Search results for "tukyang"

kuty’ang comm. frog species that is thin. Kinan nan ulog nan kutyang. The snake ate the frog. Sim: tukak, tukyang. (sem. domains: - Reptile.)

tukak comm. a tree frog, thin species. Dakol di tukak nah wa-el. There are many frogs in the creek. Sim: tukyang, kuty’ang; gen: bakbak. (sem. domains: - Amphibian.)

tukyang comm. a frog species, very small; cannot really jump making it a snake’s favorite dish. Kinan nan ulog nan tukyang kinali waday mun-itit nah makape. The snake ate the tukyang-frog that is why there is a hissing sound among the coffee plants. Sim: tukak, kuty’ang. (sem. domains: - Amphibian.)