Search results for "wannat"

matoan (infl. of toan) sta. desolate; refers to land that has been abandoned; may also describe the state of any village, city or country that has been abandoned by people. Hidiyen boble ya munnanong an matoan ya maid moy mawannat hidi. (Isaiah 34:10b) As for that country, it will be abandoned forever and no one will make even a brief appearance there. ma‑. 6C Process or state of inanimate objects. (sem. domains: 6.2.9 - Farmland.)

wannat sta. to appear briefly. Oh-ohhaak nah bale mu maid maptok ya waday nawannat an tagu ya indai bo ya nama-id ot tumakutak mo. I was alone in the house when someone appeared briefly and then disappeared and I was afraid. Oggan mawannat hitu te numbaled Lagawe. He comes here once in a while because he already built a house in Lagawe. ma‑/na‑. 6D Descriptives. (sem. domains: 8.5.3 - Be at a place.)