Search results for "pukdit"

dukwit 1trans. to touch someone briefly on any part of body; to tap or touch lightly. Dukwitam ta iang-ang nah tu. Touch him so that he will look this way. Idukwit mu nah pukol na. Tap him on the shoulder. ‑an/‑in‑ ‑an, i‑/iN‑. 5C Goal oriented sites. Sim: pukdit. (sem. domains: - Touch.) 2intrans. to touch someone with malice. Adik pinhod an uggan mih-up ke hiya te dumukwit. I do not like to go near him because he touches with malice. ‑um‑.

pukdit trans. 1to get attention by touching briefly with fingers; light tap or touch with the finger, usually index finger. Pukditam ta iang-ang nah tu. Touch him so that he will face here. Ipukdit muh odog na ta itibo nah tu. Touch him briefly on the back so that he will face here. ‑an/‑in‑ ‑an, i‑/iN‑. 5C Goal-oriented sites. Sim: dukwit; Sim: pultik. (sem. domains: - Touch.) 2to touch briefly with amorous intent. Adina pinhod an mipaldang ke Pedlo te mamukpukdit. She does not like to sit beside Pedro because he touches with amorous intentions. maN‑/naN‑.

pultik trans. to hit someone or something with a fillip; to snap or flick with the finger. Adika kumalikali te pultikok di tokom. Stop talking or I will flick your mouth. Pinultik nay olong ku. He flicked my nose. ‑on/‑in‑. 4B Tactile - Touch contact. Sim: pukdit. (sem. domains: 7.7.1 - Hit.) der. pinnultik