresses a chronological time sequence of events. Painumam nan nuwang ne in-anamut. Let the carabao drink, then bring it home. Coordinating conjunctions. 2and so; expresses a logical result connection to a preceding sentence in context. Ne daan nan kabayu an etaku alan? And so, where is the horse that we came to get? (sem. domains: - Clause conjunctions.)

nakaC1- mod. this prefix is an intensifying modal affix; past tense. Nakal-ot di bungug nan duplanu ten munda-ul. The plane produces a very loud noise when it is about to land. Adiyak pakah-od ke Talakka te nakakkableyak mon muntattattayun. I couldn’t wait for Talakka because I was so tired from hanging. Deket mo ta nakaggibu ya matibo nan duwan kapkapyan di ulun di nuwang nah numbinnongwa. When it (the bench) is really finished, it looks like a misshapen animal with two carabao heads, one on each end. Sim: makaC1-. (sem. domains: - Verb affixes.)

meyor (sp. var. mayor) 1comm. the chief executive of a municipality or town, elected or appointed. Dakol di nuwang nan meyor. The mayor has many carabao. (sem. domains: - Government official.) 2intrans. to be mayor; to serve as mayor. Hi Pio di mummeyor ad uwani te numbakasyon hi meyor. Pio will act as the mayor because the mayor has taken a leave. muN‑/nuN‑. Language Of Borrowing: English.

malka (sp. var. marka) 1comm. any identifying mark, e.g. brand on animal. Inilana di malkan nan baka da. He knows the brand of their cow. Hituwey marka an inha-ad da nah baka. This is the brand they placed on the cow. (sem. domains: 3.5.6 - Sign, symbol.) 2trans. to brand or place an identifying mark on something. Malkaan yu nadan baka. Brand the cows. Mummalka dah nuwang nah pastu. They are branding carabao in the pasture. Minalkaana nan saku. He placed an identifying mark on the sack. ‑an/‑in‑ ‑an, muN‑/nuN‑. 5A Changing state of site by adding something. (sem. domains: 7.7.7 - Mark.) Language Of Borrowing: Spanish: marca.

makali (der. of kali) pass. to give a name to something; for an item to be called by a particular name or title. Hituwen makalin hagabi di katbalan di tagu peman. This so-called prestige feast hagabi entitles a man to due respect by his co-villagers. Mangin-inum da moy tagu ya hamulon da nan ongngal an nuwang an makalin hidug. The people go on with merrymaking, drinking and feasting on a big carabao called a hidug.

mahapul it is necessary. 1.1pred. having a need for something. Mahapul kuy ulo. I need a blanket. Nganney mahapul? What is needed? (sem. domains: - Need.) 1.2sta. to be necessary; predicates necessity; it must be; it is needed. Mahapul an mamitlu kan mun-amo ohan algo. You have to take a bath three times a day. Mahapul an hanan himmagabi ya taganah kolong hi nuwang o babuy ta pihdana nadah deh muyung ya nadan udum an bumadbaddang. The man performing the Hagabi-ceremony must go on butchering carabao and pigs to feed the people in the forest and all the others who are helping him. Mahapul an ume ka. You must go. Sim: kinwani, importante. (sem. domains: - Necessary.) Language Of Borrowing: Ilocano: masapul.

luki trans. to remove the skin of a quadruped’s head. Lukiyam nan nuwang ta ipal-it taku. Remove the skin of the carabao’s head and we will cook it in a bamboo tube. ‑an/‑in‑ ‑an.

luddun trans. to roll up something, e.g. mat, paper; to coil rope or wire. Luddunom nan nahyupam. Roll up your mat. Linuddun na nan gakod di nuwang. He coiled the carabao’s tethering rope. ‑on, ‑um‑, ma‑. (sem. domains: 7.3.2 - Move something in a direction.)

lubid 1comm. a string or rope. Nangiayam nah lubid? Where did you take the rope? Sim: tali. (sem. domains: - Rope, string.) 2trans. to make a rope by twisting fibers. Lumubid kah pangakod nah nuwang. Make a rope for the carabao’s tether. ‑um‑/‑imm‑. Language Of Borrowing: Ilocano. der. linubid

longo₂ trans. to butcher animals particularly for the purpose of providing a feast. Kaddakaddangyana te dakol di longonah nuwang ya babuy. He is very rich because he will butcher many carabao and pigs. ‑on/‑in‑. (sem. domains: - Custom.)

lapa comm. the upper part of the legs of a quadruped; thigh, shoulder. Inalanay lapan di nuwang an kinlong tulang na. He got the thigh part of the carabao that his brother butchered. (sem. domains: 1.6.2 - Parts of an animal.)