Search results for "tumagu"

namnama 1comm. to desire something with an expectation of fulfillment; to hope. Waday namnama nan tumagu. He has a hope of surviving. (sem. domains: - Confident.) 2trans. to hope for something specific. Namnamaon na nguminay bulhe. He is hoping that beans will become expensive. ‑on. Language Of Borrowing: Ilocano.

dulmug comm. rock, white variety; breaks up easily. Adi tumaguy mitanom nah dulmug. Plants do not grow in rocky places. Sim: muling, talugtug; Spec: buttigi; gen: bat’u. (sem. domains: - Rock.)

pula comm. a reddish, brown soil for making pots; clay. Adi tumaguy nitanom te pula nan luta. The plants can’t thrive because the soil is red clay. (sem. domains: - Soil, dirt.)

tagu₁ 1comm. man; human; person. Hay punnomnom hanadan tatagu handih done ya nadan tatagud uwani ya ongal di ugge da nun-ingngohan. The way people long ago thought does not compare at all with the way people of today do. Ambiambilog ya dakkodakkol di tatagu. It is wide and there are plenty of people. Deket kanan nan tagu di humagabi, ipainila na ni-an hi iibana When a man decides to perform the hagabi-ritual, he must first inform all his relatives (sem. domains: 2 - Person.) 2comm. young adult; teenager. <Morphology: kat-agu> (sem. domains: - Youth.) 3sta. to be alive; to revive. Nganney hangliw di nitaguwan hin mihahhaad kah nunhituwam an adika bumudal an makidammuh tatagu? What’s the joy of living if you stay in your house all the time and never go out to meet people? Inilak ot adiyak e mitmittagun munligligat te waday homok di namyun ha-oy. I know that I will not be living in hardship because the one who created me is merciful. Hay kanan di doctor ya aga kanuy nanagun he-a. According to the doctor, medicine will revive you. ni‑ ‑an, miC‑ CVC, naN‑. 4comm. physical stature. <Inflected form: katagu> (sem. domains: 2.1 - Body.) 5comm. to survive, to revive. <Inflected form: tumagu> 6comm. a carved wooden statue of a person used in the traditional religion. <Inflected form: tinattaggu> (sem. domains: - Idol.) der. katagu der. katagutagu der. kat-agu der. makitaguttagu infl. tatagu say. Hay tagu umat hi bulan, naongal on naittay.

tumagu (der. of tagu) intrans. to survive sickness or accident. Man tumagu nan ahu hin porgaom. That dog will survive if you deworm it. Timmagu nan babuy. The pig survived (lit. became alive). ‑um‑/‑imm‑. 2E Body/Physiological functions. (sem. domains: 2.6 - Life.)

yahya 1comm. breath. Nate mo nan babuy te maid di yahya na. The pig is already dead becasue it has no breath. Nahipdut di yahyan apu. Grandfather is dead (lit. his breath is severed). 2intrans. to breathe. Munyahyah taku te matagu taku. We are breathing because we are alive. Yumahya ka ta donglok di gangon nan balam. Breathe so that I can listen to your lungs. muN‑/nuN‑, ‑um‑/‑imm‑. 2E Body/Physiological functions. (sem. domains: 2.2.1 - Breathe, breath.) 3trans. to breathe with cross-referencing of the mouth as a path-object. Adim iyahya hi tokom. Do not breathe through your mouth. Yahyaham di toko nat tumagu. Breathe into his mouth to make him live. i‑/iN‑, ‑an/‑in‑ ‑an. id. mahipdut di yahya id. nal-iwwan an yumahya