Search results for "pukpuk₂"

pukpuk₂ trans. 1to drive a nail into something. Pukpukom nan patak ta mihamad tun kaiw. Drive in the nail so that the wood will hold firm. Ipukpuk mu nan mantiyu. Use the hammer in driving the nail in. ‑on/‑in‑, i‑/iN‑. 4B Tactile - Touch contact. (sem. domains: 7.7.1 - Hit.) 2to hit someone on the head. Pukpukon dakn dida te linukum dida. They will hit you in the head because you fooled them. Ipukpuk da nan dinikhal. They will use the split firewood in hitting you in the head. Pinukpuk day uluna ot mundadala. They hit him in the head and it is bleeding. ‑on/‑in‑, i‑/iN‑. Language Of Borrowing: Ilocano.