Search results for "tab-un"

tabab trans. to fill a hole with soil or stones. Tababon yu nan uwang. You fill the hole with soil. Itabab yu nadan lugit ya pating. Fill it with the litter and twigs. Muntabab da ta mundotal nan dola. They are filling in holes so that the yard will be level. ‑on/‑in‑, i‑/iN‑, muN‑/nuN‑. Sim: tab-un. (sem. domains: - Put in.)

tab-un trans. to cover grasses or rice stalks with dirt or leaves for the purpose of making compost to be used as fertilizer. Tab-unam hi luta nan holok ta mabuluk. Cover the grass with soil so it will rot. Itab-un mu nan dagamih na ta ahim itanom amput. You bury the rice stalks in the soil before you plant the garlic. ‑an/‑in‑ ‑an, i‑/iN‑. Sim: tabab. (sem. domains: 6.2 - Agriculture.)